11 research outputs found

    Appendix A. A table of community parameter values before (2000) and after (2003) climate change simulations in alpine Norway.

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    A table of community parameter values before (2000) and after (2003) climate change simulations in alpine Norway

    Appendix B. A figure showing the relationships between change in Dryas octopetala cover and change in community diversity parameters from 2000 to 2003 in climate change simulation plots in alpine Norway.

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    A figure showing the relationships between change in Dryas octopetala cover and change in community diversity parameters from 2000 to 2003 in climate change simulation plots in alpine Norway

    Appendix C. A table of simple linear regressions between change in Dryas octopetala cover and changes in community diversity parameters in climate change simulation plots from 2000 to 2003 in alpine Norway.

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    A table of simple linear regressions between change in Dryas octopetala cover and changes in community diversity parameters in climate change simulation plots from 2000 to 2003 in alpine Norway

    Variation explained at broad and fine geographical scales.

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    <p>Compositional variation in graminoid and forb species (% of total deviance [CCA] or variation [RDA]) explained by abiotic and biotic environmental variables, grouped and separately, at the a) regional/among site scale and b) local/within site scale when all sites are part of the same canonical correspondence analysis (CCA). Part c) shows parallel results for separate site-wise redundancy analyses (RDA) analyses for each of eleven grassland sites in southern Norway. LOI refers to Loss-On-Ignition, a measure of soil organic matter.</p

    Overall ordination of the grid.

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    <p>Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) of measured biotic (green) and abiotic (black) environmental variables and alpine (▲), sub-alpine (●) and boreal (▼) sites along a precipitation gradient (1–4 from light to dark blue, see <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0130205#pone.0130205.g001" target="_blank">Fig 1</a>) in southern Norway. LOI refers to Loss-On-Ignition, a measure of soil organic matter. Eigenvalues axis 1 = 0.472, axis 2 = 0.248, axis 3 = 0.182, axis 4 = 0.137. Only the two first axes are shown.</p

    Map and study design.

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    <p>Location of the twelve study sites along temperature and precipitation gradients in the fjord landscape of southern Norway.</p

    Regression slopes and associated p-values (* <i>p</i> < 0.05, · <i>p</i> < 0.1, no symbol = not significant) of relationships between variation in forb and graminoid species composition explained by local abiotic and biotic environmental variables in redundancy analyses (RDA) of local grassland species composition along broad scale temperature and precipitation gradients in southern Norway.

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    <p>LOI refers to Loss-On-Ignition, a measure of soil organic matter. n = 11.</p><p>Regression slopes and associated p-values (* <i>p</i> < 0.05, · <i>p</i> < 0.1, no symbol = not significant) of relationships between variation in forb and graminoid species composition explained by local abiotic and biotic environmental variables in redundancy analyses (RDA) of local grassland species composition along broad scale temperature and precipitation gradients in southern Norway.</p

    Altitude, annual precipitation, summer temperature, number of plots sampled and mean ± standard deviations of predictor variables at alpine, sub alpine, and boreal grassland sites along precipitation gradients (low [1] to high [4]) in southern Norway.

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    <p>LOI refers to Loss-On-Ignition, a measure of soil organic matter.</p><p>Altitude, annual precipitation, summer temperature, number of plots sampled and mean ± standard deviations of predictor variables at alpine, sub alpine, and boreal grassland sites along precipitation gradients (low [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0130205#pone.0130205.ref001" target="_blank">1</a>] to high [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0130205#pone.0130205.ref004" target="_blank">4</a>]) in southern Norway.</p

    ANOVA estimates, F- and P-values of the relative proportion of the explained variation accounted for by biotic (vs abiotic) variables in redundancy analyses (RDA) of graminoid and forb species composition in grassland sites along temperature and precipitation gradients in southern Norway.

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    <p>Temperature and precipitation are expressed factorial variables (three temperature levels: alpine, sub-alpine, boreal, and four precipitation levels 1–4). Functional type (graminoid vs forb) and its interactions were not significant and therefore not included in the final model. n = 22.</p><p>ANOVA estimates, F- and P-values of the relative proportion of the explained variation accounted for by biotic (vs abiotic) variables in redundancy analyses (RDA) of graminoid and forb species composition in grassland sites along temperature and precipitation gradients in southern Norway.</p

    Feedingmarks on Dryas octopetala and Bistorta vivipara inside and otside OTCs at Finse, Norway

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    The data is based on field observations in two summer periods. The file consists of 3 datasheets: 1. used in table 1 in publication with feeding marks on Bistorta and Dryas. Feeding index as defined in publications 2. feeding marks on other common plant species 3. precentage of each leaf removed (table 2 in publication)