23 research outputs found

    Phylogenetic analyses

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    Zip contains files used to estimate an ultrametric phylogeny of the Centrolenidae in BEAST V2. Files include a concatenated sequence matrix for the 10 genes used (Alignment), pooled runs from BEAST analyses for 10,001 trees, and the summarized MMC tree

    Comparative analyses of caring sex & duration

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    Zip folder contains files used to estimate ancestral caring sex (39spp), and ancestral care duration (48spp), and correlational analyses of discrete states (39 spp) & continuous care durations during embryonic development (15 spp). We also estimated care states in unobserved species: in these files each unknown spp was allowed to exhibit all two/three potential states. We ran similar analyses in R phytools using stochastic character mapping; for those we wrote a simple for loop to assign unknown taxa an equal prior for each of three states (contact J. Delia for script)

    Functional analyses in Cochranella granulosa & Teratohyla pulverata

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    Zip contains a folder for each of three experiments of maternal care: maternal removal experiments, katydid predation experiments, and natural history of maternal clutch hydration

    Embryo displacement data

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    These data are from the embryo displacement experiment. They are related to the timing of hatching events for rotation control and displaced embryos

    Appendix E. Examples of egg clutches of phyllomedusine hylid frogs, Agalychnis and Pachymedusa, showing differences between highly gelatinous and minimally gelatinous clutches.

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    Examples of egg clutches of phyllomedusine hylid frogs, Agalychnis and Pachymedusa, showing differences between highly gelatinous and minimally gelatinous clutches

    Appendix D. GenBank accession numbers for DNA sequences analyzed in this study.

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    GenBank accession numbers for DNA sequences analyzed in this study

    Appendix F. Bufo americanus eggs on our laboratory experiment showing heavy mold infection in a replicate without Rana sylvatica tadpoles and healthy, mold-free eggs in two replicates where Rana sylvatica tadpoles ate the mold.

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    Bufo americanus eggs on our laboratory experiment showing heavy mold infection in a replicate without Rana sylvatica tadpoles and healthy, mold-free eggs in two replicates where Rana sylvatica tadpoles ate the mold

    Appendix F. Differences in size and developmental stage between early induced hatchlings and modal spontaneous hatchlings in six phyllomedusine treefrogs (Agalychnis and Pachymedusa).

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    Differences in size and developmental stage between early induced hatchlings and modal spontaneous hatchlings in six phyllomedusine treefrogs (Agalychnis and Pachymedusa)

    Appendix E. Rana sylvatica tadpoles feeding on water mold growing on Bufo americanus clutches in a pond in Lynn, Massachusetts, USA.

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    Rana sylvatica tadpoles feeding on water mold growing on Bufo americanus clutches in a pond in Lynn, Massachusetts, USA

    Appendix D. Water mold growing on the surface of an Ambystoma maculatum clutch without penetrating the jelly to reach embryos.

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    Water mold growing on the surface of an Ambystoma maculatum clutch without penetrating the jelly to reach embryos