93 research outputs found

    Alexandre Yersin's explorations (1892-1894) in French Indochina before the discovery of the plague bacillus.

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    Alexandre Yersin, the great French discoverer of yersinia pestis, was a keen explorer of unknown lands. At the age of 30, a member of the French Colonial Health service, he set off to fulfil his intimate dream and explore other continents. For almost two years and three long expeditions, he journeyed through widely unknown regions in the province of the French Indochina, in southeast Asia, territories of Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos. This article presents vignettes from his explorations. During his difficult travels, he carefully planned and noted his itineraries; designed new routes, but also observed and recorded sociodemographic and environmental data and unidentified diseases. The immature science of late 19th century geography had the strength to allure such an influential medical figure and place him among the early medical geographers. His journeys, observations and recordings brought to Yersin great experience, and he made his most important scientific contributions after he had concluded his explorations


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    Background: Unani Medicine, also called “Unani-tibb”, has a long and impressive record in India based on the grecoarabic medicine and teachings of Hippocrates, Galen and Arab physicians. Its main principle is the maintenance of equilibrium among the various aspects of the body, made up of four elements, different temperaments, simple and compound organs, and four humours. Methods: The main bibliographic sources concerning the impact of ancient Greek medicine in India and the principles of Unani Medicine have been investigated and analysed. Results: The assimilation of Hippocratic principles in a country with a different philosophy and worldview was successful. The ancient Greek medical system enriched with local elements encountered a large response to the Indian people and to the physicians. Conclusions: Nowadays Unani medicine is not only popular in India where several Unani practitioners are registered but it enjoys a worldwide upsurge of interest.Pozadina: Unani medicina, također poznata pod nazivom „Unani-tibb“, ima dugu i impresivnu povijest u Indiji koja se temelji na grčko-arapskoj medicini i učenju Hipokrata, Galena i arapskih liječnika. Njen glavni princip je održavanje ravnoteže među različitim aspektima tijela, sastavljenome od četiri elementa, različitih temperamenata, jednostavnih i složenih organa te četiri tekućine. Metode: Istraženi su i analizirani glavni bibliografski izvori koji se odnose na utjecaj antičke grčke medicine u Indiji i na načela Unani medicine. Rezultati: asimilacija Hipokratovih načela u zemlji s različitom filozofijom i pogledom na svijet bila je uspješna. Drevni grčki medicinski sustav obogaćen s lokalnim elementima naišao je na veliki odaziv indijskog naroda i liječnika. Zaključak: Danas Unani medicina nije samo popularna u Indiji, gdje je registrirano nekoliko praktičara Unani medicine, već ona uživa porast interesa u cijelom svijetu


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    Although ancient Greek physicians described several mental disorders, their medical texts bring little information about postpartum depression as defined by modern medicine. Only one reference in ancient Greek medical literature - a passage from Soranus’ Gynaeciorum libri IV - can be considered a clear presentation of this mental disorder. Soranus’ interpretation seems to be firmly based on the tenets of the four humours.Premda su stari Grčki liječnici pisali o različitim mentalnim poremećajima, nema gotovo nijednog zapisa o postpartalnoj depresiji u smislu kojem ga definira moderna medicina. Tek se jedna referenca u starogrčkoj medicinskoj literaturi može nedvosmisleno smatrati opisom ovog mentalnog poremećaja, a to je odlomak iz Soranovog Gynaeciorum libri IV. Sudeći iz zapisa, Soranovo se tumačenje poremećaja čvrsto temelji na načelima četiri tjelesne tekućine

    The “torpedo” effect in medicine

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    The natural electrical phenomena fascinated humans since antiquity. The electrical discharges produced by the torpedo fish were highly appreciated among ancient physicians as Hippocrates, Scribonius Largus and Galen and were prescribed for headache, gout and prolapsed anus. In the medieval period, torpedo’s electrical properties were attributed to occult powers, while Renaissance physicians’ and scientists’ studied the anatomy and mechanical nature of the provoked shock paving the way for the discovery of the electrical nature of torpedo’s activity and the evolution of electrotherapy

    The eminent Italian scholar Pietro d’Abano (1250-1315) and his contribution in anatomy

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    Pietro d’Abano is recognized as a leading figure in the early history of European medical faculties. Translator and scholar, he translated and commented in Latin the doctrines of Greek and Arab physicians and philosophers having an ambitious attempt, to reconcile the opposing views of Arab medicine and Greek natural philosophy. Moreover he was one of the first to claim, three centuries before Harvey, that the heart is the source of blood vessels


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    In an era when medicine in Greece was dominated by men, at the end of the 19th and during the first decades of 20th century, two women, Maria Kalapothakes [in Greek: Μαρία Καλαποθάκη] (1859-1941) and Angélique Panayotatou [in Greek: Αγγελική Παναγιωτάτου] (1878-1954), managed to stand out and contribute to the evolution of medicine. Maria Kalapothakes received medical education in Paris and then she returned to Greece. Not only did she contribute to several fields of medicine, but also exercised charity and even undertook the task of treating war victims on many occasions. Angélique Panayotatou studied medicine at the University of Athens and then moved to Alexandria in Egypt, where she specialized in tropical medicine and also engaged in literature. Panayotatou became the first female professor of the Medical School of Athens and the first female member of the Academy of Athens. In recognition for their contributions, Kalapothakes and Panayotatou received medals and honors for both their scientific work and social engagement


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    Although ancient Greek physicians described several mental disorders, their medical texts bring little information about postpartum depression as defined by modern medicine. Only one reference in ancient Greek medical literature - a passage from Soranus’ Gynaeciorum libri IV - can be considered a clear presentation of this mental disorder. Soranus’ interpretation seems to be firmly based on the tenets of the four humours.Premda su stari Grčki liječnici pisali o različitim mentalnim poremećajima, nema gotovo nijednog zapisa o postpartalnoj depresiji u smislu kojem ga definira moderna medicina. Tek se jedna referenca u starogrčkoj medicinskoj literaturi može nedvosmisleno smatrati opisom ovog mentalnog poremećaja, a to je odlomak iz Soranovog Gynaeciorum libri IV. Sudeći iz zapisa, Soranovo se tumačenje poremećaja čvrsto temelji na načelima četiri tjelesne tekućine


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    The use of ant mandibles as surgical clips was documented by the ancient Indian physicians Susruta and Charaka as early as 1000 BC and continued in some world areas into the early 1900s. According to the memoirs of the Greek revolutionary general Ioannis Makriyannis, this technique was also applied in the battlefields of the Greek Revolution for Independence between 1821 and 1832.Još 1000 g. pr. n. e. indijski liječnici Sušruta i Čaraka spominju primjenu mravljih čeljusti kao kirurških kopči, koja se nastavila u nekim dijelovima svijeta sve do prve polovice XIX. stoljeća. Prema zapisima iz sjećanja grčkog revolucionara, generala Yannisa Makriyannisa, ova se tehnika primjenjivala i na bojištima u Grčkoj tijekom Revolucije za neovisnost od 1821. do 1832