518 research outputs found

    Semiorthogonal decompositions of derived categories of equivariant coherent sheaves

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    Let X be an algebraic variety with an action of an algebraic group G. Suppose X has a full exceptional collection of sheaves, and these sheaves are invariant under the action of the group. We construct a semiorthogonal decomposition of bounded derived category of G-equivariant coherent sheaves on X into components, equivalent to derived categories of twisted representations of the group. If the group is finite or reductive over the algebraically closed field of zero characteristic, this gives a full exceptional collection in the derived equivariant category. We apply our results to particular varieties such as projective spaces, quadrics, Grassmanians and Del Pezzo surfaces.Comment: 28 pages, uses XY-pi

    Causal sites as quantum geometry

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    We propose a structure called a causal site to use as a setting for quantum geometry, replacing the underlying point set. The structure has an interesting categorical form, and a natural "tangent 2-bundle," analogous to the tangent bundle of a smooth manifold. Examples with reasonable finiteness conditions have an intrinsic geometry, which can approximate classical solutions to general relativity. We propose an approach to quantization of causal sites as well.Comment: 21 pages, 3 eps figures; v2: added references; to appear in JM

    Jorgensen's inequality for non-Archimedean metric spaces.

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    Jørgensen’s inequality gives a necessary condition for a non-elementary group of Möbius transformations to be discrete. In this paper we generalise this to the case of groups of Möbius transformations of a non-Archimedean metric space. As an application, we give a version of Jørgensen’s inequality for SL(2, ℚ p )

    Higher-dimensional Algebra and Topological Quantum Field Theory

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    The study of topological quantum field theories increasingly relies upon concepts from higher-dimensional algebra such as n-categories and n-vector spaces. We review progress towards a definition of n-category suited for this purpose, and outline a program in which n-dimensional TQFTs are to be described as n-category representations. First we describe a "suspension" operation on n-categories, and hypothesize that the k-fold suspension of a weak n-category stabilizes for k >= n+2. We give evidence for this hypothesis and describe its relation to stable homotopy theory. We then propose a description of n-dimensional unitary extended TQFTs as weak n-functors from the "free stable weak n-category with duals on one object" to the n-category of "n-Hilbert spaces". We conclude by describing n-categorical generalizations of deformation quantization and the quantum double construction.Comment: 36 pages, LaTeX; this version includes all 36 figure

    2-Vector Spaces and Groupoids

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    This paper describes a relationship between essentially finite groupoids and 2-vector spaces. In particular, we show to construct 2-vector spaces of Vect-valued presheaves on such groupoids. We define 2-linear maps corresponding to functors between groupoids in both a covariant and contravariant way, which are ambidextrous adjoints. This is used to construct a representation--a weak functor--from Span(Gpd) (the bicategory of groupoids and spans of groupoids) into 2Vect. In this paper we prove this and give the construction in detail.Comment: 44 pages, 5 figures - v2 adds new theorem, significant changes to proofs, new sectio

    Lectures on BCOV holomorphic anomaly equations

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    The present article surveys some mathematical aspects of the BCOV holomorphic anomaly equations introduced by Bershadsky, Cecotti, Ooguri and Vafa. It grew from a series of lectures the authors gave at the Fields Institute in the Thematic Program of Calabi-Yau Varieties in the fall of 2013.Comment: reference added, typos correcte

    Towards Integrability of Topological Strings I: Three-forms on Calabi-Yau manifolds

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    The precise relation between Kodaira-Spencer path integral and a particular wave function in seven dimensional quadratic field theory is established. The special properties of three-forms in 6d, as well as Hitchin's action functional, play an important role. The latter defines a quantum field theory similar to Polyakov's formulation of 2d gravity; the curious analogy with world-sheet action of bosonic string is also pointed out.Comment: 31 page

    SS-duality in Vafa-Witten theory for non-simply laced gauge groups

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    Vafa-Witten theory is a twisted N=4 supersymmetric gauge theory whose partition functions are the generating functions of the Euler number of instanton moduli spaces. In this paper, we recall quantum gauge theory with discrete electric and magnetic fluxes and review the main results of Vafa-Witten theory when the gauge group is simply laced. Based on the transformations of theta functions and their appearance in the blow-up formulae, we propose explicit transformations of the partition functions under the Hecke group when the gauge group is non-simply laced. We provide various evidences and consistency checks.Comment: 14 page

    Quivers from Matrix Factorizations

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    We discuss how matrix factorizations offer a practical method of computing the quiver and associated superpotential for a hypersurface singularity. This method also yields explicit geometrical interpretations of D-branes (i.e., quiver representations) on a resolution given in terms of Grassmannians. As an example we analyze some non-toric singularities which are resolved by a single CP1 but have "length" greater than one. These examples have a much richer structure than conifolds. A picture is proposed that relates matrix factorizations in Landau-Ginzburg theories to the way that matrix factorizations are used in this paper to perform noncommutative resolutions.Comment: 33 pages, (minor changes

    Approximate Homomorphisms of Ternary Semigroups

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    A mapping f:(G1,[]1)(G2,[]2)f:(G_1,[ ]_1)\to (G_2,[ ]_2) between ternary semigroups will be called a ternary homomorphism if f([xyz]1)=[f(x)f(y)f(z)]2f([xyz]_1)=[f(x)f(y)f(z)]_2. In this paper, we prove the generalized Hyers--Ulam--Rassias stability of mappings of commutative semigroups into Banach spaces. In addition, we establish the superstability of ternary homomorphisms into Banach algebras endowed with multiplicative norms.Comment: 10 page