717 research outputs found

    Feasibility of charge exchange spectroscopy fast helium measurements on ITER

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    The feasibility to measure fast alpha particles using Active Charge Exchange Recombination Spectroscopy (CXRS) on ITER is investigated. Through modelling of the charge exchange spectral line for fast ions together with the expected background emission, the signal-to-noise ratio has been calculated as a function of the diagnostic design parameters. Combining the CXRS data from both the heating and the diagnostic neutral beams on ITER, information on the fast ion energy spectrum up to 1 MeV can be obtained for the parameters of the ITER core CXRS diagnostic design, provided that the signal is binned in 100 keV bins and a time resolution of Isec is used.</p

    Method to obtain absolute impurity density profiles combining charge exchange and beam emission spectroscopy without absolute intensity calibration

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    Investigation of impurity transport properties in tokamak plasmas is essential and a diagnostic that can provide information on the impurity content is required. Combining charge exchange recombination spectroscopy (CXRS) and beam emission spectroscopy (BES), absolute radial profiles of impurity densities can be obtained from the CXRS and BES intensities, electron density and CXRS and BES emission rates, without requiring any absolute calibration of the spectra. The technique is demonstrated here with absolute impurity density radial profiles obtained in TEXTOR plasmas, using a high efficiency charge exchange spectrometer with high etendue, that measures the CXRS and BES spectra along the same lines-of-sight, offering an additional advantage for the determination of absolute impurity densities

    Understanding helium transport: experimental and theoretical investigations of low-Z impurity transport at ASDEX Upgrade

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    The presence of helium is fundamentally connected to the performance of a fusion reactor, as fusion-produced helium is expected to heat the plasma bulk, while He 'ash' accumulation dilutes the fusion fuel. An understanding of helium transport via experimentally validated theoretical models of the low-Z impurity turbulent transport is indispensable to predict the helium density profile in future fusion devices. At ASDEX Upgrade, detailed, multi-species investigations of low-Z impurity transport have been undertaken in dedicated experiments, resulting in an extensive database of helium and boron density profiles over a wide range of parameters relevant for turbulent transport (normalised gradients of the electron density, the ion temperature, and the toroidal rotation profiles, the collisionality and the electron to ion temperature ratio). Helium is not found to accumulate in the parameter space investigated, as the shape of the helium density profile follows largely that of the electron density. Helium is observed to be as peaked as the electron density at high electron cyclotron resonance heating fraction, and less peaked than the electron density at high neutral beam heating fraction. The boron density profile is found to be consistently less peaked than the electron density profile. Detailed comparisons of the experimental density gradients of both impurities with quasilinear gyrokinetic simulations have shown that a qualitative agreement between experiment and theory cannot always be obtained, with strong discrepancies observed in some cases.EUROfusion Consortium 63305