31 research outputs found

    Features of exogenous development of Trichuris globulosa (Nematoda, Trichuridae)

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    Parasitic nematodes of the genus Trichuris Röderer, 1761 are hematophagous helminths, capable of parasitizing many different hosts including humans. The domestic and wild ruminants are hosts of several Trichuris species, with Trichuris globulosa (Linstow, 1901) one of the most prevalent parasites found in cattle. The exogenous stages of the helminth’s life cycle develop in the outer environment, and their activity and survival depend on the abiotic factors. Thus the aim of the work was to determine the influence of temperature on the rate and success of development of infectious eggs of T. globulosa in laboratory culture considering their morphological and metric changes. The results of experimental studies showed that the embryogenesis of T. globulosa eggs, cultured in laboratory conditions and obtained from gonads of female nematodes, occurs in six stages regardless of the temperature regime. At the same time, the rate of transition from one stage to another, the term for the formation of infectious eggs and their viability directly depends on the temperature of the external environment. At the optimal temperature for the development of T. globulosa eggs, 25 °C, 76.3% of eggs reached the mobile larva stage. A decrease in temperature to 20 °C and an increase to 30° C led to an increase in the egg mortality of up to 26% and 32%, respectively, and the viability of eggs decreased. Under such temperature conditions, 74% and 68% of eggs of Trichuris reached the mobile larva stage. With an increase in the culture temperature, the time of embryogenesis decreased and amounted to 56 days at 20 °C, 48 days at 25 °C, and 32 days at 30 °C. Depending on the temperature regime, the zygote stage lasted from the release of eggs from the gonads of female nematodes to 12 days, the stage of blastomere formation from 4 to 12 days, the stage of the bean-shaped embryo from 8 to 24 days, the stage of the tadpole embryo from 16 to 36 days, the stage of larval formation lasted from 16 to 48 days, the stage of mobile larva from days 20 to 56. The formation of the infectious T. globulosa egg from a non-infectious one is shown in an experiment to include the metric changes confirmed by metric indicators. Mature eggs with a mobile larva are shorter and wider, with shorter and narrower plugs and a thinner shell than eggs at the zygote stage. The obtained research results on the influence of temperature on the exogenous development of Trichuris globulosa will make it possible to predict the epizootic situation of trichurosis in animal husbandry, as well as take timely measures to arrest the embryonic stages of nematode development in the external environment


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    In the context of reforming land relations and land system usage individual methodological approaches and systems of natural and economic indicators of land use efficiency assessment require improvement. The current research covers various views and approaches of native scientists to the evaluation of land resource usage with taking into account factorial and result indicators, which differentially influence the formation of elements of land tenure system and land management efficiency. The efficiency of land tenure system and land management is substantiated to be determined by a set of its priority types: environmental, technological, legal, social, economic, and budgetary efficiency and their varieties. A system of criteria and indicators for integrated assessment of land tenure system and land management efficiency level at the local level has been proposed. It includes assessment of environmental, social and economic efficiency, which are interrelated and interdependent. It has been confirmed that the development of sustainable and effective methodological bases for land tenure system and land management evaluation is gaining great importance in the context of land market introduction in Ukraine and the abolition of moratorium on agricultural land sale

    Клінічний випадок хронічного гепатиту у свійського собаки

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    The article presents a clinical case of chronic hepatitis of alimentary origin in a domestic dog of the Labrador Retriever breed, aged 1.5 years. General depression, hyporexia, intermittent morning vomiting, and diarrhea have been reported clinically. According to the anamnesis data, violations of the animal's lifelong feeding regime were established, as well as non-compliance with the rules of preventive deworming and dosing of drugs. The study in a sick dog showed a slight increase in body temperature (39.5 °C); heart rate and respiration were within normal limits. Palpation did not detect liver tenderness, but the animal's anxiety was recorded when palpating the abdomen. The obtained results were confirmed by ultrasonography. Thus, well-defined contours (edges) of the liver were visualized. The obtained results were confirmed by ultrasonographic examination. Thus, it visualized the enlargement of the liver and rounding of the edges of the body. The echostructure of the body is uneven. The gallbladder was round, with a thickening of the walls, and contained biliary sludge. Increased visualization of hepatic vessels was characteristic. Functional changes in liver function have been established. In a sick dog's serum, the total protein content was 78.3 g/l. A study of total bilirubin revealed a significant increase (9.5 μmol/l). Transaminase activity increased almost 1.7 times and corresponded to 97.0 IU/l (ALT) and 76.3 IU/l (AST). GHTP and alkaline phosphatase activity also underwent upward changes (8,7 and 8,3 IU/l, respectively). The urine had a rich orange color; at the same time, it was cloudy, the consistency was watery and foamy, and the smell was nonspecific/unpleasant. Determination of chemical properties of urine showed: the presence of proteins, urobilinogen; bilirubin; while glucose and ketones - were negative. Single leukocytes were detected by sediment microscopy. Thus, considering the data obtained from a comprehensive study of a sick animal, it can be noted that the final diagnosis in Labrador Retriever dogs is chronic hepatitis. To correct the pathological condition, a scheme of pharmacotherapy was drawn up, which consisted of drugs to restore liver cells' functioning, reduce body intoxication, and improve metabolism. At the same time, a diet (Royal Canin Hepatic Dog) was introduced, with mandatory adherence to the feeding regime.У статті наведений клінічний випадок хронічного гепатиту аліментарного походження у свійського собаки породи лабрадор-ретривер, віком 1,5 року, масою 36 кг. Клінічно встановлено загальне пригнічення, гіпорексію, періодичне ранкове блювання та діарею. З даних анамнезу встановлено порушення режиму годівлі тварини впродовж всього життя, а також недотримання правил проведення профілактичних дегельмінтизацій та дозування препаратів. За дослідження у хворої собаки виявили незначне підвищення температури тіла (39,5 °С), частота пульсу та дихання були в межах норми. Пальпаторно болючість печінки не виявляли, однак реєстрували занепокоєння тварини за пальпації черева. Отримані результати підтвердили за допомогою ультрасонографічного дослідження. Так, візуалізували добре виражені контури (краї) печінки. Ехоструктура органу – нерівномірна. Жовчний міхур округлої форми, з потовщенням стінок та містив біліарний сладж. Характерним була підвищена візуалізація судин печінки. Встановлено функціональні зміни роботи печінки. У сироватці крові хворого собаки вміст загального протеїну становив 78,3 г/л. За дослідження загального білірубіну виявили його значне збільшення (9,5 мкмоль/л). Активність трансаміназ зросла майже у 1,7 раза і відповідала показникам 97,0 МО/л (АлАТ) та 76,3 МО/л (АсАТ). Активність ГГТП і лужної фосфатази також зазнала змін в бік підвищення (8,7 та 83,1 МО/л, відповідно). Сеча мала насичений помаранчевий колір, водночас була каламутною, консистенція – водяниста і піниться, запах – неспецифічний/неприємний. Визначення показників хімічних властивостей сечі показало: наявність білків, уробіліногену; білірубіну; при цьому глюкоза і кетони не виявлялись. За мікроскопії осаду виявляли поодинокі лейкоцити. Таким чином враховуючи отримані дані всебічного дослідження хворої тварини, можна зазначити, що остаточний діагноз у собаки породи лабрадор-ретривер – хронічний гепатит. Для корекції патологічного стану була складена схема фармакотерапії, що складала препарати для відновлення функціонування клітин печінки, зменшення інтоксикації організму, поліпшення обміну речовин. Водночас було запроваджено дієту (Royal Canin Hepatic Dog) з обов’язковим дотриманням режиму годівлі

    Genetic Aspects of Pathogenesis of Congenital Spastic Cerebral Paralysis

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    Congenital spastic cerebral palsy (СР) is a large group of non-progressive disorders of the nervous system. The basis of the pathogenesis of these conditions is considered the impact of many factors. The clinical diversity of the disease and the syndromic principle of classification determine the existing uncertainties in the diagnosis of these diseases. The multifactorial nature of the underlying brain lesions is obvious and beyond doubt. The volume of information accumulated to date does not allow one to exclude the role and significance of the direct effect of acute asphyxiation in childbirth on a fetus normally formed during pregnancy, the role of infectious brain lesions, and disorders of neuronal migration. It is impossible to ignore the dependence of the clinical picture of the disease on what stage of ontogenesis the impact of the damaging agent occurs. As one of the pathogenetic factors, the genetic determinism of the phenotype of the clinical picture of a disease is fairly considered. This review focuses on the genetic aspects of the pathogenesis of this pathology. The information on monogenic mechanisms of inheritance is analyzed in detail. Such genetically determined mechanisms of pathogenesis as the inheritance of prerequisites for brain trauma in the perinatal period are considered separately. The new clinically significant variants of chromosomal mutations found in patients with CР are reviewed in detail,  the evidence of the influence of genetic factors on the development of cerebral palsy in the absence of a pronounced monogenic cause of the disease, obtained through twin studies, is reviewed.  Lit search of polymorphisms markers of predisposition to the development of cerebral palsy genes of the folate cycle, genes of glutamate receptors, the gene of apolipoprotein and of the gene for the transcription factor of oligodendrocytes (OLIG2) in Detail the role of epigenetic effects on the activity of genes coding for mitochondrial proteins

    SNP-Based Chromosomal Microarray Analysis for Detecting DNA Copy Number Variations in Fetuses with a Thickened Nuchal Fold

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    The aim of the study was to assess the diagnostic potential of SNP-based chromosomal microarray analysis for detecting pathogenic copies number variations (CNVs) in fetuses with a normal karyotype, in which an increase in the nuchal translucence of >2.5 mm was detected by ultrasound at a gestational age of 11 weeks to 13 weeks 6 days. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study included 225 pregnant women who underwent invasive prenatal diagnostic procedures following the detection of an isolated thickening of the fetal nuchal fold. The fetal material obtained was examined using a cytogenetic test; if a normal karyotype was confirmed, chromosomal microarray analysis was performed as a second-line test. RESULTS: Pathogenic CNVs were detected in 22 of 225 fetuses (9.8%) with a normal karyotype. Of these 22 fetuses, pathogenic CNVs not classified as syndromes were detected in 14 cases (63.6%), and those previously described as syndromes — in 8 cases (36.4%). In 9 fetuses (41%), CNVs in two non-homologous chromosomes were determined; these findings indicated a high likelihood of carrying balanced translocations in the parents. Indeed, when analyzing the parent’s karyotype, in 8 out of 9 couples, balanced translocations were found in one of the parents. CONCLUSION: Using chromosomal microarray analysis in fetuses with a thickened nuchal fold makes it possible to increase the ability to detect chromosomal imbalances, including those caused by pathological meiotic segregation of parental reciprocal translocation

    The dynamics of the population and peculiarities of the morphometric structure of Melophagus ovinus (Diptera, Hippoboscidae) in Ukraine

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    The indices of the Melophagus ovinus (Linnaeus, 1758) population in Ukraine, and also the peculiarities of morphological and metric structure of the insects’ body at all the stages of their development within the conditions of the surveyed region were investigated. New data on morphometric differential signs of sexually mature males and females of sheep bloodsuckers were obtained. We established that M. ovinus is significantly widespread in Poltava and Zaporizhzhia regions, and parasitizes 26.1% of the examined sheep stock with the infection intensity of 92.7 ± 1.4 specimens and abundance – 24.7 specimens on one animal. The dynamics of M. ovinus population at different stages of development was characterized by the highest abundance of sexually mature males (11.1 specimens on one animal) and females (8.9 specimens). The given index concerning pupae and larvae was considerably lower (4.2 and 0.5 specimens on one animal). It was found that post-embryonic and adult development stages of M. ovinus differ in their metric indices.The length and width of the pupae were 17.4% and 13.2% larger than those of the larvae. The sizes of males and females relative to the indices of body length, the length and width of head, thoracic, and abdominal segments, the length of maxillary palpus and the length and width of the proboscis in fact differ in their values. The differential morphological species signs of M. ovinus are the form and location of the oculi, antennae, the structure of the head segment of the body, and the mouthparts, and of sexual dimorphism – the distance from the caudal segment of the copulatory apparatus to the rear of the insect’s last abdominal segment. The indices of the Melophagus ovinus (Linnaeus, 1758) population in Ukraine, and also the peculiarities of morphological and metric structure of the insects’ body at all the stages of their development within the conditions of the surveyed region were investigated. New data on morphometric differential signs of sexually mature males and females of sheep bloodsuckers were obtained. It was established that M. ovinus are significantly widespread in Poltava and Zaporizhzhia regions, and they parasitize 26.1% of the examined sheep stock with the infection intensity of 92.7 ± 1.4 specimens and abundance – 24.7 specimens on one animal. The dynamics of M. ovinus population at different stages of development was characterized by the highest abundance of sexually mature males (11.1 specimens) and females (8.9 specimens). The given index concerning pupae and larvae was considerably lower (4.2 and 0.5 specimens on one animal). It was found that post-embryonic and adult development stages of M. ovinus differ in their metric indices.The length and width of the pupae were 17.4% and 13.2% larger than those of the larvae. The sizes of males and females relative to the indices of body length, the length and width of head, thoracic, and abdominal segments, the length of maxillary palpus and the length and width of the proboscis in fact differ in their values. The differential morphological species signs of M. ovinus are the form and location of oculi, antennae, the structure of the head segment of the body, and the mouthparts, and of sexual dimorphism – the distance from the caudal segment of the copulatory apparatus to the rear of the insect’s last abdominal segment.