212 research outputs found

    Korean Women in Mathematical Sciences (KWMS) (Women in Mathematics)

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    Mock Jacobi forms in basic hypergeometric series

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    We show that some qq-series such as universal mock theta functions are linear sums of theta quotients and mock Jacobi forms of weight 1/2, which become holomorphic parts of real analytic modular forms when they are restricted to torsion points and multiplied by suitable powers of qq. And we prove that certain linear sums of qq-series are weakly holomorphic modular forms of weight 1/2 due to annihilation of mock Jacobi forms or completion by mock Jacobi forms. As an application, we obtain a relation between the rank and crank of a partition.Comment: 13 page

    Exact formulas for traces of singular moduli of higher level modular functions

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    Zagier proved that the traces of singular values of the classical j-invariant are the Fourier coefficients of a weight 3/2 modular form and Duke provided a new proof of the result by establishing an exact formula for the traces using Niebur's work on a certain class of non-holomorphic modular forms. In this short note, by utilizing Niebur's work again, we generalize Duke's result to exact formulas for traces of singular moduli of higher level modular functions.Comment: 8 page

    Quantum mock modular forms arising from eta-theta functions

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    In 2013, Lemke Oliver classified all eta-quotients which are theta functions. In this paper, we unify the eta-theta functions by constructing mock modular forms from the eta-theta functions with even characters, such that the shadows of these mock modular forms are given by the eta-theta functions with odd characters. In addition, we prove that our mock modular forms are quantum modular forms. As corollaries, we establish simple finite hypergeometric expressions which may be used to evaluate Eichler integrals of the odd eta-theta functions, as well as some curious algebraic identities.Comment: 33 page