40 research outputs found

    Distrofia muscular nutricional en los músculos del muslo de los pollos: análisis patológico de un problema de campo

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    Objetivo. Este estudio tiene como objetivo utilizar el método histopatológico para investigar la distrofia muscular nutricional en pollos debido a la carencia de vitamina E. Materiales y métodos. Se analizaron muestras de tejido tomadas de 20 polluelos muertos y un total de 28 muestras de sangre tomadas de ocho polluelos enfermos. La cantidad de vitamina E determinada en el análisis de los piensos resultó ser un 5% inferior a la cantidad declarada como presente en la ración. Resultados. La cantidad promedio de α-tocoferol en los sueros sanguíneos arrojó un resultado de 0.285 µg/g. Los niveles plasmáticos de calcio y de fósforo resultaron ser elevados mientras que los de sodio, potasio y magnesio, normales. A nivel histopatológico, se encontró una distrofia muscular nutricional en 18 de 20 polluelos (90%). En el examen histopatológico de las secciones musculares se observaron diversos grados de degeneraciones hialinas, necrosis, mineralización, lipidosis e infiltraciones de células mononucleares. Conclusiones. Se determinó que a medida que aumentaba el contenido de grasa de la ración, los niveles de vitaminas y minerales, en particular de vitamina E, cambiaban dentro del alimento y la salud de los polluelos se deterioraba y provocaba daños histopatológicos en diferentes tejidos de los órganos. El estudio concluye que la industria avícola debe dar importancia a los sistemas de control de piensos para que los polluelos reciban una alimentación adecuada y saludable

    In vivo biocompatibility and fracture healing of hydroxyapatite-hexagonal boron nitridechitosan- collagen biocomposite coating in rats

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    The biocompatibility of orthopaedic implants and their effects on fracture healing have key roles for success. In this study, it was aimed to investigate the effects of a novel biocomposite consisting of hydroxyapatite (HA), hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN), chitosan (Cs), and type 1 collagen (Ct1) on biocompatibility and fracture healing in rats. A total of 60 adult male Wistar rats weighing 300–500 g were used in the study. The rats were randomly divided into 2 groups named A (uncoated/control) and B (biocomposite coated). Biocomposite (HA/h-BN/Cs/Ct1) coated and uncoated stainless-steel implants were used as intramedullary pins. Groups A and B were divided into subgroups of A1 and B1 (15th day), A2 and B2 (30th day), A3 and B3 (45th day) according to the date of euthanasia. Clinical, radiographic, haematological, biochemical, and histopathological findings were evaluated by pairwise comparisons. The findings were consistent and similar. No statistically significant difference was found for a finding disturbing the biocompatibility. Histopathological examinations showed that coating biomaterials did not resorb over the course of 15, 30, and 45 days. It is thus revealed that the content is biocompatible. However, it has been concluded that it is necessary to increase the physical strength of the coating surface against sterilization and surgical procedures. As a result, based on the interpretations of the clinical, radiographic, haematological, biochemical, and histopathological findings, the biocompatibility of HA/h-BN/Cs/Ct1 biocomposite materials has been revealed

    First report of the histopathological effect of electrocautery using on the urethral taste rosea during glans penis injury by incision in rabbits

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    Objective: Currently, electrocautery devices have frequently been used in penile surgical procedures. We hypothesized that electrocautery using during penile surgical procedures may harm the taste rosea and the dorsal nerve of the penis or clitoris. Methods: Eighteen young age male New Zealand rabbits were studied: five in the control (Group I, n=5), five in the penile surgery without using electrocautery (sham group, Group II, n=5), eight in the monopolar cautery (study group, Group III, n=8) groups under general anesthesia. The animals were followed for 3 weeks and sacrificed. Penile tissuedpudendal nerve root complexes and dorsal root ganglion of sacral 3 level were examined using stereological methods. The results were compared statistically. Results: The live and degenerated taste bud -like structures and degenerated neuron densities of pudendal ganglia (mean +/- standard deviation, n/mm3) were estimated as 198 +/- 24/mm3, 4 +/- 1/mm3, and 5 +/- 1/mm3 in Group I; 8 +/- 3/mm3, 174 +/- 21/mm3, and 24 +/- 7/mm3 in Group II; and 21 +/- 5/mm3, 137 +/- 14/mm3, and 95 +/- 12/mm3 in Group III, respectively. Neurodegeneration of taste buds and pudendal ganglia was significantly different between groups. Conclusion: Intact spinal cord and normal parasympathetic and thoracolumbar sympathetic networks are crucial for human sexual function. The present study indicates that the glans penis injury by using electrocautery may lead to pudendal ganglia degeneration. Iatrogenic damage to taste rosea and retrograde degeneration of the pudendal nerve may be the cause of sexual dysfunction responsible mechanism

    Comparative evaluation of cotton and polyester woven fabrics finished with nanoparticles water repellent materials

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    Akademik ve endüstriyel olarak, nanometre ölçeğinde üretim miktarında bir artış görülmektedir. Ayrıca günlük hayatta ve malzeme teknolojilerindeki ileri uygulamaların kullanım taleplerinde de büyüme söz konusu olmaktadır. Moleküler seviyedeki nano teknoloji, yüksek kopma mukavemeti, sağlamlık, yumuşak tutum, su iticilik, güç tutuşurluk, anti mikrobiyal özellikler gibi istenen tekstil karakteristiklerin geliştirilmesinde kullanılabilmektedir. Nano teknolojideki son gelişmeler, tekstil endüstrisinde büyük fırsatlar yaratmaktadır. Tekstil materyallerine hidrofobik karakter kazandırmak için yapılan işlemler birçok çalışmanın konusunu oluşturmaktadır. Diğer taraftan, nano partiküllü su itici materyallerle işlem görmüş kumaşların performanslarının değerlendirilmesi yeni bir konu olarak görülmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, su itici nano teknolojik bitim işlemlerinin araştırılması ve değerlendirilmesidir. Bu araştırmada ticari olarak kullanılan nano partiküllü su itici materyaller ile konvansiyonel su itici materyaller karşılaştırılmaktadır. Pamuk, polyester ve pamuk/polyester karışım kumaşlar kullanılmıştır. Numuneler iki farklı nano partiküllü kimyasal ile emdirildikten sonra termofiksaj işlemi yapılmıştır. Her tipte su iticilik maddesi ile işlem görmüş kumaşların yüzey özellikleri incelenmiştir. Kumaşların performanslarını ölçmek için sprey test cihazı ve hidrostatik test cihazı kullanılmış, ayrıca deneysel sonuçlar istatistiksel olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Deney sonuçları, nano partiküllü su iticilik maddeleriyle yapılan bitim işlemlerinin kumaşların su iticilik özelliklerini arttırdığını göstermektedir.There is an increasing amount of academic and industrial activity to produce multifunctional nanometre -scale containers and a growing demand for their use in sophisticated applications in the life and materials sciences. Nanotechnology at the molecular level can also be used to develop desired textile characteristics, such as high tensile strength, durability, soft hand, water repellent, fire retardant, antimicrobial properties and more alike. Recent advances in Nanotechnology have, indeed, created enormous opportunities and challenges for the textile industry, including the cotton industry. Treatment of textile materials in order to attain hydrophobic character has been the subject of many researches. On the other hand, finishing of fabrics with. Nano particles Water Repellent Materials and evaluation of quality performances of the resultant fabrics appear to be a receptive issue. The focus of this paper is, therefore, to investigate and evaluate applications of Nanotechnology finishing concerning water repellence

    Increased mean platelet volume in patients with infective endocarditis and embolic events

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    Background: Platelet activation appears to play an important role in thromboembolic com­plications of infective endocarditis (IE). Mean platelet volume (MPV) is a potentially useful marker of platelet activity and a quick and easy determinant of thrombotic risk. Hence the aim of this study was to investigate the baseline platelet volume indices (MPV and platelet distribution width [PDW]) in IE patients who developed embolic events in the follow-up period and who did not. Methods: The study group consisted of 76 consecutive patients (female: 55, male: 21, mean age: 26 years old, ranged: 8–64 years) with definite IE according to Duke Criteria. Thirty four healthy subjects, who were age and gender adjusted, served as the control group. The mean duration of hospital stay was 44 days. Results: Among the IE patients, 13 (13/76, 17.1%) had major embolic events. Significantly larger vegetations were observed in patients with embolic events as compared to non-embolic group (1.4 vs. 1.0 cm, p = 0.03). MPV at hospital admission was higher in patients who had embolic events in the follow-up period compared to both those who did not and the control subjects (10.62 ± 1.13 vs. 9.25 ± 0.97 and 8.93 ± 0.82 fL, p < 0.001, respectively). Similarly, the patients with embolic events had increased PDW compared to the non-embolic ones and the control group (16.31 ± 2.42 vs. 14.35 ± 1.97 and 14.04 ± 1.82%, p < 0.001, respectively). Conclusions: The present study demonstrated that IE patients with embolic events had in­creased MPV and PDW values, compared to non-embolics. Future prospective studies with standardized measurements may clarify the clinical role of platelet volume indices in thrombo­embolic complications of IE

    Konjski i goveđi papilomavirusi u turskih rasplodnih konja: molekularna identifikacija i imunohistokemijska analiza.

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    Papillomaviruses have an oncogenic nature, developing benign or malignant tumours in association with the proliferation of cutaneous or mucosal epithelia in humans and animals. The objective of this study was to investigate, the genoprevalence of bovine papillomavirus (BPV) types 1 and -2, and equine papillomavirus (EcPV) types 1, 2 and 3 in Turkish brood horses, with or without genital lesions and skin tumours, and confirmation of the equine sarcoids by several immunohistochemical markers. A total of 42 genital swabs and 6 skin tumours were collected from Thoroughbred stallions/mares in Turkey. Overall, both EcPV and BPV specific DNA amplicons sampled were detected in genital swabs from 38.1% of the brood horses tested by PCR. The prevalence of BPV-1, BPV-2 and EcPV-2 in the Turkish brood horses was 14.3%, 2.4% and 21.4%, respectively. Furthermore, there was no significant difference between the horses that appeared to be healthy (38.7%) and symptomatic horses (36.4%) (P>0.05). Out of the six samples obtained from the six horses that had skin tumours, BPV-1 was detected in five tissue samples and four blood samples, and only one skin tumour was found to be infected with EcPV-2. This study indicates that a high prevalence of EcPV-2 and BPV-1 was found in apparently healthy horses as well as in symptomatic cases. Additionally, the horses infected subclinically with papillomaviruses may play a significant role in the epizootiology of papillomavirus infections and lead to an increase in reproductive problems in brood horse populations.Papilomavirusi su onkogene prirode, uzrokuju razvoj dobroćudnih ili zloćudnih novotvorina povezanih s proliferacijom epitela kože ili sluznica u ljudi i životinja. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je ustanoviti genoprevalenciju goveđeg papilomavirusa (BPV) tipa 1 i 2 i konjskog papilomavirusa (EcPV) tipa 1, 2 i 3 u turskih rasplodnih konja, s genitalnim lezijama i kožnim tumorima ili bez njih, te potvrditi sarkoide u konja pomoću nekoliko imunohistokemijskih biljega. Od kobila i pastuha pasmine engleski punokrvnjak u Turskoj prikupljena su ukupno 42 genitalna brisa i 6 kožnih tumora. Produkti DNA specifični za EcPV i za BPV, pronađeni su u genitalnim brisovima u 38,1 % konja u uzgoju testiranih PCR-om. Prevalencija je bila: BPV-1 – 14,3 %, BPV-2 – 2,4 %, a EcPV-2 – 21,4 %. Nije bilo znakovite razlike (P>0,05) između konja bez simptoma (38,7 %) i onih sa simptomima (36,4 %). Iz šest uzoraka dobivenih od šest konja koji su imali kožne tumore, BPV-1 pronađen je u pet uzoraka tkiva i četiri uzorka krvi, a samo je jedan kožni tumor bio inficiran s EcPV-2. Ovo istraživanje pokazuje da se visoka prevalencija EcPV-2 i BPV-1 može pronaći jednako i u konja koji ne pokazuju znakove bolesti i u onih koji imaju simptome. Također, supklinički inficirani konji mogu imati važnu ulogu u epizootiologiji papilomatoze te utjecati na porast reproduktivnih problema u rasplodnih konja

    Molecular identification of bovine papillomaviruses in dairy and beef cattle: first description of Xi- and Epsilonpapillomavirus in Turkey

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    In the current study, 23 papilloma/tumor-like samples obtained from cattle having clinical lesions and 9 blood samples collected from healthy-appearing cattle in Turkey were examined for bovine papillomavirus (BPV) DNA using the degenerate primers FAP59/64, and the different types of BPV were distinguished by type-specific primer sets. Furthermore, histopathological studies of papillomavirus were performed. A total of 7 BPV types (BPVs 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9), including genera Deltapapillomavirus, Xipapillomavirus,and Epsilonpapillomavirus, were identified. In all samples, BPV-1 was the most common genotype (90.6%). Overall, coinfections were determined in 26 of the examined samples (81.3%), and coinfection with BPV-1/BPV-4/BPV-8 (21.9%) was the most frequently identified using BPV type-specific primers. Moreover, bovine leukemia virus, an oncogenic retrovirus, was detected from three cattle with tumor-like lesions (13.0%), which were also coinfected by different BPV types. Histopathologically, nine papilloma-like lesions were assessed and diagnosed as five fibropapillomas and four papillomas. BPV infection is an important cause of economic losses in the dairy and beef industry. Our study will be highly useful for guiding further large-scale epidemiological studies and providing detailed data on the risk factors associated with BPV infection in cattle populations in Turkey.In the current study, 23 papilloma/tumor-like samples obtained from cattle having clinical lesions and 9 blood samples collected from healthy-appearing cattle in Turkey were examined for bovine papillomavirus (BPV) DNA using the degenerate primers FAP59/64, and the different types of BPV were distinguished by type-specific primer sets. Furthermore, histopathological studies of papillomavirus were performed. A total of 7 BPV types (BPVs 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9), including genera Deltapapillomavirus, Xipapillomavirus,and Epsilonpapillomavirus, were identified. In all samples, BPV-1 was the most common genotype (90.6%). Overall, coinfections were determined in 26 of the examined samples (81.3%), and coinfection with BPV-1/BPV-4/BPV-8 (21.9%) was the most frequently identified using BPV type-specific primers. Moreover, bovine leukemia virus, an oncogenic retrovirus, was detected from three cattle with tumor-like lesions (13.0%), which were also coinfected by different BPV types. Histopathologically, nine papilloma-like lesions were assessed and diagnosed as five fibropapillomas and four papillomas. BPV infection is an important cause of economic losses in the dairy and beef industry. Our study will be highly useful for guiding further large-scale epidemiological studies and providing detailed data on the risk factors associated with BPV infection in cattle populations in Turkey

    Foot and mouth disease : a review

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    Şap hastalığı, yalnızca çift tırnaklı hayvanları etkileyen bir hastalık olmayıp canlı hayvan ve hayvansal ürünlerin ticaretindeki uluslararası kısıtlamalar nedeniyle ekonomik önemide olan viral hastalıklardan birisidir. Şap virusunun etiyolojisi teşhis ve uygun aşıların üretiminde önemli bir etmendir. Hastalığın endemik olduğu ülkelerde uygun serotipte inaktif aşılarla koruyucu aşılamalar yapılmakta ve hastalığın prevalansının düşürülmesine yönelik önlemler alınmaktadır. Son yıllarda Şap hastalığının dünyada hızlı bir yayılım göstermesi ve çok sıkı tedbirler alan ülkelerde bile görülmesi, hastalığın epidemiyolojisinde her ülkeye özgü risk faktörlerinin belirlenmesinin önemini bir kez daha ortaya çıkarmıştır. Bu derlemede, Şap hastalığı virusunun etiyolojisi, Dünya'da ve Türkiye'de dağılımı, epidemiyolojisi, patogenezi, teşhis ve kontrolüne yönelik güncel bilgiler verildi.Foot and mouth disease is not only a disease affecting cloven-hoofed livestock but also one of the economic important viral diseases due to international restrictions on trade of live animals and animal products. The ethiology of Foot and Mouth Disease Virus (FMDV) is a significant factor in the diagnosis and the production of suitable vaccines. In countries where the disease is endemic, protective vaccinations are performed with inactive vaccines of suitable serotype and measures are taken in order to reduce the prevalence of the disease. Rapid spreading of Food and Mouth Disease and its occurrence even in countries which take strict measures in recent years has once more brought forward the importance of the determination of risk factors which specific to each country in the epidemiology of the disease. In this review, about the distribution in the World and Turkey, epidemiology, pathogenesis, control, ethiology of FMDV was given the topical informations

    Distrofia muscular nutricional en los músculos del muslo de los pollos: análisis patológico de un problema de campo

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    Objective. This study aims to use histopathologic method to investigate nutritional muscular dystrophy in broilers due to vitamin E deficiency. Materials and methods. Tissue samples taken from 20 dead chicks and total 28 blood samples sent by taking from diseased also eight chicks were analyzed. The amount of vitamin E determined in feed analysis was found to be 5% less than the amount declared to be present in the feed ration. Results. The average amount of α-tocopherol in blood serums was measured as 0.285 µg/g. Plasma calcium and phosphorus levels were found to be high, whereas sodium, potassium, and magnesium levels were found to be normal levels. Histopathologically, nutritional muscular dystrophy was defined in 18 of 20 chicks (90%). In the histopathologic examination of muscular sections, varying degrees of hyaline degenerations, necrosis, mineralization, lipidosis, and mononuclear cell infiltrations were observed. Conclusions. It was determined that when the fat content of the ration was increased, vitamin and mineral levels, particularly vitamin E, changed within the ration content, and the health of the chicks deteriorated, resulting in histopathologic damages in different organ tissues. The study concludes that the poultry farming industry should attach importance to feed management systems for chick’s the proper and healthy feeding.Objetivo. Este estudio tiene como objetivo utilizar el método histopatológico para investigar la distrofia muscular nutricional en pollos debido a la carencia de vitamina E. Materiales y métodos. Se analizaron muestras de tejido tomadas de 20 polluelos muertos y un total de 28 muestras de sangre tomadas de ocho polluelos enfermos. La cantidad de vitamina E determinada en el análisis de los piensos resultó ser un 5% inferior a la cantidad declarada como presente en la ración. Resultados. La cantidad promedio de α-tocoferol en los sueros sanguíneos arrojó un resultado de 0.285 µg/g. Los niveles plasmáticos de calcio y de fósforo resultaron ser elevados mientras que los de sodio, potasio y magnesio, normales. A nivel histopatológico, se encontró una distrofia muscular nutricional en 18 de 20 polluelos (90%). En el examen histopatológico de las secciones musculares se observaron diversos grados de degeneraciones hialinas, necrosis, mineralización, lipidosis e infiltraciones de células mononucleares. Conclusiones. Se determinó que a medida que aumentaba el contenido de grasa de la ración, los niveles de vitaminas y minerales, en particular de vitamina E, cambiaban dentro del alimento y la salud de los polluelos se deterioraba y provocaba daños histopatológicos en diferentes tejidos de los órganos. El estudio concluye que la industria avícola debe dar importancia a los sistemas de control de piensos para que los polluelos reciban una alimentación adecuada y saludable

    In vivo biocompatibility and fracture healing of hydroxyapatite-hexagonal boron nitridechitosan-collagen biocomposite coating in rats

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    The biocompatibility of orthopaedic implants and their effects on fracture healing have key roles for success. In this study, it was aimed to investigate the effects of a novel biocomposite consisting of hydroxyapatite (HA), hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN), chitosan (Cs), and type 1 collagen (Ct1) on biocompatibility and fracture healing in rats. A total of 60 adult male Wistar rats weighing 300–500 g were used in the study. The rats were randomly divided into 2 groups named A (uncoated/control) and B (biocomposite coated). Biocomposite (HA/h-BN/Cs/Ct1) coated and uncoated stainless-steel implants were used as intramedullary pins. Groups A and B were divided into subgroups of A1 and B1 (15th day), A2 and B2 (30th day), A3 and B3 (45th day) according to the date of euthanasia. Clinical, radiographic, haematological, biochemical, and histopathological findings were evaluated by pairwise comparisons. The findings were consistent and similar. No statistically significant difference was found for a finding disturbing the biocompatibility. Histopathological examinations showed that coating biomaterials did not resorb over the course of 15, 30, and 45 days. It is thus revealed that the content is biocompatible. However, it has been concluded that it is necessary to increase the physical strength of the coating surface against sterilization and surgical procedures. As a result, based on the interpretations of the clinical, radiographic, haematological, biochemical, and histopathological findings, the biocompatibility of HA/h-BN/Cs/Ct1 biocomposite materials has been revealed