274 research outputs found

    Application of fluoride salt systems for obtaining titanium by the method of electrolysis

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    Fundamentally new fluoride method of synthesis of high-clean metal titanium powder from natural oxide concentrates has been proposed. In a closing stage of processing the electrolytic method of titanium tetrafluoride decomposition in soft eutectic of alkalis fluoride salts was used for the first time. Using this method in industrial practice allows excluding environment contamination with hazardous chemical substances and obtaining cheap high-clean metal titanium powde

    Strategy of Self-Presentation of a Politician (Personal and Official Blogs on Twitter of US Vice President Kamala Harris)

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    The issue of invariance of tactics representing the communicative strategy of the politician of the highest echelon of US power in personality self-presentation and status-conditioned discourse is considered. The research material consisted of 349 posts extracted from Kamala Harris’s personal blog on Twitter from January to July 2021 and 665 posts selected from the politician’s official blog during this period. The relevance of such studies is explained by the need to clarify the theoretical and methodological foundations of the analysis of political Internet discourse, taking into account the status of the addressee. The novelty of this research lies in the identification of tactics that actualize the strategy under study on the basis of personality and status-based discourse. The novelty of the work is also due to the fact that the tactics of self-presentation of the politician are studied in a comparative aspect. As a result of the research in personality-conditioned discourse, such tactics as solidarity, appeal, illustration of achievements, gratitude, identification, hypertrophy of the “I-theme” were identified. In the status-conditioned discourse, the authors recorded the tactics of solidarity, appeal, illustration of achievements, gratitude, identification, exaggeration of the “I-theme”, promises. The linguistic techniques that actualize the tactics of selfpresentation in personality and status-conditioned discourse are described

    Linguopolitical Personology (Metaphorical Perspective of Research)

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    The article was accomplished at the intersection of such relevant areas of modern linguistics as political linguistics, linguistic personology and linguistic metaphorology. The purpose of the article is to provide an overview of the work of foreign and domestic linguists for 2009-2019, devoted to the analysis of metaphorical models in the idiolics of politicians, to identify the main trends in research of this kind. The analysis showed that linguistic-personal research on metaphorics in political communication is carried out in a cognitive, pragmatic, stylistic, rhetorical, semiotic, psycholinguistic perspectives. It was revealed that according to the criterion “object of analysis” they can be characterized in territorial, status, ideological, gender, chronological, temporal and comparative aspects. The analytical review presented in the article demonstrates that there is a research asymmetry in modern linguistic-political personology: the work on federal politicians predominates over the work on regional politicians, the work on representatives of the political elite over the work on political opposition, the work on male politicians over the work on politicians - women, work on existing politicians - on work on the great politicians of the past. The authors believe that due to the indicated asymmetry in the objects of research, the task of linguopolitical personology should be to fill in the existing gaps

    The effect of physical activity on positive body image in adolescent girls

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    Background. Our study was purposed to trace the dynamics in the body image of adolescent girls engaged in sport fencing. Positive body image is considered to be essential for mental health in adolescence and adulthood. Objective. Physical activity and sports may affect the   body image. But participation in aesthetic sports (figure skating, gymnastics) leads to less positive body image among girls. However, little is known about the effect of non-aesthetic sports on the   positiveе body image. Responses from our respondents indicate that non-aesthetic sports such as fencing may enlarge body acceptance, body functionality appraisal, and positive constitution appraisal. Also important, is that physical activity in fencing made body image more realistic. Design. The study involved 83 adolescent girls aged 12-16 years. An experimental group included 38 adolescent girls who started fencing classes. The control group consisted of 45 girls of the same age who did not do sports or dance. Girls were examined on the day they begin their sports and 9 months after their start. We use “Measurements by M. Feldenkraiz” and the psychosemantic instrument “My body” by K. N. Belogai. Also, the interview gave us information about participants’ height, weight as well as attitudes towards their bodies, their lifestyles, and their body compliance with internal and external beauty standards.    Results. In the beginning, adolescent girls had mostly negative body images: they did not evaluate its functionality, activity, and did not accept their body. But Student’s t-test for the dependent samples showed that among girls who practiced fencing for nine months, body acceptance, appraisal of body functionality and activity increased significantly, and the gap between perceived body proportions and the real ones decreased. Initially, girls appraised their bodies and limbs as longer than they actually were. Conclusion. Fencing classes for 9 months changed girls’ body image to more realistic and subjectively acceptable. The findings suggest that integration of physical activity of functional sports in everyday life or therapy might be one route to facilitate positive body image development. This may support wellbeing among adolescents

    Lexical and Grammatical Transformations of Terms when Changing Communicative Situation “Doctor — Doctor” to “Doctor — Child — Parent”

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    The issue of controversial assessment of the use of medical terminology in professional communication is considered. It is noted that the use of medical terms in communication between a doctor and an adult patient can trigger emotional tension and mistrust of the doctor’s recommendations. At the same time, it was established that patients who are familiar with medical terminology consider the use of terms by doctors to be a significant factor indicating the quality of the services provided. The question arises about the transformation of terms when changing the communicative situation “doctor — doctor” to “doctor — child — parent”. To identify and analyze transformations of medical terms, lexical-semantic and morphosyntactic analysis was used. As a result of the method of expert evaluations application, interpretations of medical terminology by doctors were obtained. It is asserted that in the communicative situation “doctor — patient and / or his representative” to remove difficulties caused by the use of highly specialized medical terms, the doctor resorts to a complex transformation of the term — explication. It is shown that explication is provided by a number of lexicalgrammatical (generalization, concretization, synonymous replacement) and syntactic techniques (adding a single prepositive definition, extended postpositive definition, adjunctive determiner, adjunctive goal), as well as stylistic means (emotionally colored vocabulary, intensifiers, conversational style)

    The Visual Code of Advertising: Covert Suggestion

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    The present research focuses on visual stylistic devices as means of manipulation in commercial and so-cial advertising within the novel and promising theory of visual communication. According to the theory, visual stylistic means possess the power to direct and manipulate the perception of the recipient. The study specifies the definitions of visual stylistic expressive means that are used in commercial and social advertising.В данной статье рассматриваются визуальные стилистические тропы на материале коммерческой и социальной рекламы


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    The importance of using distance learning for developing knowledge, skills and competences in English Language teaching in contemporary educational process is justified in the article. In this connection the great attention is focused on radical changes in English Language teaching methodology. With the advent of online education the relationships between the lecturers or the tutors and the students alter and become more open and cooperating, because the students get more involved, interested and motivated in learning foreign languages. Apart from this, the main components of distance education are briefly considered.В статье обоснована важность использования дистанционного обучения при формировании знаний, навыков и компетенций в английском языке в современном образовательном процессе. В связи с этим, огромное влияние уделяется радикальным изменениям в методологии преподавания английского языка. С появлением дистанционного образования взаимоотношения между преподавателями и студентами терпят изменения и становятся более открытыми и сотрудничающим, поскольку вовлечение студентов в сам процесс изучения иностранных языков повышает их заинтересованность и мотивацию. Помимо этого, кратко рассмотрены основные компоненты дистанционного обучения

    Social Advertising in Aspect of Addressee-Addresser Relations

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    In the article, by the material of Chinese social advertising texts, the addressees with direct verbal, visual and verbal-visual reference are modeled. The socio-anthropocentric parameters of the addressee of Chinese social advertising texts are established. It is revealed that the dominant parameters of reference of social advertising in China at the present time are: age, family roles, professional affiliation, and nationality. The paper proves that the Chinese social advertising in the aspect of “addressee-addresser relations” performs the function of forming public opinion on socially significant aspects of society, the function of inculturation of the younger generation, encourages students to take responsibility for their studies and civil servants - to their professional duties, draws attention to the problems of relationships in the family both between spouses and between children and their parents, grandparents, encourages young people to take a more responsible attitude to marriage, raising children. It also performs the function of prevention of accidents and crimes related to the ignorance of young parents about the dangers of their young children and adolescents. The prospect of the study is to establish the linguistic and visual features of social advertising in China for recipients distinguished on a gender basis and according to the administrative-territorial division of the country