7 research outputs found

    Molecular detection and identification of Aspergillus fumigatus in potato chips by PCR technique

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    Aspergillus infections have grown in importance in the last years , A.fumigatus is a member of the genus Aspergillus, it can colonize a wide variety of substrates , the chips that produced from potatos are one of these substrates that infected by this genus , so in this study we isolated A.fumigatus from potato chips (Lays)with three flavored(salt,French cheese,vinegar) according to colony character in petridish compare with PCR technique for certainity. Keywords : aspergillus fumigatus,PCR technique, potato chip

    Bacteria and Fungi Associated with Acute Otitis Media

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    To identify the bacteria  and fungi from the otitis media inflammation  samples taken during otitis media of patients with acute, This work was applied on 44 otitis media patients  admitted to the Hospital in Hilla  with age range (9-60) years . Swabs  cultures of otitis media patients reveals major types of bacteria growth  shown in Isolated and diagnostic types of bacteria G+ve and G-ve which form G-ve with persentige60.97% also M.catarhals form persentige21.9% and other of thease Ps. aeroginosa form persentige20.7%and lessness famous H.influnza form persentige 1.21.%the  bacteria G-ve form persentige 39.2% in front of St.pnemonia persentige form persentige19.5% and other bacteria S,aurius persentige 17.7% and lessness famous of bacteria St, pyogens in persentige 2.03%. This study also Isolated and diagnostic type of fungi compare to the patints of otitis which type of sample fungi 54 infront of A.flaves persentige 24.7% and other of it A.fumguts in persentige 22.2% and lessness famous A.alternaria in persentige 3.7%. Keywords: Otitis media  Infection , Bacteria and Fungi from the otitis media inflammation

    Phenotypic and Genotyping Study of Aspergillus Niger: Molecular Detection of Calmodulin, 18srRNA and Pepsin like Protease Genes Based on Multiplex PCR

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    Aims: Aspergillosis can be diagnosed using PCR. For this purpose, the genes encoding the 18S rRNA, Calmodulin and Pepsin-like protease genes of Aspergillus niger, were elucidated. Genus specific sequences could be identified in region of 18S rRNA. Methodology: 24 fungal strains were isolated from different localities of Al-Hillah city. Isolates were screened for glucose oxidase production using submerged fermentation and molecular techniques like 18S rRNA. DNA was isolated and amplified using PCR. Gene sequencing was done and homology analysis was studied. Rate of glucose oxidase production was also analyzed. Results: The method described in this study represents a rapid and reliable procedure to assess the presence in food products of two ochratoxigenic species of section Nigri. Glucose oxidase hyper producing isolate was identified as A. niger strain. The F17 strain gave best reproducible results (87. 5±0.05U/g of cell mass) after 72 h. of fermentation at 30ºC and at a medium pH of 7.2.The 18srDNA  was used to detect A. niger was very affective. The identification and isolation of tannase gene from A. niger which is considered as an important bioreactor and industrial fungus were reported Conclusion: Our results revealed that Glucose oxidase was produced naturally by A. niger in large quantity instead of using other manipulation techniques of genetic. The PCR technique we have used appears to be adequate to study a large group of microorganisms (fungi) and it help to identify risk of pathogenicity of aspergillosis. Keywords:Aspergillus niger, Calmodulin, Pepsin-like protease, 18S rRNA, aspergillosis,  Tannase

    Genetic Study of TORCH Infections in Women with Bad Obstetric History: Multiplex Polymerase Chain Reaction for Detection of Common Pathogens and Agents of Congenital Infections

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    To revealed the incidence of TORCH infections among pregnancy wastage in women which had bad obstetric history (BOH). METHODS: The study included 132 women with bad obstetric history. Genetic evaluation for TORCH infections was carried out by specific primers designed for that purpose using PCR method. RESULT: Toxoplasma was 36.36%, rubella 20.45%, cytomegalovirus 29.55% and herpes simplex virus 13.64%. Maximum number of cases of abortion 52 (39.39%), preterm labor 29 (21.96%) was associated with toxoplasma infection, early neonatal deaths 19 (14.39%) were maximally associated with toxoplasma and CMV infections. while congenital malformations 14 (10.6%) were evident maximally with toxoplasma infection and intrauterine death 8 (6.06%). CONCLUSIONS: Women with BOH are significantly higher in infection compared with that in control. A previous history of pregnancy wastage, genetic infestation using specific primers for TORCH agent’s detection and the serological reaction for TORCH infections during current pregnancy must be considered while managing BOH cases so as to reduce the adverse fetal outcome


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    The objective of the present study was to explore the antibacterial and antifungal activity of two plant extracts (Ricinus communis & Coleus forskohlii) against some selected pathogen (Staphylococcus aureus

    Antibacterial activity of secondary metabolites isolated from Alternaria alternata

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    The aims of this study were the analysis of the secondary metabolites and evaluation of the antibacterial and antifungal activity of Alternaria alternata. Twenty six bioactive compounds were identified in methanolic extract of Alternaria alternata. The identification of bioactive chemical compounds is based on the peak area, retention time molecular weight and molecular formula. GC-MS analysis of A. alternata revealed the existence of the α-acetyl L-serine, 2(5H)-furanone, 6-oxabicyclo[ 3.1.0]hexan-3-one, D-glucose,6-O-α-D GALACTOPYRANOSYL, DL-arabinose, ƹ-N-fommyl-Llysine, 2-[4-(2-hydroxyethyl) 1-piperazineethanesulfonic acid) (HEPES), thrietol, 2-O-heptyl, 2-deoxy-2- fluoro-1,6-anhydro ß-d-glucopyranose, d-ribo-hexos-3-ulose, Α-D-glucopyranoside, O-α-Dglucopyranosyl-( 1.fwdarw.3)-ß-D-fru, maltose, 4H-pyran-4-one,2,3-dihydro-3,5-dihydroxy-6-methyl, desulphosinigrin, uric acid, midazole-4-carboxylic acid, 2-fluoro-1-methoxymethyl-ethyl ester, geranyl isovalerate, 1-nitro-ß-d-arabinofuranose, tetraacetate, glycyl-D-asparagine, α-D-xylofuranose, cyclic 1,2:3,5-bis(butylboronate), estra -1,3,5(10)-trien-17ß-ol, glucobrassicin, N-2,4-Dnp-L-arginine, dasycarpidan-1-methanol, acetate(ester) and 5alpha androstane-3,17-monooxime. The fourier transform infrared (FTIR) analysis of A. alternata proved the presence of aromatic rings, aliphatic fluoro compounds, tetiary amine, C-N stretch, ammonium ions, organic nitrate, methylene-CH. asym, and normal polymeric O-H stretch which shows major peaks at 711.73, 846.57, 873.75, 1026.13, 1149.57, 1205.51, 1238.30, 1409.96, 1631.78, 2517.10, 2854.65, 2924.09, 3059.75 and 3271.27. A. alternate had maximum zone formation (5.04 ± 0.29) mm against Klebsiella pneumonia.Keywords: Alternaria alternata, bioactive compounds, gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GCMS), fourier transform infrared (FTIR

    Prevalence, Isolation and Identification of Microorganisms from Homemade Cheese in Babylon Province

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    تم جمع أربعون عينة من جبن العرب (الجبن المصنع محليا") من السوق المحلي في محافظة بابل لدراسة التلوث الجرثومي (النمو البكتيري والفطري). كشفت الدراسة اولا" عن وجود عينات سالبة لكل وسط زرعي استخدم للكشف عن  البكتيريا، حيث وجد في وسط MSA كان هناك 27 عينة موجبة و 13 عينة  سالبة, على وسط EMB ظهرت 24 عينة موجبة و 16 عينة سالبة، وعلى الوسط MRS ظهرت 32 عينة موجبة و 8 عينات سالبة أخيرا" وسط  S-S أكار ظهرت 31 عينة موجبة و 9 عينات سالبة. تم عزل 17 سلالة من Staphylococcus aureus على وسط MSA, و 10 سلالات من Staphylococcus epidermidis. وعلى الوسط EMB تم عزل 12 سلالة من Escherichia coli و 18 سلالة من Klebsiella. وسط MRS  سجل 32 سلالة من Lactobacillus واخيرا وسط S-S agar سجل 10 سلالات من Salmonella و 29 سلالة من Shigella . اما الفطريات التي تم عزلها على وسط PDA فقد كانت : Penicillium digitatum (74.7 %), Penicillium italicum (13.2 %), Penicillium citrinum (6.02 %), Penisillium chrysogenum ( 2.40 % ), Aspergellus nedulans (3.7 % ), Alternaria (0 %)  وعدد كبير من مستعمرات ال Candida وRhodotorella  . وعلى وسط MEA تم عزل الفطريات الاتية وكالاتي :Penicillium digitatum( 80%), Penicillium italecum (3.1 %), Penicillium citrinm (0%), Penicillium chrysogenum ( 6.2%), Aspergillus nidulans (7.69%), Alternaria ( 3.1) وكذلك عدد كبير من مستعمرات الCandida  و  Rhodotorella كما في وسط PDA  .  Forty samples of Gibin al Arab cheese were collected from local market at Babylon province for studying the microbial contamination ( bacterial and fungal growth ). first the study revealed that there was negative samples for each culture media used for bacterial detection, in MSA there was 27+ve samples and 13-ve samples, EMB with 24+ve samples and 16-ve samples, MRS with 32+ve samples and 8-ve samples finally S-S agar with 31+ve samples and 9 –ve samples. MSA record 17 strain of Staphylococcus aureus, 10 strain of Staphylococcus epidermidis, EMB record 12 strain of Escherichia coli, 18 strain of Klebsiella, MRS record 32 strain of Lactobacillus, S-S agar record 10 strain of Salmonella, 29 strain of Shigella. while fungi isolated on PDA was : Penicillium digitatum (74.7%), Penicillium italicum (13.2%), Penicillium citrinum (6.02 %), Penisillium chrysogenum (2.40%), Aspergellus nedulans (3.7 %), Alternaria (0%), Candida spp. with more isolates, also Rhodotorella more. MEA media used for fungi isolation record : Penicillium digitatum(80%), Penicillium italecum (3.1%), Penicillium citrinm (0%), Penicillium chrysogenum (6.2%), Aspergillus nidulans (7.69%), Alternaria ( 3.1% ), Candida spp. with more isolates, Rhodotorella more like on PDA