198 research outputs found

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    Ajankohtaista Lääkärin käsikirjast

    Lumevaikutuksen neurobiologiasta

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    Miksi kipu pitkittyy ja voiko sitä ehkäistä?

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    Vertaisarvioitu• Krooninen kipu on yleistä. Se heikentää elämänlaatua ja työkykyä ja tulee yhteiskunnalle kalliiksi. • Taustalla on perimään, inflammaatioon ja aivojen plastisuuteen liittyviä sekä psykososiaalisia tekijöitä. • Kivun pitkittymistä voi estää puuttumalla varhain paikallisiin kiputiloihin. Akuutti kipu ja taustasairaudet tulee hoitaa tehokkaasti. • Tärkeää on myös poistaa psykososiaaliset paranemisen esteet. • Elintavat vaikuttavat kivun taustasairauksien syntyyn ja herkistävät kivulle. Terveellisiä elintapoja tulisi tukea lapsuudesta lähtien.Peer reviewe

    Opioidien käyttö on lisääntynyt - lievittyvätkö potilaiden kivut?

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    "Kipulaastarit" opioidien annostelussa

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    Response to Cohen et al

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    Glucose tolerance in fibromyalgia

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    Objectives: Fibromyalgia (FM) patients have an increased risk for glucose metabolism disturbances, and impaired glucose tolerance may be associated with symptom severity. Elevated levels of plasma lactate have been detected in FM patients. Both pyruvate and lactate are produced in glucose metabolism and reflect oxidative metabolism. The objective of our study was to analyse disturbances in glucose, pyruvate, or lactate metabolism in FM patients. Methods: We measured plasma levels of glucose, pyruvate, and lactate during an oral glucose tolerance test in 40 non-diabetic, female FM patients and 30 age- and gender-matched healthy controls. Results: FM patients showed a higher glycaemic response to the glucose load at 1 hour (F [1,68] = 10.4, P = .006) and 2 hours (F [1,68] = 7.80, P = .02), and higher glucose area under the curve (13.8 [SD 2.92] vs 11.6 [SD 2.31], P < .01), than healthy controls. Group differences were explained by higher body mass index and percentage of smokers among the FM patients. Pyruvate and lactate levels were similar in both groups. Discussion: Impaired glucose regulation in FM patients is likely not due to FM itself, but to associated lifestyle factors. Our results highlight the importance of assessing the glucose regulation status and the lifestyle factors affecting glucose regulation in FM patients for prevention or early treatment of diabetes and associated complications.Peer reviewe

    Elevated highly sensitive C-reactive protein in fibromyalgia associates with symptom severity

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    Objectives. Fibromyalgia (FM), a common pain syndrome, is thought to be a non-inflammatory, nociplastic condition, but evidence implicating neuroinflammation has been increasing. Systemic inflammation may be associated with more severe symptoms in some FM patients. We studied healthy controls and FM patients with and without systemic inflammation detectable using high-sensitivity CRP (hsCRP) measurement. Methods. We measured hsCRP levels and gathered clinical and questionnaire data [including the Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQ)] from 40 female FM patients and 30 age-matched healthy women. An hsCRP level >3 mg/l was considered elevated. Results. FM patients had significantly higher mean hsCRP levels than controls, explained by overweight and lower leisure-time physical activity. Eight FM patients had elevated hsCRP levels and 29 had normal hsCRP levels. Levels of hsCRP were significantly correlated with FIQ scores. Patients with elevated hsCRP had higher FIQ scores, with worse physical functioning and greater pain and were less likely to be employed than patients with normal hsCRP. These patient groups did not differ by blood count, liver function or lipid profiles, nor by education, psychological measures, sleep disturbance, smoking or comorbidities. Conclusion. Some FM patients have elevated hsCRP, mostly due to overweight and physical inactivity. They have worse symptoms and their ability to work is impaired. Measurement of hsCRP may help to identify FM patients in greatest need of interventions supporting working ability.Peer reviewe

    Machine-learned identification of psychological subgroups with relation to pain interference in patients after breast cancer treatments

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    Background: Persistent pain in breast cancer survivors is common. Psychological and sleep-related factors modulate perception, interpretation and coping with pain and may contribute to the clinical phenotype. The present analysis pursued the hypothesis that breast cancer survivors form subgroups, based on psychological and sleep-related parameters that are relevant to the impact of pain on the patients' life. Methods: We analysed 337 women treated for breast cancer, in whom psychological and sleep-related parameters as well as parameters related to pain intensity and interference had been acquired. Data were analysed by using supervised and unsupervised machine-learning techniques (i) to detect patient subgroups based on the pattern of psychological or sleep-related parameters, (ii) to interpret the detected cluster structure and (iii) to relate this data structure to pain interference and impact on life. Results: Artificial intelligence-based detection of data structure, implemented as self-organizing neuronal maps, identified two different clusters of patients. A smaller cluster (11.5% of the patients) had comparatively lower resilience, more depressive symptoms and lower extraversion than the other patients. In these patients, life-satisfaction, mood, and life in general were comparatively more impeded by persistent pain. Conclusions: The results support the initial hypothesis that psychological and sleep-related parameter patterns are meaningful for subgrouping patients with respect to how persistent pain after breast cancer treatments interferes with their life. This indicates that management of pain should address more complex features than just pain intensity. Artificial intelligence is a useful tool in the identification of subgroups of patients based on psychological factors. (C) 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.Peer reviewe