15 research outputs found

    Effect of Oblique Light Incidence on Magnetooptical Properties of One-Dimensional Photonic Crystals

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    We have investigated the magnetooptical properties of one-dimensional magnetic photonic crystals for the case of oblique light incidence. We developed a theoretical model based on the transfer matrix approach. We found several new effects such as transmittance resonance peak shift versus external magnetic field and the Faraday effect dependence on the incidence angle.We discuss several possible one-dimensional magnetic photonic crystals applications for the optical devices

    Sensing of surface and bulk refractive index using magnetophotonic crystal with hybrid magneto-optical response

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    We propose an all-dielectric magneto-photonic crystal with a hybrid magneto-optical response that allows for the simultaneous measurements of the surface and bulk refractive index of the analyzed substance. The approach is based on two different spectral features of the magneto-optical response corresponding to the resonances in p-and s-polarizations of the incident light. Angular spectra of p-polarized light have a step-like behavior near the total internal reflection angle which position is sensitive to the bulk refractive index. S-polarized light excites the TE-polarized optical Tamm surface mode localized in a submicron region near the photonic crystal surface and is sensitive to the refractive index of the near-surface analyte. We propose to measure a hybrid magneto-optical intensity modulation of p-polarized light obtained by switching the magnetic field between the transverse and polar configurations. The transversal component of the external magnetic field is responsible for the magneto-optical resonance near total internal reflection conditions, and the polar component reveals the resonance of the Tamm surface mode. Therefore, both surface-and bulk-associated features are present in the magneto-optical spectra of the p-polarized light

    Sensing of surface and bulk refractive index using magnetophotonic crystal with hybrid magneto-optical response

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    We propose an all-dielectric magneto-photonic crystal with a hybrid magneto-optical response that allows for the simultaneous measurements of the surface and bulk refractive index of the analyzed substance. The approach is based on two different spectral features of the magneto-optical response corresponding to the resonances in p-and s-polarizations of the incident light. Angular spectra of p-polarized light have a step-like behavior near the total internal reflection angle which position is sensitive to the bulk refractive index. S-polarized light excites the TE-polarized optical Tamm surface mode localized in a submicron region near the photonic crystal surface and is sensitive to the refractive index of the near-surface analyte. We propose to measure a hybrid magneto-optical intensity modulation of p-polarized light obtained by switching the magnetic field between the transverse and polar configurations. The transversal component of the external magnetic field is responsible for the magneto-optical resonance near total internal reflection conditions, and the polar component reveals the resonance of the Tamm surface mode. Therefore, both surface-and bulk-associated features are present in the magneto-optical spectra of the p-polarized light

    Spectrally Selective Detection of Short Spin Waves in Magnetoplasmonic Nanostructures via the Magneto-Optical Intensity Effect

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    A method of spectrally selective detection of short spin waves (or magnons) by means of the transverse magneto-optical (MO) intensity effect in transmission in the magnetoplasmonic nanostructure is proposed. We considered the spin waves with a wavelength equal to or less than (by an integer number of times) the period of the plasmonic structure, that is, of the order of hundreds of nanometers or 1–2 μm. The method is based on the analysis of the MO effect spectrum versus the modulation of the sample magnetization (created by the spin wave) and related spatial symmetry breaking in the magnetic layer. The spatial symmetry breaking leads to the appearance of the MO effect modulation at the normal incidence of light in the spectral range of the optical states (the SPP and the waveguide modes) and the breaking of the antisymmetry of the effect with respect to the sign of the incidence angle of light. We reveal that the magnitude of the MO effect varies periodically depending on the spatial shift of the spin wave with respect to the plasmonic grating. The period of this modulation is equal to the period of the spin wave. All these facts allow for the detection of spin waves of a certain wavelength propagating in a nanostructure by measuring the MO response

    Garnet-based magnetoplasmonic heterostructures with 1D photonic crystals for highly effective chemo- and biosensing

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    Summary form only given. We present a novel type of magnetoplasmonic heterostructures containing one-dimensional photonic crystals. We performed the design of the magnetoplasmonic heterostructures and tuned the parameters of the structure in order to enhance the magneto-optical response via excitation of the ultralong-range propagating surface plasmon polariton mode. This structure is designed for gas sensing at the operating wavelength of 790 nm. One-dimensional photonic crystal (PC) is used to tune the impedance of the heterostructure so that the long-range propagating modes can be excited. Our sample contains 1D PC made of alternating SiO2 and Ta2O5 layers of thickness 164 nm and 119.4 nm correspondingly. PC structure is coated with a 125-nm thick ferromagnetic film of bismuth-substituted iron garnet and 8-nm thick gold film for the excitation of the SPPs. Some part of the structure is not coated with a gold film therefore providing a possibility to excite another type of the surface electromagnetic modes in fully dielectric magnetophotonic structure

    Sensing of Surface and Bulk Refractive Index Using Magnetophotonic Crystal with Hybrid Magneto-Optical Response

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    We propose an all-dielectric magneto-photonic crystal with a hybrid magneto-optical response that allows for the simultaneous measurements of the surface and bulk refractive index of the analyzed substance. The approach is based on two different spectral features of the magneto-optical response corresponding to the resonances in p- and s-polarizations of the incident light. Angular spectra of p-polarized light have a step-like behavior near the total internal reflection angle which position is sensitive to the bulk refractive index. S-polarized light excites the TE-polarized optical Tamm surface mode localized in a submicron region near the photonic crystal surface and is sensitive to the refractive index of the near-surface analyte. We propose to measure a hybrid magneto-optical intensity modulation of p-polarized light obtained by switching the magnetic field between the transverse and polar configurations. The transversal component of the external magnetic field is responsible for the magneto-optical resonance near total internal reflection conditions, and the polar component reveals the resonance of the Tamm surface mode. Therefore, both surface- and bulk-associated features are present in the magneto-optical spectra of the p-polarized light. View Full-Text Keywords: optical sensor; photonic crystal; surface optical wave; magneto-optics; transverse magneto-optical Kerr effect; Faraday effec