851 research outputs found

    Coupled-channels Faddeev AGS calculation of KppnK^{-}ppn and KpppK^{-}ppp quasi-bound states

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    Using separable KˉNπΣ\bar{K}N-\pi\Sigma potentials in the Faddeev equations, we calculated the binding energies and widths of the KppK^{-}pp, KppnK^{-}ppn and KpppK^{-}ppp quasi-bound states on the basis of three- and four-body Alt-Grassberger-Sandhas equations in the momentum representation. One- and two-pole version of KˉNπΣ\bar{K}N-\pi\Sigma interaction are considered and the dependence of the resulting few-body energy on the two-body KˉNπΣ\bar{K}N-\pi\Sigma potential was investigated. The ss-wave [3+1] and [2+2] sub-amplitudes are obtained by using the Hilbert-Schmidt expansion procedure for the integral kernels. As a result, we found a four-body resonance of the KppnK^{-}ppn and KpppK^{-}ppp quasi-bound states with a binding energy in the range BKppn5570B_{K^{-}ppn}\sim{55-70} and BKppp90100B_{K^{-}ppp}\sim{90-100} MeV, respectively. The calculations yielded full width of ΓKppn1620\Gamma_{K^{-}ppn}\sim{16-20} and ΓKppp720\Gamma_{K^{-}ppp}\sim{7-20} MeV.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figure

    Educational Ethics in Academic Environment: Medical Students' Perspectives

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    Background and Objective: Educational ethics imply values such as honesty, reliance on one's own personal effort, not to abuse the efforts of others, and respect the dignity and respect for others. Students are faced with different situations in which they show various moral and immoral behaviors. This study aimed to explore medical students' viewpoints and experiences at Golestan University of Medical Sciences about ethics in academic environment in 2013. Materials and Methods: In this qualitative study a purposive sampling was used with maximum variation and 12 medical students participated in the research. Data was gathered using semi-structured interviews. At least an open question "When I say ethics in education or educational environment, what comes to your mind" was repeated in all the interviews. The interviews recorded and transcribed line by line and then analyzed according to "conventional content analysis" method. Results: "Respecting teacher dignity", "preserving dignity of classroom", "respecting and maintaining dignity for classmates", "seeking for knowledge and sciences” emerged as the main themes of the current study. Conclusion: University students considered learning environment as a sacred place; conforming its expected rules and ethics would be mandatory. Abnormal behavior causes not only loss of students dignity but also could be harmful to the calmness of educational atmosphere and may evoke different unpleasant pessimistic ideas about such academic environment

    Peanut hull flour as dietary fiber in whole wheat bread

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    Peanut hull flour (PHF) was substituted for 0, 4, and 8% of the wheat flour in a formulation for whole wheat bread. Carboxymethyl cellulose and wheat gluten were added to all treatments to produce loaves with volume comparable to that of bread made with white wheat flour. The bread was produced, baked, and tested to determine the effect of PHF on some of its chemical components, physical characteristics, and organoleptic attributes. Bread with 8% PHF had a higher and bread with 4% had a lower Hardness value than bread with 0% PHF. As the length of storage time was increased, hardness of the bread increased. Addition of PHF affected cohesiveness but not elasticity of the bread. However, both properties of the bread decreased as the period of storage was extended to 6 days. The presence of PHF caused a darkening of the outer crust and the crumb of the bread. Bread with 8% PHF was darker than bread with 4% PHF. The crumb was lighter than the crust of bread containing a given percentage of PHF. Bread with 4% PHF had a higher loaf volume than bread with 0% PHF, while bread with 8% PHF had a lower loaf volume. As the level of PHF was increased, the amount of moisture, ash, crude fiber, and neutral detergent fiber was increased. On the other hand, the amount of crude protein, ether extract, and carbohydrate was decreased as the percentages of PHF was increased. Aflatoxins were not detected in the PHF. The sensory panel indicated that the presence of PHF affected some of the quality attributes of the bread. When the panel compared samples of bread with the three levels of PHF content to an imaginary loaf of ideal whole grain bread, the following general findings were apparent. In relation to the ideal bread, PHF at one or more levels caused the bread to possess a less smooth surface, have decreased moistness and graininess, exhibit a softer crumb, and be less preferred. Likewise, PHF at one or more levels caused the bread to be more gritty and sticky and have a harder crust than the ideal loaf. PHF does seem to have potential as a source of dietary fiber when added to whole wheat bread. A 4% level of PHF should yield bread with more acceptable physical attributes than an 8% level of PHF. However, the panel indicated samples of bread with 4 and 8% PHF level were not different from each other when compared with an ideal loaf of whole grain bread

    Mini-Column for Cytoadherence: A New Method for Measuring the Relative Size of Binding Subpopulations in Plasmodium falciparum Isolates

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    Background: Cytoadherence of Plasmodium falciparum- infected red blood cells to endothelial cells is an important mechanism for parasite survival and a major trigger for diseases pathology. Here, we de­scribe a new adhesion assay in which different cell types (CHO, CHO/CD36 and CHO/ICAM-1) are at­tached to Cytodex beads in a mini-column format to measure the relative sizes of various binding subpopula­tions as a percentage of the total population.Methods: Relative size of CD36 and ICAM-1-binding subpopulations of erythrocytes infected with P. falcipa­rum were measured by amount of parasitemia before and after passing the infected erythrocytes through a particular column.Results: The mini-column adhesion assay was a suitable method as parasitemia always reduced after pass­ing through a particular column in independent experiments. For example, in a typical experiment us­ing P. falciparum ITG line, 75% of the parasites are retained on a CHO/ICAM-1 while 0% of clone 3D7 is retained.Conclusion: This work introduced and validated a method for measuring the relative size of parasite bind­ing subpopulations and the selection of them. Also, the mini-column method is of value for assessments of cytoadherence and can be used as tool for different applications

    Research Paper Silicon alleviates salt stress, decreases malondialdehyde content and affects petal color of saltstressed cut rose (Rosa xhybrida L.) ‘Hot Lady’

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    A greenhouse experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of different levels of silicon (Si) application on cut rose (Rosa xhybrida L.) ‘Hot Lady’ under two levels of salt stress. Four Si concentrations (0, 50, 100 and 150 ppm) as Si were combined with a 25 mM NaCl (EC 3.8) level in the nutrient solution supplied to the plants. Addition of Si partially maintained membrane permeability but only fully restored it to control levels in the Si50 and Si100 treatments. 150 ppm Si with or without NaCl could not alleviate or decrease cell wall damages. Inclusion of Si significantly reduced malondialdehyde content and chlorophyll content of salt-stressed plants in all treatments except that of 150 ppm. Maximum chlorophyll content was noticed when 50 ppm Si was supplied. Addition of 50 ppm Si increased the flower number in both plants grown under salinity and unstressed conditions. However,no significant difference was observed between 100 and 50 ppm Si accompanying with NaCl. Plants treated with NaCl alone showed a reduction in plant leaf area, while the reduction in plants treated withNaCl plus 50 and 100 ppm Si were like control and other unstressed plants

    GASA-JOSH: a Hybrid Evolutionary-Annealing Approach for Job-Shop Scheduling Problem

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    The job-shop scheduling problem is well known for its complexity as an NP-hard problem. We have considered JSSPs with an objective of minimizing makespan. In this paper, we develope a hybrid approach for solving JSSPs called GASA-JOSH. In GASA-JOSH, the population is divided in non-cooperative groups. Each group must refer to a method pool and choose genetic algorithm or simulated annealing to solve the problem. The best result of each group is maintained in a solution set, and then the best solution to the whole population is chosen among the elements of the solution set and reported as outcome. The proposed approach have been compared with other algorithms for job-shop scheduling and evaluated with satisfactory results on a large set of JSSPs derived from classical job-shop scheduling benchmarks. We have solved 23 benchmark problems and compared results obtained with a number of algorithms established in the literature

    An Effective Multi-Population Based Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for Job Shop Scheduling Problem

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    The job shop scheduling problem is a well known practical planning problem in the manufacturing sector. We have considered the JSSP with an objective of minimizing makespan. In this paper, a multi-population based hybrid genetic algorithm is developed for solving the JSSP. The population is divided in several groups at first and the hybrid algorithm is applied to the disjoint groups. Then the migration operator is used. The proposed approach, MP-HGA, have been compared with other algorithms for job-shop scheduling and evaluated with satisfactory results on a set of JSSPs derived from classical job-shop scheduling benchmarks. We have solved 15 benchmark problems and compared results obtained with a number of algorithms established in the literature. The experimental results show that MP-HGA could gain the best known makespan in 13 out of 15 problems

    رفتارهای نامحترمانه در محیط کار پرستاران: یک مطالعه کیفی Uncivil Behaviors in Nursing Workplace: A Qualitative Study

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    مقدمه: رفتارهای نامحترمانه در محیط‌های بالینی تهدید آمیز می‌باشند و منجر به خطر انداختن سلامت پرستاران و بیماران در محیط‌های بالینی و درمانی می‌گردد. نتایج نامطلوب آن با عدم رضایت شغلی و ترک محل کار همراه است. این مطالعه با هدف تبیین رفتارهای نامحترمانه در محیط کار پرستاران انجام شده است روش کار: در این مطالعه کیفی پنجاه نفر از پرستاران شاغل در مرکز آموزشی درمانی تحت پوشش دانشگاه علوم پزشکی گلستان با روش نمونه گیری مبتنی بر هدف و با حداکثر تنوع مورد بررسی قرار گرفتند. داده‌ها از طریق مصاحبه‌های نیمه ساختار تا رسیدن به اشباع داده‌ها جمع آوری و با رویکرد تحلیل محتوای کیفی مرسوم تحلیل شدند یافته‌ها: 80 درصد مشارکت کنندگان زن، با سابقه کار 3 تا 20 سال بوده‌اند. رفتار نامحترمانه با مفاهیم "حقارت"، "پرخاشگری کلامی- غیر کلامی"، "تهدید"، "سرزنش شدن"، "نادیده گرفتن توانمندی‌ها"، "مشارکت داده نشدن"، در تعامل با همکاران، مافوق، پزشک، بیماران، همراهان، کادر خدماتی همراه بوده است. مشارکت کنندگان رفتار نامحترمانه از همراهان را در طیفی از خفیف تا شدید تجربه کردند و آن را بسیار تنش زا می‌دانستند در حالی که توهین از جانب بیمار را کمتر شخصی می‌پندارند و به دلیل وضعیت سلامتی و استرس بیمار آن را بهتر تحمل می‌کنند. مشارکت کنندگان همواره بهترین راه مقابله برای پاسخ به رفتار نامحترمانه را نمی‌دانستند، با مسبب رفتار توهین آمیز مقابله‌ای نمی‌کردند یا آن رفتار را گزارش نمی‌کردند نتیجه گیری: یافته‌ها نشان داد رفتارهای نامحترمانه به درجات و در ابعاد مختلف در محیط کاری پرستاران رخ می‌دهد و تداوم چنین رفتارها و احساس عدم وجود منابع حمایتی می‌تواند سبب سبب یاس از حرفه کاری و استرس گرد

    A study on the ethical components of nursing practice (moral distress, ethical sensitivity, ethical decision)

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    This paper is an applied research in terms of objective and a descriptive research in terms of method. Having prepared the research plan, a questionnaire was designed based on goals and hypotheses of the research and was sent to the statistical universe. Also this paper is a field research in terms of data collection. As regards theoretical bases of the research, library data collection method has been applied. So, the required data has been gathered by referring to the related references, books, libraries and so on. To design a questionnaire and gather the opinions of the statistical universe members, field study method and researcher-made questionnaire have been used. The statistical universe comprises nurses and head of ICU and head nurses of Najmieh Hospital in Tehran. The respondents were selected by random sampling method. Also to estimate sample size, Morgan table was applied. The statistical universe consists of 65 members and according to the table, 56 questionnaires were determined for the research. So 60 questionnaires were sent and 58 ones were returned. Face and content validity of the research tool were approved by experts. The test reliability was estimated 0.777 by calculating Cronbach's alpha coefficient. In this paper, factor analysis based on partial least squares structural equations method has been applied to analyze more important factors and coefficients, estimate independent variables coefficients and even determine effectiveness of each independent variable on each other and determine appropriateness of the questions and their coefficients in explaining the related index. The main result of this paper presents a proper model for the relation of effective variables on nurse performance by using regression model. © IDOSI Publications, 2014