241 research outputs found

    A survey of checkpointing algorithms for parallel and distributed computers

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    Checkpoint is defined as a designated place in a program at which normal processing is interrupted specifically to preserve the status information necessary to allow resumption of processing at a later time. Checkpointing is the process of saving the status information. This paper surveys the algorithms which have been reported in the literature for checkpointing parallel/distributed systems. It has been observed that most of the algorithms published for checkpointing in message passing systems are based on the seminal article by Chandy and Lamport. A large number of articles have been published in this area by relaxing the assumptions made in this paper and by extending it to minimise the overheads of coordination and context saving. Checkpointing for shared memory systems primarily extend cache coherence protocols to maintain a consistent memory. All of them assume that the main memory is safe for storing the context. Recently algorithms have been published for distributed shared memory systems, which extend the cache coherence protocols used in shared memory systems. They however also include methods for storing the status of distributed memory in stable storage. Most of the algorithms assume that there is no knowledge about the programs being executed. It is however felt that in development of parallel programs the user has to do a fair amount of work in distributing tasks and this information can be effectively used to simplify checkpointing and rollback recovery

    Liver Tumor Prediction with Advanced Attention Mechanisms Integrated into a Depth-Based Variant Search Algorithm

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    In recent days, Deep Learning (DL) techniques have become an emerging transformation in the field of machine learning, artificial intelligence, computer vision, and so on. Subsequently, researchers and industries have been highly endorsed in the medical field, predicting and controlling diverse diseases at specific intervals. Liver tumor prediction is a vital chore in analyzing and treating liver diseases. This paper proposes a novel approach for predicting liver tumors using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and a depth-based variant search algorithm with advanced attention mechanisms (CNN-DS-AM). The proposed work aims to improve accuracy and robustness in diagnosing and treating liver diseases. The anticipated model is assessed on a Computed Tomography (CT) scan dataset containing both benign and malignant liver tumors. The proposed approach achieved high accuracy in predicting liver tumors, outperforming other state-of-the-art methods. Additionally, advanced attention mechanisms were incorporated into the CNN model to enable the identification and highlighting of regions of the CT scans most relevant to predicting liver tumors. The results suggest that incorporating attention mechanisms and a depth-based variant search algorithm into the CNN model is a promising approach for improving the accuracy and robustness of liver tumor prediction. It can assist radiologists in their diagnosis and treatment planning. The proposed system achieved a high accuracy of 95.5% in predicting liver tumors, outperforming other state-of-the-art methods

    Impact of soaking, sprouting on antioxidant and anti-nutritional factors in millet grains

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    Commonly consumed millet types viz., Little millet, foxtail millet, pearl millet, finger millet, and Kodo millet were tested under two processing methods of soaking and germination at a different time point. Most popular processing practices adopted by Indian households were studied for their influence on the biochemical properties, antioxidant profile, and anti-nutritive factors. The results showed that the sprouting process showed a maximum influence on the antioxidant and anti-nutritive factors. The comparative analysis of the five millets suggested 24h soaking and 24h germination was found to be best for producing nutritionally enriched millet products. Tannin content decreases with an increase in germination. The reduction in tannin was about 50% in little millet (0.347 mg/g) and the highest was recorded in finger millet (2.07 mg/g). The highest amount of saponin content was found in pearl millet( 39.53 mg/g) followed by finger millet ( 34.86 mg/g) with 24 hr soaking and  24 hr germination. The phytase activity was found to be higher in little millet (61.520 u/kg) when prolonged soaking and germination. The DPPH assay showed sprouted foxtail millet grains contain more antioxidant activity (81.13%) when extent the period of soaking and germination

    Effect of Ethanolamine and HCl on structural and optical properties of Nickel oxide thin films

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    In the present work, Nickel Oxide thin films were prepared by spin coating technique. The effects of Ethanolamine and HCl on structural and optical properties of NiO thin films are studied. The structural properties of NiO thin films were examined by X-ray Diffraction (XRD). The amorphous nature of NiO thin films were observed from XRD pattern. FESEM studies of the surface morphology of NiO thin films exhibits smooth and uniform surface with average particle size of 200 nm for Ethanolamine doping sample and 300 nm for HCl doping sample. The functional groups and surface roughness of NiO thin films were investigated by FTIR and 3 D Laser Profilometry. The surface roughness of the prepared samples increases with increasing thickness from 4.49 μm to 6.81 μm. The optical characteristics of the samples were determined by UV Visible Spectrophotometer. This results shows that the prepared NiO thin films exhibits high optical transparency

    A study on the association of diabetes and semen quality in and around Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

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    Background: Globally prevalence of diabetes is gradually increasing in individual at reproductive stage. Uncontrolled blood sugar affects biological systems including reproductive. Thus, this study was aimed to analyze the association of diabetes and male infertility in and around Chennai. Methods: Fifty-four male participants who visited the fertility clinic was grouped in two based on the sugar value. An anthropometric measurement, clinical, blood, seminal parameters and life style behaviors was analyzed. All study variables was analyzed to examine the association of diabetes and semen quality. Results: Study results shows that people with diabetes had abnormal semen parameters as compared to non- diabetic study participants. Pearson’s correlation between the semen parameters and blood sugar value of the study participants showed semen parameters: volume (r=-0.28, p<0.05), count (r=-0.22, p<0.05), and motility (r=-0.23, p<0.05), has a significantly week negative correlation with blood sugar level.  Scatter plots also showed semen parameters:  volume (r2=-0.079), count (r2=-0.048), and motility (r2=-0.053), had a significantly week negative linear correlation with blood sugar level. Conclusions: From the study it was concluded that the uncontrolled blood sugar levels affect the reproductive health of the study participants.

    Biofuel Production Using Marine Microbes

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    One of the greatest challenges for world in the twenty-first century is to meet the growing demand for energy for transportation, heating and industrial processes and to provide raw material for the industry in a sustainable way. Today, ethanol is being promoted as a clean and renewable fuel that will reduce global warming, air pollution and reliance on diminishing gasoline. In the present study conversion of agricultural residue such as wood powder, corn stalk, paddy straw, ragi stalk, millet stalk and sugarcane stalk in to ethanol production was aimed by two processes. 1. Hydrolysis of cellulosed in lignocellulosic materials to fermentable reducing sugars using cellulolytic marine bacteria and 2. Fermentation of the sugars to ethanol using marine yeast. Among the 15 potential cellulase producers isolated, 3 strains namely Klebsiella ozeanae, Pseudomonas aerugionsa and Enterobacter cloacae were found to be the most potent strains. Growth optimization study revealed that K. ozeanae preferred pH: 7, temperature: 35oC, salinity: 3% and 30 hours of incubation period as optimum for maximum growth. Whereas for P. aeruginosa the optimum growth conditions were pH: 8, temperature: 35oC, Salinity: 2% and 36 hours incubation period. Likewise for E. cloacae it was pH: 7, temperature: 35oC, Salinity: 2% and 36 hours incubation period. All the strains preferred cellulose as the most preferable substrate for the cellulase production at which 271, 263 and 231 U/ml/min. of enzyme activity was observed for K. ozeanae, P. arurginosa and E. cloacae respectively. Among the nitrogen sources yeast extract showed maximum enzyme activity in the above strains respectively of 282, 275 and 263 U/ml/min. in mass scale production with 1% cellulose as carbon source and 1% yeast extract as nitrogen source resulted in 293, 280 and 264 U/ml/min. enzyme activity was observer for K. ozeanae, P. aeruginosa and E. cloacae respectively. It was interesting to note that with cheaper substrate (wood powder) also almost equal amount of enzyme production was observed. When all three strains were used as a consortium at optimum growth conditions such as pH-7, temperature-35oC, salinity -2%, 30 hrs incubation period in an anaerobic condition 11% of ethanol production was observed which was found to be highest ever reported. These wild strains as such cane be used for industrial ethanol production.Keywords: Microbs, biofuel, Hydrolysis, Fermentatio

    An Intelligent Hybrid Protocol for Effective Load Balancing and Energy Efficient Routing for MANETs

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    MANET (Mobile ad hoc network) is an autonomous decentralised network. And it is a collection of wireless mobile nodes that dynamically form a temporary network without the reliance of any infrastructure or central administration. Routing is a challenging task in manet. When the size and complexity increases the important challenge in manet is to avoid congestion with effective load balancing and improve energy, QoS parameters inside the network. In this work we propose a new hybrid protocol by combining ACO and Predator prey (LV) model which known as ACRRCC (Ant colony based rate regulating congestion control) method, which works efficiently in two phases. The efficient and optimal routing strategy is done by phase I using ant colony optimization. In phase II the congestion is majorly controlled by employing a mathematical model named predator-prey model which regulates the rate of the traffic flow in the network path. Performance of our proposed hybrid model ACRRCC yields good results under simulation study when compared with simple ACO

    Mouth Image Based Person Authentication Using DWLSTM and GRU

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    Recently several classification methods were introduced to solve mouth based biometric authentication systems. The results of previous investigations into mouth prints are insufficient and produce lesser authentication results. This is mainly due to the difficulties that accompany any analysis of the mouths: mouths are very flexible and pliable, and successive mouth print impressions even those obtained from the same person may significantly differ from one other. The existing machine learning methods, may not achieve higher performance and only few methods are available using deep learning for mouth biometric authentication. The use of deep learning based mouth biometrics authentication gives higher results than usual machine learning methods. The proposed mouth based biometric authentication (MBBA) system is rigorously examined with real world data and challenges with the purpose that could be expected on mouth-based solution deployed on a mobile device. The proposed system has three major steps such as (1) database collection, (2) creating model for authentication, (3) performance evaluation. The database is collected from Annamalai University deep learning laboratory which consists of 5000 video frames belongs to 10 persons. The person authentication model is created using divergence weight long short term memory (DWLSTM) and gated recurrent unit (GRU) to capture the temporal relationship in mouth images of a person. The existing and proposed methods are implemented via the Anaconda with Jupyter notebook. Finally the results of the proposed model are compared against existing methods such as support vector machine (SVM), and Probabilistic Neural Network (PNN) with respect to metrics like precision, recall, F1-score, and accuracy of mouth