359 research outputs found

    Law and Nonlegal Norms in Government Lawyers\u27 Ethics: Discretion Meets Legitimacy

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    This Essay is about the role of unwritten norms in the ethical decisionmaking of government lawyers. Because the ethical obligations of lawyers, including government lawyers, are closely tied to the legal rights and obligations of clients, this analysis necessarily depends on understanding the relationship between written law and unwritten norms. As we all know, however, written law leaves gaps, ambiguities, and zones of unregulated discretion. Prosecutors in the United States, for example, have virtually unreviewable discretion to decide who to investigate and charge, what charges to bring, and whether to offer immunity in exchange for cooperation. No one has a legal entitlement not to be prosecuted, nor does anyone else—official or private citizen—have the power to compel a prosecutor to bring charges. The president possesses nearly unconstrained discretion to grant clemency to people convicted of criminal offenses. The impeachment power of Congress is constrained only by the Constitution’s requirement that the president be charged with certain enumerated offenses, including the open-ended phrase “high Crimes and Misdemeanors.” In other areas, a government official may possess the legal authority to do something but may nevertheless be criticized for exercising that authority contrary to standards that are not reducible to positive law. The question is, what standards, norms, or ethical values, if any, constrain the actions of lawyers advising government officials who exercise their power within discretionary unwritten areas of the law? In other words, is there a type of official discretion that is distinguishable from the exercise of raw power or whimsical decision-making, despite being unconstrained by positive law? If so, what is its relationship to positive law and its claim to legitimate authority

    Determination of Chemical, Nutritional and Fermentation Properties of Citrus Pulp Silages

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    This study was carried out to investigate the possibilities of making silage from fruit juice industry waste.For this purpose, orange, lemon and tangerine pulp silage quality have been determined by comparing silage with maize and beet pulp silage.Treatment groups; 1) orange, 2) tangerine, 3) lemon, 4) maize and 5) sugar beet pulp. The silages were evaluated after 2 months from ensiling in the following areas: subjective evaluation, pH, dry matter, organic matter, crude protein, acid detergent fiber, neutral detergent fiber, ether extract and energy values (metabolizable energy) and net energy for lactation were calculated. As a result, it was determined that fruit juice industry residues were lower in terms of dry matter, but they contained higher energy due to their high organic matter content, digestibility and low cellulose content. In addition, it was determined that citrus pulp was evaluated as silage without any contribution

    The Ensiling Capability of Various Commercial Mixture Additives on Sunflower Silage Composition, Organic Matter Digestibility and Microbial Profiles

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    Bu çalışma, ticari asit karışımlarının silaj katkı maddesi olarak ayçiçeği silajında kullanılmasının kimyasal kompozisyon, lactobacillus, maya ve küf içeriği ile organik madde sindirilebilirliği üzerine etkilerini belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Muamele grupları; (1) kontrol ((K), katkı maddesi ilavesi yok), (2) formik asit, propiyonik asit ve lignosulfopikasit karışımı(1 g/kg, (SA), softacid®), (3) sodyum benzoat, sodyum metabisulfit ve kalsiyum formiyat karışımı (1 g/kg,(SM), Silamix®) ve (4) SA+ SM karışımı (1 g/kg SA+1 g/kg SM). Silaj materyalleri 6 tekerrürlü olarak bir litre hacimli vakum poşetlerinde vakumlanmış ve 90 gün süreyle fermantasyona bırakılmıştır. SA+SM grubunda kuru madde (KM) oranı K ve SA gruplarından, SM ve SA+SM gruplarında ham protein (HP) içeriği K ve SA gruplarından önemli derecede düşük bulunmuştur (P < 0,01). K grubunda ham selüloz (HS) ve asit deterjan fiber (ADF) içeriği diğer gruplardan daha yüksek bulunmuştur (P < 0,01). K grubunda hemiselüloz (HEM) içeriği SA+SM grubundan daha düşük (P < 0,05), SA grubunda lignin (ADL) içeriği diğer gruplardan daha yüksek bulunmuştur (P < 0,01). Asitlerin ilavesi ile toplam besin madde sindirilebilirliği oranı artmış; SA+SM grubunda laktik asit (LA) oranı diğer gruplardan ve SM grubunda organik madde sindirilebilirliği (OMS), K ve SA gruplarından daha yüksek bulunmuştur (P < 0,01). Asit ilaveleri ile silajlarda pH, ham yağ (HY), nötral deterjan fiber (NDF) ile lactobacillus ve maya sayısı etkilenmemiştir. Sonuç olarak, ayçiçeği silajlarına asit karışımı ilavelerinin KM, HP ve ADF oranında azalma, HEM, toplam sindirilebilir besin maddeleri (TSBM), LA ile OMS'nde artış meydana getirdiği ve ayçiçeği silajlarında katkı maddesi olarak kullanılmasının silaj kalitesini artırabileceği söylenebilirThe objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of commercial acid mixtures on silage chemical composition, lactobacillus, yeast and mold in the silages and organic matter digestibility. The treatment groups as follows: (1) Control (C, no additive), (2) formic acid, propionic acid and lignosulphopic acid mixture (1 g/kg, SA, soft acid&reg;), (3) calcium formiate, sodium benzoate and sodium metabisulfite mixture (1 g/kg, Silamix&reg;) and (4) SA+SM mixture (1 g/kg SA+1 g/kg SM) admixed to fresh sunflower crops. Then, fresh crop materials were filled one kg in vacuum nylons and vacuumed with six replicates and kept for 90 days at room temperature (about 20 to 26 &deg;C). Dry matter content of silages were lower in the SA+SM supplemented group than those of C and SA groups and crude protein content of SM and the SA+SM groups lower than those of C and SA groups (P &lt; 0.01). The crude fiber and acid detergent fiber ratio were higher in the C group than the other groups (P &lt; 0.01). In the C group the HEM content were lower than SA+SM group (P &lt; 0.05) and in the SA group's ADL were higher than those of other groups (P &lt; 0.01).Acids supplementations increased total digestibility nutrient ratio. The lactic acid concentration in the SA+SM group were higher than those of other groups and in the SM group, organic matter digestibility were higher than those of C and SA groups (P &lt; 0.01).Acid addition was not affect pH, ether extract, NDF, and lactobacillus and yeast count of silages. In conclusion, acids mixture supplementation to sunflower silage caused a decrease in DM, CP and ADF content, however, increased HEM, TDN, LA and OMD and so they may improve silage qualit

    The effect of rosehip (Rosa canina L.) supplementation to diet on the performance, egg and meat quality, antioxidant activity in laying quail

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    This study was conducted to determine the effects of rosehip (RS, Rosa canina L.) supplementation on the performance, carcass traits, meat quality, serum antioxidant activity, egg yolk pigmentation and fatty acid composition of laying quail. A total of 120 10-week-old laying quail were divided into 5 treatment groups with 8 replicates. The treatments were as follows: the first group was fed control diet (C, no rosehip addition), other groups (2, 3, 4 and 5) were fed with diets containing 2.5, 5, 10 and 15% RS, respectively. The body weight (BW), feed consumption (FC) and egg yield were not affected by the treatments. However, egg weight and egg mass increased with 5 and 10% RS supplementation (P<0.01). The breast meat’s dry matter, crude protein, ash, fat, drip loss, thawing loss, cooking loss, postmortem pH1 values and the colour were not statistically influenced by RS supplementation. Rosehip supplementation caused a decrease in the L* values of egg yolk colour, however, the redness (a*) and yellowness (b*) values of the egg yolk was higher than that of the C group (P<0.01). Rosehip supplementation did not change the fatty acid composition of egg yolk. Rosehip addition at 2.5 and 5% ratio to diets decreased serum malondialdehyde (MDA), and increased serum superoxide dismutase (SOD) levels (P<0.01); while addition of 10 and 15% RS caused an increase in serum MDA and decrease in serum SOD levels compared to C group (P<0.01). In conclusion, rosehip as a feed ingredient in quail diets can be used to increase egg weight, egg mass and egg yolk pigmentation and low (2.5 and 5%) RS supplementation may decrease serum oxidant activity but not high concentrations (10 and 15%) of RS

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    Enkapsüle üre ve İnokulant kullanılmasının Mısır Silajı Kalite özellikleri üzerine etkileri

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    This study was carried out to investigate the effectsof encapsulated urea and inoculant addition on chemical composition, silagequality properties, aerobic stability and microbiological properties of maizesilages. Corn plant was harvested at the time of pulping and urea (U),encapsulated urea and inoculant added groups were prepared. For this purpose,two experiments were planned. In the first study, the groups were formed asfollows: 1: Control (silage without urea and inoculant added), 2: Addition of1% granule U to corn silage, 3: Addition of 1% encapsulated urea (PlU) producedfor plant fertilization, 3: Ruminates for ration 1% encapsulated urea (RuU) wasadded. In the second study, 4: 0.05% inoculant (IN, Silamix, Royal A.Ş.Kayseri, Turkey) was added to the silage, 5: 0.1% IN was added to the silage,and 6: 0.2% IN was added to the silage. In addition, urea and inoculantcombinations were created for silage. In the first study, the addition of ureaforms to silage significantly increased the crude protein (CP) ratio anddecreased the ADF ratio (P&lt;0.01) compared to the control group, but pH, drymatter (DM), crude fat (CF), ash (CA) and NDF did not significantly affect thevalues. Addition of urea forms significantly affected aerobic stability, pH, CO2,yeast, mold and lactobacilli rate (P&lt;0.01). Addition of urea to corn silagedid not significantly affect acetic, butyric and propionic ratios. With theaddition of urea, the total gas production in silages decreased, but themethane gas ratio increased in the En-Ru group compared to the control(P&lt;0.05). In the second study, the addition of inoculant to silages did not significantlyaffect the pH, DM, CA, ADF and NDF ratios, but the CP ratio increased comparedto the control (P&lt;0.01). Addition of inoculant did not significantly affectthe aerobic stability % and pH level, but caused differences in yeast, mold,lactobacilli and CO2 ratios (P&lt;0.01). Addition of inoculant tothe silage did not significantly affect acetic, butyric and propionic ratiosand total gas production (24 hours), but the addition of 0.2% inoculantincreased the methane gas ratio compared to other groups (P&lt;0.01). Similardifferences in the main experimental groups were also detected in thecombinations. As a result, the addition of urea to corn silage increased thesilage protein content, aerobic and lactobacilli count, decreased the mold rateand total gas production, and had a positive effect on the silage quality. Theaddition of inoculant to the silage increased the protein content and aerobicstability.</p