185 research outputs found

    Developing Countries’ Marketing Communication Role in School Culture

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    Marketing communication has a vital role for organization?s internal and external representation in the marketing environment. Also, it creates a planned communication process for each organization attempt to become successful in the marketplace. Communication gives chances to organizations explaining, creating, and communicating information; it has a role to exchange the communicative messages mutually in terms of verbal and visual representation. In developing islands, service sectors are more developed and controlled by some Ministries. Education sector is controlled by Ministry of Education. Thus, school management must apply specific curriculum. According to Hofstede?s cultural dimensions theory, quality versus quantity of life dimension focuses on whether society concentrates on quality or quantity of the life. Thus, private schools analyzed under profit-oriented institutions. This chapter is going to explore the role of marketing communication in private school culture. Firstly, it analyses current situation of private schools, marketing communication applications in the process of building their school cultures by using quantitative method, and then develop an ideal model of marketing communication for institutions that reflects their school cultures. This chapter is going to be valuable for school managers and be a guideline for them while they are trying to apply the marketing communication tactics

    Repositioning of PR Field in Developing Countries

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    There is a big question in the market whether companies are giving a real equity for public relations (PR) field in developing countries. In developing countries, unfortunately, managers are not giving full support for PR professional in their institutions. Companies apply some of the marketing communication (MC) elements while trying to reach their target market and focus on the elements that can show performance in a short term, mostly because they want to return their investment in a short term. Advertising and sales promotion activities are measurable in a short run, and PR and sales force performance are measured in a long run; hence, companies prefer to allocate their budget more for their shortterm activities than long‐term activities because they perceive all as extra cost, which is not true. Thus, managers have to believe that MC campaign is not an extra cost and that it is a type of communication investment for good corporate image and reputation for the public. This chapter is emphasizing what PR professionals are doing in their fields will be discussed in detail. Thus, this chapter is important because it is guiding the companies that have operations in developing countries about what they will expect from their PR professional when they build on their strategic communication


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    Sepsis is a fatal condition, which affects at least 26 million people in the world every year that is resulted by an infection. For every 100,000 people, sepsis is seen in 149-240 of them and it has a mortality rate of 30%. The presence of infection in the patient is determined in order to diagnose the sepsis disease. Organ dysfunctions associated with an infection is diagnosed as sepsis. With the increased usage of artificial intelligence in the field of medicine, the early prediction and treatment of many diseases are provided with these methods. Considering the learning, reasoning and decision making abilities of artificial neural networks, which are the sub field of artificial intelligence are inferred to be used in predicting early stages of sepsis disease and determining the sepsis level is assessed. In this study, it is aimed to help sepsis diagnosis by using multi-layered artificial neural network.In construction of artificial neural network model, feed forward back propagation network structure and Levenberg-Marquardt training algorithm were used. The input and output variables of the model were the parameters which doctors use to diagnose the sepsis disease and determine the level of sepsis. The proposed method aims to provide an alternative prediction model for the early detection of sepsis disease

    Mobile App Marketing Communication for B2B and B2C: Ingoes as a Case Study

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    In today’s marketing world, there are highly competitive business environments in every industry. The companies try to survive, and their strategical conceptual thinking and entrepreneurship levels help them to be unique in their industry. The innovative ideas and alterations on consumer behavior create success stories in the future survival of the companies. Ingoes is a real estate platform that brings real estate buyers and sellers together and must be research case since it is the first mobile application for property market in Northern Cyprus. Thus, this chapter is helpful as a literature source for mobile application sector usage of marketing communication strategies when they are newly entering in their markets. Diffusion of innovation theory is considered while analyzing Ingoes brand. The aim of this study is to focus on the diffusion of innovation for mobile application marketing perspectives. This chapter covers both quantitative and qualitative research method content analyses by focusing on Ingoes new media usage while they are reaching their current and potential consumers

    Regional employment generation potential of the Turkish labor market: an inter-sectoral perspective

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    Contractionary effects of the current global crisis are not homogenous among sectors. Moreover, sectoral employment multipliers and high regional unemployment differentials unequally transfer these effects into labor market. The purpose of this study is to explore the inter-sectoral sensitivities of regional labor markets in Turkey to changes in the final demand. To do this, we decompose the labor demand by sectors and by regions using input-output methodology. Own employment generation effects and regional employment multipliers of each sector are calculated. Overall findings constitute an employment generation map of Turkey. One of the major findings is the strength of the mutual relationship between agriculture and manufacturing sectors. The biggest spillover effect is created by manufacturing upon mostly agriculture, trade and transportation. Agriculture, social services and trade are the most sensitive sectors to changes in the final demand. At regional level; trade, social services and manufacturing are the most influential sectors on Istanbul. Besides, agriculture, social services and construction sectors have the highest employment generation potentials in South Eastern Anatolia. First published online: 17 Apr 201

    Advances in Cellulose-Based Packaging Films for Food Products

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    Cellulose and its derivatives can be used to manufacture packaging film materials with versatile properties as alternatives to petroleum-based films. This chapter covers the recent trends and advancements in cellulose-based films for food materials. The chapter starts with the introduction of traditional and novel cellulose structures relevant to film-making properties including cellulose fibers, filaments, nano-fibrils, crystalline cellulose, and other traditional cellulose derivatives. The relevant cross-linking methods, such as esterification, etherification, oxidation, and carboxylation will be described in the production of materials such as methylcellulose, cellulose acetate, rayon fabric, carboxymethyl cellulose, cellulose ether, etc. The chapter will relate the properties of the films (e.g., crystallinity, mechanical, optical, barrier, and solubility properties) to the chemical characteristics of the cellulose materials. The chapter will also cover the interactions of cellulose with polymeric composites such as protein, polysaccharides, and other nanoparticles ingredients with a focus on emerging technologies

    Hypoglossal-Facial Nerve Reconstruction Using a Y-Tube-Conduit Reduces Aberrant Synkinetic Movements of the Orbicularis Oculi and Vibrissal Muscles in Rats

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    The facial nerve is the most frequently damaged nerve in head and neck trauma. Patients undergoing facial nerve reconstruction often complain about disturbing abnormal synkinetic movements of the facial muscles (mass movements, synkinesis) which are thought to result from misguided collateral branching of regenerating motor axons and reinnervation of inappropriate muscles. Here, we examined whether use of an aorta Y-tube conduit during reconstructive surgery after facial nerve injury reduces synkinesis of orbicularis oris (blink reflex) and vibrissal (whisking) musculature. The abdominal aorta plus its bifurcation was harvested (N = 12) for Y-tube conduits. Animal groups comprised intact animals (Group 1), those receiving hypoglossal-facial nerve end-to-end coaptation alone (HFA; Group 2), and those receiving hypoglossal-facial nerve reconstruction using a Y-tube (HFA-Y-tube, Group 3). Videotape motion analysis at 4 months showed that HFA-Y-tube group showed a reduced synkinesis of eyelid and whisker movements compared to HFA alone

    Je li fleksibilna bronhoskopija siguran postupak kod kritičnih bolesnika s respiracijskim zatajanjem?

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    Flexible bronchoscopy (FB) plays an important role in critical care patients. But, critical care patients with respiratory failure are at an increased risk of developing complications. Considering the developments in intensive care unit care in recent years, we aimed to evaluate the use of FB in these patients. We retrospectively reviewed patients who underwent FB in critical care between 2014 and 2020. A total of 143 patients underwent FB during the study period. Arterial blood gas measurement on the FB day revealed a mean PaO2/FiO2 of 186.94±28.47. Eighty-one (56.6%) patients underwent an fiberoptic bronchoscopy procedure under conventional oxygen supplementation, 10 (7%) on noninvasive ventilation, 13 (9.1%) on high flow nasal cannula, and 39 (27.3%) on invasive mechanical ventilation. During and immediately after bronchoscopy, none of the patients experienced life-threatening complications. Fifty-five (38.5%) patients developed complications that could be controlled. Multivariate analysis indicated that increased Apache-II score and presence of cardiovascular disease were significantly associated with an increased complication risk. Although critical care patients with respiratory failure are more prone to complications, diagnostic and therapeutic bronchoscopy may be performed following appropriate patient selection, without leading to major complications.Fleksibilna bronhoskopija (FB) igra važnu ulogu u bolesnika na kritičnoj skrbi. Međutim, ovi bolesnici na kritičnoj skrbi s respiracijskim zatajenjem imaju povećani rizik od razvoja komplikacija. S obzirom na napredak u skrbi u jedinici intenzivnog liječenja tijekom posljednjih godina cilj je bio procijeniti uporabu FB-a u ovih bolesnika. Retrospektivno smo pregledali podatke bolesnika koji su podvrgnuti FB-u u kritičnoj skrbi između 2014. i 2020. godine. Ukupno je 143 bolesnika podvrgnuto FB-u tijekom razdoblja ispitivanja. Mjerenje plinova u arterijskoj krvi na dan FB pokazalo je srednju vrijednost PaO2/ FiO2 od 186,94±28,47. Osamdeset jedan bolesnik (56,6%) podvrgnut je postupku fiberoptičke bronhoskopije pod konvencionalnim dodacima kisika, 10 (7%) na neinvazivnoj ventilaciji, 13 (9,1%) na nosnoj kanili s velikim protokom i 39 (27,3%) na invazivnoj mehaničkoj ventilaciji. Tijekom i neposredno nakon bronhoskopije niti jedan bolesnik nije doživio komplikacije opasne za život. Osim toga, 55 (38,5%) bolesnika razvilo je komplikacije koje se mogu kontrolirati. Prema multivarijatnoj analizi, povećani rezultat Apache-II i prisutnost kardiovaskularnih bolesti bili su značajno povezani s povećanim rizikom od komplikacija. Iako su bolesnici na kritičnoj skrbi s respiracijskim zatajenjem skloniji komplikacijama, dijagnostička i terapijska bronhoskopija mogu se provesti nakon odgovarajućeg odabira bolesnika, a da to ne dovede do većih komplikacija

    Physical Activity and Exercise Approaches in Coping with Postearthquake Circadian Rhythm and Sleep-Wake Disorders

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    Uyku, iki ana düzenleyici sistem tarafından kontrol edilir. Bunlar uyku miktarını belirleyip 24 saatlik periyodikliği yöneten sirkadiyen sistem ve yeterli miktarda uykunun elde edilmesini sağlayarak uyku kalitesini belirleyen homeostatik sistemdir. İnsanlarda en belirgin sirkadiyen ritim, uyku-uyanıklık döngüsüdür ve bu döngü, düzenleyici mekanizmalar arasında en savunmasız olanlardan biridir. Depremler gibi stresli yaşam olayları, uyku problemleri ile yakından ilişkilidir ve bir risk faktörü olarak kabul edilir. Uyku problemleri, melatonin salınımının azalmasına, konsantrasyon kaybına, bilişsel, kardiyovasküler ve metabolik hastalığa yatkınlık ve bağışıklık sisteminin bozulmasına neden olabilir. Düzenli fiziksel aktivite ve egzersiz uykuyu iyileştirmek ve uyku ile ilişkili sorunlarla başa çıkmak için tamamlayıcı veya alternatif ilaç dışı yaklaşımlar olarak literatürde yerini almıştır. Bu çalışmanın amacı depremzedelerin deprem süreci ve sonrasında yaşadığı uyku problemlerini tanımlamak ve kaliteli bir uyku sağlığının sürdürülebilmesi için fiziksel aktivite ve egzersiz önerilerinde bulunmaktır. Depremzede bireylerde uyku bozukluklarının giderilmesi ve uykunun iyileştirilmesi için oluşturulacak egzersiz programları orta şiddette aerobik ve/veya direnç egzersizlerini içermeli ve haftada 3 gün frekansla, tercihen sabah saatlerinde ve en az 12 hafta yapılmalıdır. Bu egzersizler depremzede bireyin fiziksel uygunluğu, yaşı, cinsiyeti ve komorbiditeleri göz önünde bulundurularak ve konunun uzmanı bir fizyoterapist tarafından reçetelendirilmelidir