27 research outputs found

    Star-Product and Massless Free Field Dynamics in AdS4AdS_4

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    Generic solution of free equations for massless fields of an arbitrary spin in AdS4AdS_4 is built in terms of the star-product algebra with spinor generating elements. A class of "plane wave" solutions is described explicitly.Comment: 12 pages, latex, no figures. v4: erroneous typos in Eqs. (3.3), (3.6), (3.7) correcte

    Tunable Graphene Phononic Crystal

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    In the field of phononics, periodic patterning controls vibrations and thereby the flow of heat and sound in matter. Bandgaps arising in such phononic crystals PnCs realize low dissipation vibrational modes and enable applications toward mechanical qubits, efficient waveguides, and state of the art sensing. Here, we combine phononics and two dimensional materials and explore tuning of PnCs via applied mechanical pressure. To this end, we fabricate the thinnest possible PnC from monolayer graphene and simulate its vibrational properties. We find a bandgap in the megahertz regime within which we localize a defect mode with a small effective mass of 0.72 ag 0.002 mphysical. We exploit graphene s flexibility and simulate mechanical tuning of a finite size PnC. Under electrostatic pressure up to 30 kPa, we observe an upshift in frequency of the entire phononic system by amp; 8764;350 . At the same time, the defect mode stays within the bandgap and remains localized, suggesting a high quality, dynamically tunable mechanical syste

    Heat to Electricity Conversion by a Graphene Stripe with Heavy Chiral Fermions

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    A conversion of thermal energy into electricity is considered in the electrically polarized graphene stripes with zigzag edges where the heavy chiral fermion (HCF) states are formed. The stripes are characterized by a high electric conductance Ge and by a significant Seebeck coefficient S. The electric current in the stripes is induced due to a non-equilibrium thermal injection of "hot" electrons. This thermoelectric generation process might be utilized for building of thermoelectric generators with an exceptionally high figure of merit Z{\delta}T \simeq 100 >> 1 and with an appreciable electric power densities \sim 1 MW/cm2.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Electromagnetic properties of graphene junctions

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    A resonant chiral tunneling (CT) across a graphene junction (GJ) induced by an external electromagnetic field (EF) is studied. Modulation of the electron and hole wavefunction phases φ\varphi by the external EF during the CT processes strongly impacts the CT directional diagram. Therefore the a.c. transport characteristics of GJs depend on the EF polarization and frequency considerably. The GJ shows great promises for various nanoelectronic applications working in the THz diapason.Comment: 4 pages 3 figure

    Relativistic graphene ratchet on semidisk Galton board

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    Using extensive Monte Carlo simulations we study numerically and analytically a photogalvanic effect, or ratchet, of directed electron transport induced by a microwave radiation on a semidisk Galton board of antidots in graphene. A comparison between usual two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) and electrons in graphene shows that ratchet currents are comparable at very low temperatures. However, a large mean free path in graphene should allow to have a strong ratchet transport at room temperatures. Also in graphene the ratchet transport emerges even for unpolarized radiation. These properties open promising possibilities for room temperature graphene based sensitive photogalvanic detectors of microwave and terahertz radiation.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. Research done at Quantware http://www.quantware.ups-tlse.fr/. More detailed analysis is give

    Mesoscopic interplay of superconductivity and ferromagnetism in ultra-small metallic grains

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    We review the effects of electron-electron interactions on the ground-state spin and the transport properties of ultra-small chaotic metallic grains. Our studies are based on an effective Hamiltonian that combines a superconducting BCS-like term and a ferromagnetic Stoner-like term. Such terms originate in pairing and spin exchange correlations, respectively. This description is valid in the limit of a large dimensionless Thouless conductance. We present the ground-state phase diagram in the fluctuation-dominated regime where the single-particle mean level spacing is comparable to the bulk BCS pairing gap. This phase diagram contains a regime in which pairing and spin exchange correlations coexist in the ground-state wave function. We discuss the calculation of the tunneling conductance for an almost-isolated grain in the Coulomb-blockade regime, and present measurable signatures of the competition between superconductivity and ferromagnetism in the mesoscopic fluctuations of the conductance.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, To be published in the proceedings of the NATO Advance Research Workshop "Recent Advances in Nonlinear Dynamics and Complex System Physics.

    Magnetic Catalysis: A Review

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    We give an overview of the magnetic catalysis phenomenon. In the framework of quantum field theory, magnetic catalysis is broadly defined as an enhancement of dynamical symmetry breaking by an external magnetic field. We start from a brief discussion of spontaneous symmetry breaking and the role of a magnetic field in its a dynamics. This is followed by a detailed presentation of the essential features of the phenomenon. In particular, we emphasize that the dimensional reduction plays a profound role in the pairing dynamics in a magnetic field. Using the general nature of underlying physics and its robustness with respect to interaction types and model content, we argue that magnetic catalysis is a universal and model-independent phenomenon. In support of this claim, we show how magnetic catalysis is realized in various models with short-range and long-range interactions. We argue that the general nature of the phenomenon implies a wide range of potential applications: from certain types of solid state systems to models in cosmology, particle and nuclear physics. We finish the review with general remarks about magnetic catalysis and an outlook for future research.Comment: 37 pages, to appear in Lect. Notes Phys. "Strongly interacting matter in magnetic fields" (Springer), edited by D. Kharzeev, K. Landsteiner, A. Schmitt, H.-U. Yee. Version 2: references adde

    Evanescent wave transport and shot noise in graphene: ballistic regime and effect of disorder

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    We have investigated electrical transport and shot noise in graphene field effect devices. In large width over length ratio W/LW/L graphene strips, we have measured shot noise at low frequency (ff = 600--850 MHz) in the temperature range of 4.2--30 K. We observe a minimum conductivity of 4e2πh\frac{4e^{2}}{\pi h} and a finite and gate dependent Fano factor reaching the universal value of 1/3 at the Dirac point, i.e. where the density of states vanishes. These findings are in good agreement with the theory describing that transport at the Dirac point should occur via evanescent waves in perfect graphene samples with large W/LW/L. Moreover, we show and discuss how disorder and non-parallel leads affect both conductivity and shot noise.Comment: Extended version (19 pages, 10 figures) of Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 196802 (2008). Additional data on the effect of disorder and non-parallel leads. Submitted for publication in Journal of Low Temperature Physics for the Proceedings of the International Symposium on Quantum Phenomena and Devices at Low Temperatures (ULTI 2008), Espoo, Finlan

    Conformal Higher Spin Symmetries of 4d Massless Supermultiplets and osp(L,2M)osp(L,2M) Invariant Equations in Generalized (Super)Space

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    Realization of the conformal higher spin symmetry on the 4d massless field supermultiplets is given. The self-conjugated supermultiplets, including the linearized N=4{\cal N}=4 SYM theory, are considered in some detail. Duality between non-unitary field-theoretical representations and the unitary doubleton--type representations of the 4d conformal algebra su(2,2)su(2,2) is formulated in terms of a Bogolyubov transform. The set of 4d massless fields of all spins is shown to form a representation of sp(8)sp(8). The obtained results are extended to the generalized superspace invariant under osp(L,2M)osp(L, 2M) supersymmetries. World line particle interpretation of the free higher spin theories in the osp(2N,2M)osp(2\N, 2M) invariant (super)space is given. Compatible with unitarity free equations of motion in the osp(L,2M)osp(L,2M) invariant (super)space are formulated. A conjecture on the chain of AdSd+1/CFTd→AdSd/CFTd−1→...AdS_{d+1}/CFT_d \to AdS_{d}/CFT_{d-1} \to ... dualities in the higher spin gauge theories is proposed.Comment: Latex, 63 pages; no figures.V2 Typos corrected, References updated. V3.Typos correced, references and an explanation on the relationship with previous work in section 4 are added. The version to appear in Phys.Rev.