39 research outputs found

    The effects of high molecular weight hyaluronic acid (Hylan G-F 20) on experimentally induced temporomandibular joint osteoartrosis: Part II

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    PubMedID: 21889876The aim of this study was to determine the efficacy of Hylan G-F 20 on experimentally induced osteoarthritic changes in rabbit temporomandibular joint (TMJ). A 3 mg/ml concentration of sodium mono iodoacetate (MIA) had been injected into both joints of 24 rabbits to create osteoartrosis. The study group was injected with Hylan G-F 20 in one joint and saline in the contralateral joint as a control (once a week for 3 weeks). Histological changes in articular cartilage, osteochondral junction, chondrocyte appearance and subchondral bone were determined at 4, 6, and 8 weeks. Regarding cartilage, there was a statistically significant difference between the two groups at 4 weeks. Degenerative bony changes to subchondral bone were significantly higher in the controls. No statistical difference was found in the study group at 6 weeks. A positive correlation was found between osteochondral junction and subchondral bone in the study group at 8 weeks. The changes in chondrocyte appearance were significantly decreased in the study group at all follow-up times. Intra-articular injection of Hylan G-F 20 decreased cartilage changes in early stage TMJ osteoartrosis and clustering of chondrocytes showed the chondroprotective effects of Hylan G-F 20 caused by hypertrophic responses. © 2011 International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons.This study was supported by grant no: 107S269 from the TUBITAK (The Scientific and technological research council of Turkey) research programme

    Histomorphometric Evaluation of Bone Formation in Peri-Implant Defects Treated With Different Regeneration Techniques: An Experimental Study in a Rabbit Model

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    PubMedID: 27351696Purpose The aim of this study was to investigate the healing of artificially created peri-implant circumferential bone defects using three bone-regeneration techniques. Materials and Methods Rabbit tibias (24 rabbits), in which bone defects (9-mm diameter, 4-mm depth) were created and implant beds (3-mm diameter, 6-mm depth) were prepared in the middle of the created defects, were used as the experimental model. Dental implants (3.0 × 10 mm) were inserted, and the peri-implant bone defects were grafted with demineralized freeze-dried bone allograft (DFDBA) plus saline solution, DFDBA plus platelet-rich fibrin (PRF), or DFDBA plus rifamycin. After 4 weeks, the animals were euthanized and the implants with surrounding bone were removed. Undecalcified histomorphometric examinations with toluidine blue staining were performed, and the bone-to-implant contact (BIC) and percentage of new bone formation were evaluated. Results The BIC was 50.94% ± 24.39% in the DFDBA–plus–saline solution group, 60.07% ± 4.91% in the DFDBA-plus-rifamycin group, and 73.43% ± 3.86% in the DFDBA-plus-PRF group. The percentage of new bone formation at the defect area was 37.61% ± 1.70% in the DFDBA–plus–saline solution group, 48.51% ± 2.80% in the DFDBA-plus-rifamycin group, and 63.09% ± 2.10% in the DFDBA-plus-PRF group. In terms of new bone formation and BIC, the DFDBA-plus-PRF and DFDBA-plus-rifamycin groups were significantly different from the DFDBA–plus–saline solution group. The difference between the DFDBA-plus-PRF and DFDBA-plus-rifamycin groups was also statistically significant. Conclusions The addition of PRF or rifamycin to DFDBA had a significant positive effect on bone healing in peri-implant bone defects. The DFDBA-plus-PRF group showed the highest percentages of new bone formation and BIC. © 2016 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon

    Autotransplantation of impacted teeth: A report of 3 cases and review of the literature

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    PubMedID: 19626234Transplantation of one's own teeth from one site to another is called dental autotransplantation. Because tooth transplantation allows dentofacial development and maintains alveolar bone volume, it is a viable treatment method, especially in young patients with missing teeth or tooth agenesis. Three cases are presented in which missing or agenetic teeth were replaced by autotransplantation of impacted teeth. This article illustrates the option of using impacted teeth as a viable reservoir for autotransplantation in young patients with missing permanent teeth. © 2009 by Quintessence Publishing Co Inc

    The Effects of Maxillary Expansion on Late Alveolar Bone Grafting in Patients With Unilateral Cleft Lip and Palate

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    PubMedID: 30138625Purpose: The purpose of this study was to answer the research question of whether maxillary expansion provides enough postgraft stimulation to decrease the volume loss of alveolar bone grafts in patients with cleft lip and palate (CLP) who missed the appropriate treatment time. Materials and Methods: This study was designed as a prospective controlled clinical trial. Thirty patients in the permanent-dentition stage with unilateral CLP were divided into 2 groups: In group I (mean age, 19.33 ± 5.16 years), slow maxillary expansion was performed before secondary alveolar bone grafting (SABG); in group II (mean age, 19.93 ± 3.99 years), slow maxillary expansion was performed 6 weeks after SABG. The iliac crest was preferred as a donor site for autogenous bone graft harvesting. Cone beam computed tomography images were taken 1 week, 6 months, and 12 months postoperatively. The volume and density of the alveolar bone graft were calculated using Mimics software (version 13.1; Materialise, Ann Arbor, MI), and SPSS software (version 19.0; IBM, Armonk, NY) was used for statistical analysis. Results: The bone graft volume loss was significantly higher in group I than in group II after 6 months of healing (P = .003). The increase in bone density was significantly higher in group II than in group I after 6 months of healing (P = .017). Although the mean loss of volume was lower and the mean density of the bone graft was higher in group II, there was no significant difference between the 2 groups in terms of mean graft volume and mean bone density 12 months after the operation. For groups I and II, the mean bone graft volume loss was 46.3% and 34.6%, respectively, and the mean increase in bone density was 16% and 49%, respectively, after 12 months of healing. Conclusions: Maxillary expansion after late SABG may be taken into consideration as a treatment choice in selected unilateral CLP patients to provide bone graft stimulation. © 2018 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon

    A histomorphometric evaluation of the effects of plateletrich fibrin and rifamycin in combination with an allograft on bone augmentation with simultaneous implant placement in rabbit tibia

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    Objective: To evaluate the potential of platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) and rifamycin to enhance guided bone augmentation with simultaneous high-profile dental implant placement in a rabbit tibia model. Materials and Methods: Dental implants protruding 2 mm were covered with dome-shaped stiff occlusive titanium barriers filled with demineralized freeze-dried bone allograft (DFDBA)+saline (7 rabbits), DFDBA + rifamycin (8 rabbits), or DFDB +PRF (8 rabbits). After 4 weeks, the animals were sacrificed, and undecalcified histomorphometric examination with toluidine blue staining was performed. Results: The bone-to-implant contact (BIC) was 58.43 ± 1.92% in the saline group, 68.3 ±20.37% in the rifamycin group, and 80.70±2.55% in the PRF group, and the percentage of new bone formation was 36.90 ± 0.94%, 45.26±0.60%, and 51.82±0.82%, respectively. Conclusions: Both PRF and rifamycin have potential to enhance GBA, and using DFDBA + PRF or DFDBA+rifamycin beneath a stiff occlusive titanium barrier next to a high-profile implant may enhance both BIC and new bone formation. © 2017 Cumhuriyet University Faculty of Dentistry.DİŞ-129Acknowledgements: This work was supported by the Scientific Research Project Fund of Cumhuriyet University under project number DİŞ-129

    Histomorphometric assessment of the impact of bovine demineralized bone graft on bone healing versus autogenous, allogeneic and synthetic grafts in experimentally- induced critical size bone defects in rats [Ratlarda deneysel olarak oluşturulan kritik boyutlu kemik defektlerine uygulanan siğir kaynakli deminarelize kemik greftininin kemik iyiyleşmesine olan etkisinin otojen, allojenik ve sentetik greftlerle karşilaştirilmasinin histomorfometrik olarak i'ncelenmesi]

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    Objectives: Bone tissue has the ability to heal itself (regeneration) and may restore its morphology and function when injured. However, healing may be limited in the case of large wounds. A "critical-size defect" is an intraosseous wound in a particular bone and species of animal that will not heal spontaneously morphologically and functionally during the lifetime of the animal. Autogenous bone grafts have been regarded as "gold standard" for treatment of critical-size bone defects. Known drawbacks of autogenous bone graft have led to research efforts focusing on different graft materials and resulted in several alternative substitutes including xenografts, allografts and synthetic graft materials. The aim of the present study was to perform a histomorphometric study to investigate the effect of bovine demineralized bone graft on bone healing in comparison to autogenous, allogeneic and synthetic graft materials when applied into critical size bone defects with a diameter of 5 mm. Materials and Methods: Experimental animals were divided into 4 groups, each having 8 rats. In the control group, a mandibular defect was created and then filled with a bovine graft (Integros Bone Plus XS Adana/Turkey). In the experimental groups, autogenous bone was reinserted into the critical-size defect which was created using a trephine bur in Group I (autogenous group) and Group II received a human graft (Korea Bone Bank (KBB) Gasandong Keumcheongu Seoul/South Korea) to fill the critical-size defect. For Group III, a synthetic bone graft ß-tricalcium phosphate (Cerasorb North Carolina/USA) was applied on the critical-size bone defect. Specimens were obtained for histomorphometric examination and rats were sacrificed on day 28. Results: Histomorphometric examination performed on day 28 to evaluate the relative effects of different graft materials on new bone formation showed no significant difference in the volume of newly formed bone between groups receiving autogenous bone graft, allograft and bovine xenograft but a significant difference was observed versus synthetic bone graft group. Conclusion: While autogenous bone graft is currently regarded as the gold standard for bone regeneration, the difficulties in harvesting and application of autografts limit their use. Our results demonstrate that bovine bone graft may be used as a safe and effective alternative to autogenous bone graft. © 2018 Cumhuriyet University Faculty of Dentistry.Amaç: Kemik dokusu iyileşme özelliğine (rejenerasyon) sahiptir ve yaralanan kemik dokusu şekil ve fonksiyonunu yeniden kazanabilmektedir. Fakat yaralanmanin boyutu büyük olduğu zaman iyileşme sinirli kalabilmektedir. Kritik boyutlu kemik defekti; kemik dokusunda, canlinin yaşami boyunca, şekil ve fonksiyon olarak, kendiliğinden tamamen iyileşmesinin mümkün olmayacaği boyuttaki defekt anlamina gelir. Kritik kemik defektlerinde tedavi için otojen greft uygulamasi altin standart olarak kabul edilir. Otojen kemik greftinin bazi dezavantajlari nedeniyle araştirmacilar çalişmalarini farkli greft materyalleri üzerinde yoğunlaştirmişlardir. Bu çalişmalar neticesinde Ksenogreft, Allogreft ve sentetik greft materyalleri gibi seçenekler ortaya çikmiştir. çalişmamizin amaci 5mm çapinda kritik boyutlu kemik defektlerinde siğir kaynakli demineralize kemik grefti uygulamasinin kemik iyileşmesine etkisi ile ayni çaptaki defektlere otojenik, allojenik ve sentetik greft materyali uygulandiği zaman elde edilen iyileşmelerin histomorfometrik olarak incelenmesidir. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Deney hayvanlari her grup 8 deney hayvanindan oluşan 4 gruba ayrildi. Kontrol grubunda mandibulada defekt oluşturulduktan sonra defekt siğir kaynakli kemik grefti (Integros Bone Plus XS Adana/Türkiye) ile dolduruldu. Daha sonraki deney gruplarinda; I. grupta oluşturulan kritik boyutlu defekte trefin frezle çikartilan otojen kemik tekrar konuldu. II. grupta oluşturulan kritik boyutlu defekte insan kaynakli kemik grefti (Korea Bone Bank (KBB) Gasandong Keumcheongu Seoul/Korea) uygulandi. III. grupta oluşturulan kritik boyutlu kemik defektine ise sentetik kemik grefti grubunda yer alan ß-trikalsiyum fosfat (Cerasorb North Caroline/USA) uygulandi. 28 gün sonra ratlar öldürüldü.Her grup sakrifiye edilerek histomorfometrik incelemeye alindi. Bulgular: Farkli greft materyallerinin 28. günde yeni kemik oluşumuna olan etkisinin histomorfometrik olarak incelendiğinde otojen kemik grefti, allogreft ve siğir kaynakli kemik grefti uygulanan gruplar arasinda yeni oluşan kemik hacmi bakimindan anlamli bir fark bulunmazken, sentetik kemik grefti uygulanan grupla aralarindaki fark anlamli bulunmuştur. Sonuç: Otojen kemik grefti günümüzde hala altin standart olarak kabul edilmesine rağmen, elde edilmesi ve uygulanmasindaki zorluklar nedeniyle çalişmamizda kullandiğimiz siğir kaynakli kemik greftinin otojen kemik greftine alternatif olarak güvenilir ve etkili biçimde kullanilabileceği belirlenmiştir. © 2018 Cumhuriyet University Faculty of Dentistry.Firat University Scientific Research Projects Management UnitThis study was funded by Cumhuriyet University Scientific Research Projects Division (CUBAP) under the project code DIS 120

    A numerical method for solving some model problems arising in science and convergence analysis based on residual function

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    In this study, we solve some widely-used model problems consisting of linear, nonlinear differential and integral equations, employing Dickson polynomials with the parameter-α and the collocation points for an efficient matrix method. The convergence of a Dickson polynomial solution of the model problem is investigated by means of the residual function. We encode useful computer programs for model problems, in order to obtain the precise Dickson polynomial solutions. These solutions are plotted along with the exact solutions in figures and the numerical results are compared with other well-known methods in tables. © 2017 IMAC

    A novel collocation method based on residual error analysis for solving integro-differential equations using hybrid Dickson and Taylor polynomials

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    In this study, a novel matrix method based on collocation points is proposed to solve some linear and nonlinear integrodifferential equations with variable coefficients under the mixed conditions. The solutions are obtained by means of Dickson and Taylor polynomials. The presented method transforms the equation and its conditions into matrix equations which comply with a system of linear algebraic equations with unknown Dickson coefficients, via collocation points in a finite interval. While solving the matrix equation, the Dickson coefficients and the polynomial approximation are obtained. Besides, the residual error analysis for our method is presented and illustrative examples are given to demonstrate the validity and applicability of the method

    An inventive numerical method for solving the most general form of integro-differential equations with functional delays and characteristic behavior of orthoexponential residual function

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    In this study, we constitute the most general form of functional integro-differential equations with functional delays. An inventive method based on Dickson polynomials with the parameter-α along with collocation points is employed to solve them. The stability of the solutions is simulated according to an interval of the parameter-α. A useful computer program is developed to obtain the precise values from the method. The residual error analysis is used to improve the obtained solutions. The characteristic behavior of the residual function is established with the aid of the orthoexponential polynomials. We compare the present numerical results of the method with those obtained by the existing methods in tables. © 2019, SBMAC - Sociedade Brasileira de Matemática Aplicada e Computacional

    An integrated numerical method with error analysis for solving fractional differential equations of quintic nonlinear type arising in applied sciences

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    In this study, fractional differential equations having quintic nonlinearity are considered by proposing an accurate numerical method based on the matching polynomial and matrix-collocation system. This method provides an integration between matrix and fractional derivative, which makes it fast and efficient. A hybrid computer program is designed by making use of the fast algorithmic structure of the method. An error analysis technique consisting of the fractional-based residual function is constructed to scrutinize the precision of the method. Some error tests are also performed. Figures and tables present the consistency of the approximate solutions of highly stiff model problems. All results point out that the method is effective, simple, and eligible. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd