55 research outputs found


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    This paper systematically examines the role of knowledge workers on the level of innovation development in Poland. Specific hypotheses on the importance of the collaboration of knowledge workers for the growth of national innovation in two areas: knowledge creation and knowledge exploitation are examined. The study is based on a survey and interviews with 40 IT workers in small Polish businesses. The results show that cooperation between knowledge workers enables an improvement in the amount of human resources in science and technology and an increase in the number of high- and medium-tech Polish manufacturing enterprises. Specifically, the results confirm the hypothesis that the greater the amount of collaboration between knowledge workers, the higher the level of national innovation measured in these two indicators

    An Approach to the Acquisition of Expert Knowledge

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    This article presents the approach to the acquisition of expert knowledge and includes the following stages: (1) observation-verbal reporting, (2) obtainment of a record of the observation, (3) protocol analysis, (4) formal record of expert knowledge. The first part of the article discusses each element of our approach based on a real-time case study. Next, the structure and exemplar functionalities of the proposed information system for the acquisition of expert knowledge are presented. Our information system supporting the acquisition of expert knowledge, as presented here, is based on the example of service department workers but may be used in other areas where the procedures for performing any given activity are definable

    An Approach to Tacit Knowledge Classification in a Manufacturing Company

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    This article attempts to classify the tacit knowledge acquired using the example of the research and development (R&D) department of a manufacturing company. Based on studies in the literature and direct interviews in the company analysed, the authors\u27 own model for classifying the tacit knowledge in an R&D department was proposed. The description of this model has been divided into two parts. In the first part, viz., the classification of knowledge, through three planes: (1) selection of algorithm inputs and the grouping of knowledge accumulated in an enterprise; (2) algorithm activity, that is, the use of algorithms based on clustering them, for calculations; (3) interpretation of results. The Bayesian Network was used for this purpose, which was modelled on the defined relationships between representing of tacit knowledge. Then, on the basis of the case study, the classification of knowledge was prepared according to: (1) definition of knowledge in the R&D department and its modelling, (2) implementation of a suitable number of training sets, (3) verification of the knowledge base, that is, declaration of the value of the knowledge observed, followed by (4) assignment of the probability of returning to the node of network clusters containing interpretations of business benefits

    Assessing the relationship between business strategy and knowledge acquisition in Polish Manufacturing Enterprises

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    This study analyzes the interplay between the characteristics of business strategy implementations and their interaction with different types of knowledge in the manufacturing enterprise. It is based on a survey and data obtained from 119 Polish manufacturing enterprises. This study is innovative in applying the Group Method of Data Handling to the business context. This article develops a framework of achieving the strategy’s goals in terms of the types of knowledge acquisition in a manufacturing company, and further discusses the research results

    The Effect of Knowledge Sharing Using Customer Relationship Management Systems in Manufacturing Companies

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    This study assesses the influence on knowledge sharing among workers within Polish manufacturing enterprises. The study focuses on those workers who are involved within a company in a New Product Development (NPD) Process and who share their knowledge using the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems. The outcome based on the data obtained from Polish enterprises suggests that the use of the following functionalities of CRM system by workers: the Customer Profitability Database, the daily/weekly/monthly Customer Contact Database and the Customer Requirement Database focusing on services, affects knowledge sharing and increase the creation of new products. This case study investigates how useful that knowledge is which has been achieved using CRM systems and it clarifies its effect in Polish manufacturing enterprises


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    With regard to adapting enterprise to the Industry 4.0 concept, the first element should be the implementation and use of an information system within a manufacturing company. This article proposes a model, the use of which will allow the level of automation of a maintenance department to be forecast, depending on the effectivity of the use of the Manufacturing Executions System (MES) within a company. The model was built on the basis of the actual times of business processes completed which were supported by MES in the maintenance departments of two manufacturing enterprises using artificial neural network. As a result of research experiments, it was confirmed that the longer the time taken to complete business processes supported by MES, the higher is the degree of automation in a mainte-nance department

    IMU Data-based Recognition for Sports Exercises: An Enhanced Distance Optimization Approach for Repetition Counting ​Across Activities

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    In the field of human activity recognition (HAR), inertial measurement units (IMUs) are a commonly used method to record movement patterns. In the study presented in this paper, IMU captured seven different sports exercises performed by 21 participants. In the preliminary data analysis phase, an exercise classification was conducted using the Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) Network and Temporal Convolutional Network (TCN). The LSTM achieved an accuracy rate of 94.2 % for training and 90.8 % for testing. Similarly, the TCN demonstrated rates of 95.5 % for training and 91.6 % for testing. The subsequent stage was centered on quantifying the number of completed repetitions. A distance value was derived which showed promising results for exercise-independent counting without the need for manual feature selection. For further improvement, a range-to-mean ratio of the standard deviation was calculated and used for feature selection. Combined with a local extrema analysis of the modified distance values the accuracy of counting repetitions was significantly improved, especially for exercises that show irregularities in the signal course


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    This article elaborates an existence of a positive effect of the use of a series of ICTs by knowledge workers on increasing the number of R&D projects in a manufacturing company. It focuses on the set of the knowledge workers, who use a series of ICTs (1) for searching data and information, (2) for sales and purchases, (3) for creating new ideas and products, (4) for analysing data and information in manufacturing companies and is based on a survey and data obtained from 62 Polish Manufacturing Enterprises from Lubuskie region and from 23 German Manufacturing Enterprises from Brandenburg region – also from 85 manufacturing enterprises from the region: „cross-border cooperation: Lubuskie/Poland and Brandenburg/Germany”. This article develops a framework to examine the main relationships between the use of a series of ICTs by knowledge workers and how it influences the increase of R&D projects in manufacturing companies and further discusses the research results.W artykule pokazano istnienie pozytywnego wpływu użytkowania informatycznych technologii przez pracowników wiedzy na wzrost liczby realizowanych projektów badawczo-rozwojowych w przedsiębiorstwach produkcyjnych. Zdefiniowano zbiór pracowników wiedzy, którzy stosują technologie informatyczne odpowiednio dla celów: (1) poszukiwania danych i informacji, (2) dla celów sprzedaży i zakupu, (3) dla celów tworzenia nowych pomysłów i produktów, (4) dla celów analizy danych i informacji w przedsiębiorstwie produkcyjnym. Wyniki badań przedstawione w artykule opierają się na wynikach badań empirycznych uzyskanych z 62 polskich przedsiębiorstw produkcyjnych z województwa lubuskiego i z 23 przedsiębiorstw produkcyjnych z regionu Brandenburg – to jest z 85 przedsiębiorstw produkcyjnych z regionu transgranicznej współpracy polsko-niemieckiej: Lubuskie – Brandenburg. W artykule zdefiniowano relacje pomiędzy zastosowaniem informatycznych technologii przez pracowników wiedzy i zwiększeniem liczby realizowanych projektów badawczo-rozwojowych w przedsiębiorstwach produkcyjnych oraz przeprowadzono dyskusję wyników