416 research outputs found

    A mixed methods approach to urban ecosystem services: experienced environmental quality and its role in ecosystem assessment within an inner-city estate

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    This paper contributes to the notion of ecosystem services (ES) and dis-services (EDS) through an exploration of how they are experienced in an inner-city neighbourhood. We contrast the findings of a science-led assessment with qualitative interview and visual data from the residents of the Woodberry Down Estate (London, UK). We use the ontology of co-production and co-construction to understand how material and interpretative factors condition the translation of identified service-providing units (SPUs) into directly experienced ES and EDS. Findings demonstrate that aspects contributing to the perceived liveability of a neighbourhood also condition the experienced ES and EDS. In our case study, the history of the estate translates into subjective feelings of safety which influence whether individuals access parts of the regenerated estate. While the regeneration project provides a broad range of new and improved SPUs with significant ES potential, the access and recreational functions these offer are especially appreciated for the increased opportunities for social interaction and visitors they provide. However, new SPUs such as landscape vistas and formal gardens that attract people are also assigned further significance as markers of new divisions among social housing residents. We suggest that in order to realise the much-prophesised health and wellbeing benefits of urban ES in an equitable manner, a science-led approach to designing and assessing potential ES should be accompanied by a context-sensitive assessment of community needs and liveability aspects

    Interrogating sustainable productivism: lessons from the ‘Almerían miracle’

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    Many have suggested that a new form of sustainable agricultural productivism is needed in response to the challenges to food security posed by climate change and population growth. This paper employs elements of ecological modernisation theory and focusses on sustainability challenges and solutions, as well as the knowledge networks and production rationale to assess whether the intensive horticultural industry located in the Spanish province of Almería represents sustainable productivism. The Almerían horticultural industry, lauded as an example of neo-endogenous growth, manifests a range of sustainable technologies addressing environmental impacts. Yet, we argue that Almerían horticulture represents ‘weak ecological modernisation’ and its main sustainability challenges are posed by water scarcity, a demand led production rationale and the precarious situation of family farms that at present provide a degree of economic embeddedness in this highly industrialised production model. A competitive imperative yields marketing organisations huge sway in production decision-making, and while a cost-price squeeze has driven efficiency in the use of farm inputs and product innovation, it has paradoxically made further advances in sustainable water management very difficult to achieve. Transforming the Almerían horticultural industry into a truly sustainable model of productivism would require the concerted efforts of individual farmers and marketing organisations as well as regional and local water governance institutions and land use planning. A significant obstacle to this remains the dominant normative perception that justifies groundwater abstraction on the grounds of its high economic returns and the perceived inability of small farmers to invest in desalinated water or further technological solutions

    Factors influencing the realisation of the social impact of urban nature in inner-city environments: A systematic review of complex evidence

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    The beneficial health, wellbeing and liveability impacts of urban nature are broadly evidenced and increasingly engaged with in planning and policy. But anomalies in empirical evidence suggest that benefits do not flow equally to all. This review paper analyses the contribution of existing research on how the material and social context and subjective factors shape the social impact of urban nature. We review 46 international papers published between 2019 and 2021 that present findings from inner-city metropolitan contexts. The findings evidence variations in benefits and some dis-benefits derived from urban nature associated with features of the material context (e.g., urban and greenspace form, infrastructure and facilities), the social context (e.g., demographic diversity and socio-economic standing) and subjective factors such as gender and cultural identity. We recommend an inclusive research and planning approach that is attuned to the role of the human experience in the realisation of the social impact of urban nature to ensure that the prevalent urban greening agenda actually benefits all city dwellers and does not unintentionally contribute to further inequality. We recommend a shift of focus from ‘physical access to nature’ to ‘actually realised access to its benefits’ for more inclusive policy and planning

    Urban environmental quality and wellbeing in the context of incomplete urbanization in Brazil: integrating directly experienced ecosystem services into planning

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    The benefits of urban greenspace to residents are increasingly recognized as important to planning for sustainable and healthy cities. However, the way that people interact with and benefit from urban greenspace is context dependent and conditioned by a range of social and material factors. This paper applies and expands the ecosystems services based approach to understanding urban environmental quality and the way in which greenspace is appropriated by residents in the context of incomplete urbanization in three peri-urban target areas in Brazil. We develop and employ the notion of indirect (scientifically detected) and directly experienced ecosystems services, and undertake a science based ecosystem services assessment and a qualitative analysis of interviews, walking narratives and images captured with a smartphone application to understand what functions urban greenspace serves in the daily life of the studied neighborhoods. Findings demonstrate how elements of urban greenspace and what can be termed ecosystem services serve both material and signifying functions and produce subjective and collective benefits and dis-benefits that hinge on aspects of livability such as quality of urban service delivery, housing status and perceptions of crime and neighborhood character. We identify factors that enable, hinder and motivate both active material and interpretative interactions with urban greenspace. The findings suggest that the relationship between ecosystem service provision and wellbeing is better understood as reciprocal rather than one way. Although at the neighborhood scale, fear of crime and poor access to urban services can hinder positive engagements with urban greenspace and experienced benefits form ES, urban squares and fringe vegetation is also being appropriated to address experienced disadvantages. Presently however these local interactions and ecosystem service benefits are overlooked in formal planning and conservation efforts and are increasingly compromised by growing population density and environmental degradation. We make recommendations for a nuanced assessment of the material and interpretative human-nature interactions and associated ecosystem services in an urban context, and discuss the potential for planning initiatives that could be employed to articulate and nurture these important interactions in our target areas

    A framework to assess integration in flood risk management: implications for governance, policy, and practice

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    Over decades the concept of integration has been promoted to enhance alignment between policy domains, and to manage trade-offs and maximize synergies across management practices. Integrated approaches have the potential to enable better outcomes for flood risk management (FRM) and society as a whole. However, achieving integration in practice is a recurring challenge, especially for FRM where multiple actors need to work together across fragmented policy domains. To disentangle this complexity of integration, a framework is proposed for assessing integration and identifying different degrees of integration. This framework is based on evidence from a literature review, 50 interviews with FRM-related professionals in England, and participant observation at 24 meetings relevant for FRM. The framework sets out the context of integration, assesses the governance capacity for integration through the strength of relationships between different types of actors (bridging, bonding, and linking) and the mechanisms (actor-, rule- and resource-based) that influence them, and the realization of integration in practice through knowledge, policies, and interventions. The framework is applied for FRM in England and used to identify degrees of integration: high, intermediate, low, and minimal. An important characteristic of the framework is the interconnectivity between the governance capacity and realization of integration. The framework provides further theoretical insights into the concept of integration, while offering an approach for researchers, policy makers, and practitioners to recognize current degrees of integration in FRM and identify the critical elements for improvement. It is recommended that further research and practice-based applications of the framework are completed in different geographical and institutional contexts. Specifically, such applications can create further understanding of the interactions and dependencies between elements of the governance capacity and realization of integration

    Beyond agriculture: alternative geographies of rural land investment and place effects across the United Kingdom

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    Global land ownership patterns have been shifting in recent decades, as institutional and non-traditional investors redirect capital into rural areas. Such investment is a stimulating alternative for innovative profit-driven land uses that move beyond agriculture. This paper explores how ‘new money’ economies have created place effects in three rural case studies across the United Kingdom, through concepts of built, natural, social, and economic capital. The case studies are informed by secondary research, site visits, and interviews, providing snapshots of investment impact. They represent diverse transformations in rural land use via new forms of direct investment, active investment, and processes of financing rather than financialisation, with distinct spatial and temporal characteristics. The case studies include new wine production in Kent, England; transforming the Menie Estate into Trump International Golf Links Scotland (TIGLS); and farm diversification in Northern Ireland. The conclusions tell three investment stories, where place effects reflect the dichotomies, contestation, and symbiosis between investors and local contexts. New land uses create place effects where economic potential often conflicts with natural capital impacts, although they foster knowledge creation and exchange. The underlying values of the investors and their navigation of local politics also have key roles to play in shaping the built, natural, social, and economic place effects

    Model for Classifying and Monitoring Seral Stages within an Idaho Fescue Type: Bighorn National Forest, WY

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    An ecological vegetation model was developed in sedimentary soils on the Bighorn National Forest, Wyoming to classify seral stages within an Idaho Fescue (Festuca idahoensis) type. Two key plant species based on canopy cover (%), Idaho fescue and rosy pussytoes (Antennaria rosea), provide the required information for the model to classify seral stages and monitor vegetation trends. Three seral stages were quantitatively identified by multivariate statistical analyses for classification and had an overall accuracy of 98 percent. All three seral stages were significantly different from each other (P < 0.05). These seral stages provide managers three quantitative options to evaluate alternatives and meet management objectives. Application of this model within the Idaho Fescue ecological type is simple to apply, repeatable, accurate, and cost effective for field applications and management

    Caragana Establishment, Survival and Regeneration in the Black Hills, South Dakota

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the adaptability and potential wildlife value of Caragana also known as Siberian peashrub for establishment, survival, growth, regeneration, and nutritional qualities. This study was initiated in 1968 in the Black Hills, South Dakota on the McVey Burn (1939), within an open stand of a ponderosa pine forest. Bare rootstock was planted in 1968, and after 35 years survival was 74 percent. Average height was 3 m (10 feet) and plants did regenerate by seed bt did not expand into adjacent habitat. Ideal growing condition evaluated at 35 years, was in a closed tree canopy with 35 percent overstory and basal area 17.7 m2/ha (77 ft2/ acre). Open growing conditions was had exposed areas, canopy cover 17 percent and basal area 5.4 m2/ha (24 ft2/acre). Tree overstory cover on North facing slopes was approximately 2 times greater than on more open south facing slopes. Caragana has not shown signs of spreading from original planting sites. A model developed for habitat assignment defining Closed and Open tree overstory cover for growth, regeneration, and establishment for future sites was 90 percent accurate. Utilization of Caragana by deer based on volume (length x width x height) was 77 percent, 12 years after establishment, with greatest use on south facing slopes. Nutritional qualities of Caragana are generally greater than native shrubs for winter use, with only phosphorous being marginal. The adaptability of Caragana and its qualities makes this browse species suitable for white-tailed deer use for winters. Plantations of Caragana in key wintering areas for white-tailed deer on south facing slopes with Open tree overstory cover and low basal area is recommended for restoration on over browsed ranges

    Beyond Agriculture: Alternative Geographies of Rural Land Investment and Place Effects across the United Kingdom

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    Global land ownership patterns have been shifting in recent decades, as institutional and non-traditional investors redirect capital into rural areas. Such investment is a stimulating alternative for innovative profit-driven land uses that move beyond agriculture. This paper explores how ‘new money’ economies have created place effects in three rural case studies across the United Kingdom, through concepts of built, natural, social, and economic capital. The case studies are informed by secondary research, site visits, and interviews, providing snapshots of investment impact. They represent diverse transformations in rural land use via new forms of direct investment, active investment, and processes of financing rather than financialisation, with distinct spatial and temporal characteristics. The case studies include new wine production in Kent, England; transforming the Menie Estate into Trump International Golf Links Scotland (TIGLS); and farm diversification in Northern Ireland. The conclusions tell three investment stories, where place effects reflect the dichotomies, contestation, and symbiosis between investors and local contexts. New land uses create place effects where economic potential often conflicts with natural capital impacts, although they foster knowledge creation and exchange. The underlying values of the investors and their navigation of local politics also have key roles to play in shaping the built, natural, social, and economic place effects. View Full-Tex
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