84 research outputs found

    Develop and Test a Solvent Accessible Surface Area-Based Model in Conformational Entropy Calculations

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    It is of great interest in modern drug design to accurately calculate the free energies of protein–ligand or nucleic acid–ligand binding. MM-PBSA (molecular mechanics Poisson–Boltzmann surface area) and MM-GBSA (molecular mechanics generalized Born surface area) have gained popularity in this field. For both methods, the conformational entropy, which is usually calculated through normal-mode analysis (NMA), is needed to calculate the absolute binding free energies. Unfortunately, NMA is computationally demanding and becomes a bottleneck of the MM-PB/GBSA-NMA methods. In this work, we have developed a fast approach to estimate the conformational entropy based upon solvent accessible surface area calculations. In our approach, the conformational entropy of a molecule, <i>S</i>, can be obtained by summing up the contributions of all atoms, no matter they are buried or exposed. Each atom has two types of surface areas, solvent accessible surface area (SAS) and buried SAS (BSAS). The two types of surface areas are weighted to estimate the contribution of an atom to <i>S</i>. Atoms having the same atom type share the same weight and a general parameter <i>k</i> is applied to balance the contributions of the two types of surface areas. This entropy model was parametrized using a large set of small molecules for which their conformational entropies were calculated at the B3LYP/6-31G* level taking the solvent effect into account. The weighted solvent accessible surface area (WSAS) model was extensively evaluated in three tests. For convenience, <i><i>TS</i></i> values, the product of temperature <i>T</i> and conformational entropy <i>S</i>, were calculated in those tests. <i>T</i> was always set to 298.15 K through the text. First of all, good correlations were achieved between WSAS <i>TS</i> and NMA <i>TS</i> for 44 protein or nucleic acid systems sampled with molecular dynamics simulations (10 snapshots were collected for postentropy calculations): the mean correlation coefficient squares (<i>R</i><sup>2</sup>) was 0.56. As to the 20 complexes, the <i>TS</i> changes upon binding; <i>T</i>Δ<i>S</i> values were also calculated, and the mean <i>R</i><sup>2</sup> was 0.67 between NMA and WSAS. In the second test, <i>TS</i> values were calculated for 12 proteins decoy sets (each set has 31 conformations) generated by the Rosetta software package. Again, good correlations were achieved for all decoy sets: the mean, maximum, and minimum of <i>R</i><sup>2</sup> were 0.73, 0.89, and 0.55, respectively. Finally, binding free energies were calculated for 6 protein systems (the numbers of inhibitors range from 4 to 18) using four scoring functions. Compared to the measured binding free energies, the mean <i>R</i><sup>2</sup> of the six protein systems were 0.51, 0.47, 0.40, and 0.43 for MM-GBSA-WSAS, MM-GBSA-NMA, MM-PBSA-WSAS, and MM-PBSA-NMA, respectively. The mean rms errors of prediction were 1.19, 1.24, 1.41, 1.29 kcal/mol for the four scoring functions, correspondingly. Therefore, the two scoring functions employing WSAS achieved a comparable prediction performance to that of the scoring functions using NMA. It should be emphasized that no minimization was performed prior to the WSAS calculation in the last test. Although WSAS is not as rigorous as physical models such as quasi-harmonic analysis and thermodynamic integration (TI), it is computationally very efficient as only surface area calculation is involved and no structural minimization is required. Moreover, WSAS has achieved a comparable performance to normal-mode analysis. We expect that this model could find its applications in the fields like high throughput screening (HTS), molecular docking, and rational protein design. In those fields, efficiency is crucial since there are a large number of compounds, docking poses, or protein models to be evaluated. A list of acronyms and abbreviations used in this work is provided for quick reference

    Develop and Test a Solvent Accessible Surface Area-Based Model in Conformational Entropy Calculations

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    It is of great interest in modern drug design to accurately calculate the free energies of protein–ligand or nucleic acid–ligand binding. MM-PBSA (molecular mechanics Poisson–Boltzmann surface area) and MM-GBSA (molecular mechanics generalized Born surface area) have gained popularity in this field. For both methods, the conformational entropy, which is usually calculated through normal-mode analysis (NMA), is needed to calculate the absolute binding free energies. Unfortunately, NMA is computationally demanding and becomes a bottleneck of the MM-PB/GBSA-NMA methods. In this work, we have developed a fast approach to estimate the conformational entropy based upon solvent accessible surface area calculations. In our approach, the conformational entropy of a molecule, <i>S</i>, can be obtained by summing up the contributions of all atoms, no matter they are buried or exposed. Each atom has two types of surface areas, solvent accessible surface area (SAS) and buried SAS (BSAS). The two types of surface areas are weighted to estimate the contribution of an atom to <i>S</i>. Atoms having the same atom type share the same weight and a general parameter <i>k</i> is applied to balance the contributions of the two types of surface areas. This entropy model was parametrized using a large set of small molecules for which their conformational entropies were calculated at the B3LYP/6-31G* level taking the solvent effect into account. The weighted solvent accessible surface area (WSAS) model was extensively evaluated in three tests. For convenience, <i><i>TS</i></i> values, the product of temperature <i>T</i> and conformational entropy <i>S</i>, were calculated in those tests. <i>T</i> was always set to 298.15 K through the text. First of all, good correlations were achieved between WSAS <i>TS</i> and NMA <i>TS</i> for 44 protein or nucleic acid systems sampled with molecular dynamics simulations (10 snapshots were collected for postentropy calculations): the mean correlation coefficient squares (<i>R</i><sup>2</sup>) was 0.56. As to the 20 complexes, the <i>TS</i> changes upon binding; <i>T</i>Δ<i>S</i> values were also calculated, and the mean <i>R</i><sup>2</sup> was 0.67 between NMA and WSAS. In the second test, <i>TS</i> values were calculated for 12 proteins decoy sets (each set has 31 conformations) generated by the Rosetta software package. Again, good correlations were achieved for all decoy sets: the mean, maximum, and minimum of <i>R</i><sup>2</sup> were 0.73, 0.89, and 0.55, respectively. Finally, binding free energies were calculated for 6 protein systems (the numbers of inhibitors range from 4 to 18) using four scoring functions. Compared to the measured binding free energies, the mean <i>R</i><sup>2</sup> of the six protein systems were 0.51, 0.47, 0.40, and 0.43 for MM-GBSA-WSAS, MM-GBSA-NMA, MM-PBSA-WSAS, and MM-PBSA-NMA, respectively. The mean rms errors of prediction were 1.19, 1.24, 1.41, 1.29 kcal/mol for the four scoring functions, correspondingly. Therefore, the two scoring functions employing WSAS achieved a comparable prediction performance to that of the scoring functions using NMA. It should be emphasized that no minimization was performed prior to the WSAS calculation in the last test. Although WSAS is not as rigorous as physical models such as quasi-harmonic analysis and thermodynamic integration (TI), it is computationally very efficient as only surface area calculation is involved and no structural minimization is required. Moreover, WSAS has achieved a comparable performance to normal-mode analysis. We expect that this model could find its applications in the fields like high throughput screening (HTS), molecular docking, and rational protein design. In those fields, efficiency is crucial since there are a large number of compounds, docking poses, or protein models to be evaluated. A list of acronyms and abbreviations used in this work is provided for quick reference

    P-loop Conformation Governed Crizotinib Resistance in G2032R-Mutated ROS1 Tyrosine Kinase: Clues from Free Energy Landscape

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    <div><p>Tyrosine kinases are regarded as excellent targets for chemical drug therapy of carcinomas. However, under strong purifying selection, drug resistance usually occurs in the cancer cells within a short term. Many cases of drug resistance have been found to be associated with secondary mutations in drug target, which lead to the attenuated drug-target interactions. For example, recently, an acquired secondary mutation, G2032R, has been detected in the drug target, ROS1 tyrosine kinase, from a crizotinib-resistant patient, who responded poorly to crizotinib within a very short therapeutic term. It was supposed that the mutation was located at the solvent front and might hinder the drug binding. However, a different fact could be uncovered by the simulations reported in this study. Here, free energy surfaces were characterized by the drug-target distance and the phosphate-binding loop (P-loop) conformational change of the crizotinib-ROS1 complex through advanced molecular dynamics techniques, and it was revealed that the more rigid P-loop region in the G2032R-mutated ROS1 was primarily responsible for the crizotinib resistance, which on one hand, impaired the binding of crizotinib directly, and on the other hand, shortened the residence time induced by the flattened free energy surface. Therefore, both of the binding affinity and the drug residence time should be emphasized in rational drug design to overcome the kinase resistance.</p></div

    Drug-likeness Analysis of Traditional Chinese Medicines: Prediction of Drug-likeness Using Machine Learning Approaches

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    Quantitative or qualitative characterization of the drug-like features of known drugs may help medicinal and computational chemists to select higher quality drug leads from a huge pool of compounds and to improve the efficiency of drug design pipelines. For this purpose, the theoretical models for drug-likeness to discriminate between drug-like and non-drug-like based on molecular physicochemical properties and structural fingerprints were developed by using the naive Bayesian classification (NBC) and recursive partitioning (RP) techniques, and then the drug-likeness of the compounds from the Traditional Chinese Medicine Compound Database (TCMCD) was evaluated. First, the impact of molecular physicochemical properties and structural fingerprints on the prediction accuracy of drug-likeness was examined. We found that, compared with simple molecular properties, structural fingerprints were more essential for the accurate prediction of drug-likeness. Then, a variety of Bayesian classifiers were constructed by changing the ratio of drug-like to non-drug-like molecules and the size of the training set. The results indicate that the prediction accuracy of the Bayesian classifiers was closely related to the size and the degree of the balance of the training set. When a balanced training set was used, the best Bayesian classifier based on 21 physicochemical properties and the LCFP_6 fingerprint set yielded an overall leave-one-out (LOO) cross-validated accuracy of 91.4% for the 140,000 molecules in the training set and 90.9% for the 40,000 molecules in the test set. In addition, the RP classifiers with different maximum depth were constructed and compared with the Bayesian classifiers, and we found that the best Bayesian classifier outperformed the best RP model with respect to overall prediction accuracy. Moreover, the Bayesian classifier employing structural fingerprints highlights the important substructures favorable or unfavorable for drug-likeness, offering extra valuable information for getting high quality lead compounds in the early stage of the drug design/discovery process. Finally, the best Bayesian classifier was used to predict the drug-likeness of 33,961 compounds in TCMCD. Our calculations show that 59.37% of the molecules in TCMCD were identified as drug-like molecules, indicating that traditional Chinese medicines (TCMs) are therefore an excellent source of drug-like molecules. Furthermore, the important structural fingerprints in TCMCD were detected and analyzed. Considering that the pharmacology of TCMCD and MDDR (MDL Drug Data Report) was linked by the important common structural features, the potential pharmacology of the compounds in TCMCD may therefore be annotated by these important structural signatures identified from Bayesian analysis, which may be valuable to promote the development of TCMs

    Assessing the Performance of MM/PBSA and MM/GBSA Methods. 3. The Impact of Force Fields and Ligand Charge Models

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    Here, we systematically investigated how the force fields and the partial charge models for ligands affect the ranking performance of the binding free energies predicted by the Molecular Mechanics/Poisson–Boltzmann Surface Area (MM/PBSA) and Molecular Mechanics/Generalized Born Surface Area (MM/GBSA) approaches. A total of 46 small molecules targeted to five different protein receptors were employed to test the following issues: (1) the impact of five AMBER force fields (ff99, ff99SB, ff99SB-ILDN, ff03, and ff12SB) on the performance of MM/GBSA, (2) the influence of the time scale of molecular dynamics (MD) simulations on the performance of MM/GBSA with different force fields, (3) the impact of five AMBER force fields on the performance of MM/PBSA, and (4) the impact of four different charge models (RESP, ESP, AM1-BCC, and Gasteiger) for small molecules on the performance of MM/PBSA or MM/GBSA. Based on our simulation results, the following important conclusions can be obtained: (1) for short time-scale MD simulations (1 ns or less), the ff03 force field gives the best predictions by both MM/GBSA and MM/PBSA; (2) for middle time-scale MD simulations (2–4 ns), MM/GBSA based on the ff99 force field yields the best predictions, while MM/PBSA based on the ff99SB force field does the best; however, longer MD simulations, for example, 5 ns or more, may not be quite necessary; (3) for most cases, MM/PBSA with the Tan’s parameters shows better ranking capability than MM/GBSA (GB<sup>OBC1</sup>); (4) the RESP charges show the best performance for both MM/PBSA and MM/GBSA, and the AM1-BCC and ESP charges can also give fairly satisfactory predictions. Our results provide useful guidance for the practical applications of the MM/GBSA and MM/PBSA approaches

    Discovery of Potent and Selective CB2 Agonists Utilizing a Function-Based Computational Screening Protocol

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    Nowadays, the identification of agonists and antagonists represents a great challenge in computer-aided drug design. In this work, we developed a computational protocol enabling us to design/screen novel chemicals that are likely to serve as selective CB2 agonists. The principle of this protocol is that by calculating the ligand–residue interaction profile (LRIP) of a ligand binding to a specific target, the agonist–antagonist function of a compound is then able to be determined after statistical analysis and free energy calculations. This computational protocol was successfully applied in CB2 agonist development starting from a lead compound, and a success rate of 70% was achieved. The functions of the synthesized derivatives were determined by in vitro functional assays. Moreover, the identified potent CB2 agonists and antagonists strongly interact with the key residues identified using the already known potent CB2 agonists/antagonists. The analysis of the interaction profile of compound 6, a potent agonist, showed strong interactions with F2.61, I186, and F2.64, while compound 39, a potent antagonist, showed strong interactions with L17, W6.48, V6.51, and C7.42. Still, some residues including V3.32, T3.33, S7.39, F183, W5.43, and I3.29 are hotspots for both CB2 agonists and antagonists. More significantly, we identified three hotspot residues in the loop, including I186 for agonists, L17 for antagonists, and F183 for both. These hotspot residues are typically not considered in CB1/CB2 rational ligand design. In conclusion, LRIP is a useful concept in rationally designing a compound to possess a certain function

    The most populated bound-state conformations (averaged structures) and dihedral angle distributions of the P-loop region in WT-ROS1 (gray, panel A) and G2032R-ROS1 (purple, panel B).

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    <p>The dihedral angle was calculated by C<sub>α</sub> of the residues 20, 22, 25 and 150 (the index of the residues were renumbered from 1 to 285) in panels C–F. The mutated site G2032R, P-loop region, and crizotinib in WT-ROS1 and G2032R-ROS1 are shown in green surface, orange surface, green stick, and pink stick models, respectively, in panels A and B. The dihedral angle distributions are colored in grey, orange, purple, and green in bound-state WT-ROS1, free-state WT-ROS1, bound-state G2032R-ROS1, and free-state G2032R-ROS1, respectively.</p

    Discovery of Potent and Selective CB2 Agonists Utilizing a Function-Based Computational Screening Protocol

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    Nowadays, the identification of agonists and antagonists represents a great challenge in computer-aided drug design. In this work, we developed a computational protocol enabling us to design/screen novel chemicals that are likely to serve as selective CB2 agonists. The principle of this protocol is that by calculating the ligand–residue interaction profile (LRIP) of a ligand binding to a specific target, the agonist–antagonist function of a compound is then able to be determined after statistical analysis and free energy calculations. This computational protocol was successfully applied in CB2 agonist development starting from a lead compound, and a success rate of 70% was achieved. The functions of the synthesized derivatives were determined by in vitro functional assays. Moreover, the identified potent CB2 agonists and antagonists strongly interact with the key residues identified using the already known potent CB2 agonists/antagonists. The analysis of the interaction profile of compound 6, a potent agonist, showed strong interactions with F2.61, I186, and F2.64, while compound 39, a potent antagonist, showed strong interactions with L17, W6.48, V6.51, and C7.42. Still, some residues including V3.32, T3.33, S7.39, F183, W5.43, and I3.29 are hotspots for both CB2 agonists and antagonists. More significantly, we identified three hotspot residues in the loop, including I186 for agonists, L17 for antagonists, and F183 for both. These hotspot residues are typically not considered in CB1/CB2 rational ligand design. In conclusion, LRIP is a useful concept in rationally designing a compound to possess a certain function
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