346 research outputs found

    Photoinduced magnetic bound state in itinerant correlated electron system with spin-state degree of freedom

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    Photo-excited state in correlated electron system with spin-state degree of freedom is studied. We start from the two-orbital extended Hubbard model where energy difference between the two orbitals is introduced. Photo-excited metastable state is examined based on the effective model Hamiltonian derived by the two-orbital Hubbard model. Spin-state change is induced by photo-irradiation in the low-spin band insulator near the phase boundary. High-spin state is stabilized by creating a ferromagnetic bound state with photo-doped hole carriers. An optical absorption occurs between the bonding and antibonding orbitals inside of the bound state. Time-evolution for photo-excited states is simulated in the time-dependent mean-field scheme. Pair-annihilations of the photo-doped electron and hole generate the high-spin state in a low-spin band insulator. We propose that this process is directly observed by the time-resolved photoemission experiments.Comment: 15 pages, 16 figure

    Mutual information estimation reveals global associations between stimuli and biological processes

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    Background: Although gene expression analysis with microarray has become popular, it remains difficult to interpret the biological changes caused by stimuli or variation of conditions. Clustering of genes and associating each group with biolog-ical functions are often used methods. However, such methods only detect partial changes within cell processes. Herein, we propose a method for discovering global changes within a cell by associ-ating observed conditions of gene expression with gene functions. Results: To elucidate the association, we intro-duce a novel feature selection method called Least-Squares Mutual Information (LSMI), which com-putes the relation based on mutual information, and therefore LSMI can detect nonlinear associa-tions within a cell. We demonstrate the effective-ness of LSMI through comparison with existing methods. The results of the application to yeast microarray datasets reveal that non-natural stimuli affect various biological processes, whereas others are no significant relation to specific cell processes. Furthermore, we discover that biological processes can be categorized into four types according to the responses of various stimuli. They are those re-lated to DNA/RNA metabolic processes, gene ex-pression, protein metabolic processes, and protein localization. Conclusions: We proposed a novel feature selection method called LSMI, and applied LSMI to mining the association between conditions of yeast and bi-ological processes through microarray datasets. In fact, LSMI allows us to elucidate the global orga-nization of cellular process control

    サッカー スタジアム カイハツ ノ イト ト カダイ ニカンスル ケンキュウ : JFA ノ リネン ト スタジアム ヒョウジュン ニ チャクモク シテ

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    これまでに一過性のイベントを契機としたスタジアムの開発は批判の対象となってきた。これは近年、ワールドカップを開催したスタジアムでも問題となっており、その活用方法や採算性が問題となっている。また、J リーグの試合では、スタジアムを満員にできない状況にある。そこで、J リーグ発足とワールドカップ招致という取り組みにおけるJFA の活動理念を踏まえて、JFA 発行の「サッカースタジアム標準」の変遷に着目する。ここからスタジアム開発の意図を掴み、その課題について考察を行った。この考察から、以下の点が明らかとなった。 (1) J リーグ発足とワールドカップ招致は、サッカー及びスポーツの普及と同時にスタジアムの整備を目的に進められてきた。 (2) スタジアム標準は、イベントを契機として変化してきた。 (3) 一過性のイベントを契機とした開発は批判の的となってきた。そこで、建設基準は、巨視的に設定されなければならない。The development of a new stadium that started with a transient event becomes a focusof criticism. This has become a problem, in relation to utilization and profitability, with thestadiums used for the recently concluded world cup. In addition, stadiums have been unableto fill to the full capacity during J League matches. Based on JFA\u27s operation policy, Ifocused on the item of capacity of "Stadium guideline" published by JFA. In this paper, Iwill discuss the intension of stadium expansion, and examine its associated problems. Theresults of this investigation let to some important points listed below.(1) JFA\u27s operation is intended not only to expand football and sport but also to developstadiums.(2) Stadium guideline changes with each event.(3) Stadium development that is triggered by temporary sport event has become a subjectof criticism. Therefore, guidelines for stadium construction should be madewith a broader perspectiv

    Formulation of Supersymmetry on a Lattice as a Representation of a Deformed Superalgebra

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    The lattice superalgebra of the link approach is shown to satisfy a Hopf algebraic supersymmetry where the difference operator is introduced as a momentum operator. The breakdown of the Leibniz rule for the lattice difference operator is accommodated as a coproduct operation of (quasi)triangular Hopf algebra and the associated field theory is consistently defined as a braided quantum field theory. Algebraic formulation of path integral is perturbatively defined and Ward-Takahashi identity can be derived on the lattice. The claimed inconsistency of the link approach leading to the ordering ambiguity for a product of fields is solved by introducing an almost trivial braiding structure corresponding to the triangular structure of the Hopf algebraic superalgebra. This could be seen as a generalization of spin and statistics relation on the lattice. From the consistency of this braiding structure of fields a grading nature for the momentum operator is required.Comment: 45 page

    A study of the effective output activities : An application of “Large Grammar” and ways of making occasion.

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    英語は人と人とをつなぐコミュニケーションツールである。英語学習の醍醐味は自分が発信した英語が伝わり相手の英語を理解できた喜びにもある。新型コロナウイルスの影響でコミュニケーション活動が制限されるなか教師は英語でつながる喜びをどのように生徒に伝えるかまたどのようなアウトプット活動が生徒の英語による表現力の向上に効果があるのか鳥取大学地域学部の足立和美が提唱するLarge Grammarの手法を取り入れながら活動の場の工夫について考えてきた。ここでは各学年で取り組んできた実践を紹介する。English is one of the communication tools used by humans, and this is the very reason why English learners take pleasure in making themselves understood in English and understanding others’ English. However, under the current situation in which new corona virus has spread globally, communicative activities using English in lessons have been limited in terms of amount of time and method of classes. This essay presents what Tottori University Junior High School has carried out, using methods of Large Grammar by ADACHI Kazumi of Tottori University, in English classes of each grade year, thinking about what kind of communication activities can be practiced, whether they can help develop students’ ability in expressing themselves, and finally how teachers can give students chances to feel the joy of communication with others in English

    Junior high school output activities based on the "Large Grammar" method : Using English as a communication tool.

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    英語科では, 学習した英語を用いて実際にコミュニケーションが行えることを目標として日常的にアウトプット活動を実践している。具体的な活動の一つとしては, 共同研究者である鳥取大学地域学部の足立和美が提唱するLarge Grammar の手法による活動を用いて即興でのアウトプットの場面を各学年の授業に取り入れている。本研究では, その理論と各学年での活動事例を紹介する。生徒一人ひとりが課題に向かって「主体的に」「対話的に」「深く」考え,英語で他者と繋がっていくためには, どのような活動が考えられるだろうか。「個」の学びを深めるために, 各学年で行ってきたやりくりを紹介する。 / At Tottori University junior high school we practice output activities on a daily basis in our English classes with the aim of enhancing students’ ability to communicate in English. These activities, using the Large Grammar method proposed by one of the authors, Kazumi Adachi, rely on improvised output. In this paper, we introduce the theory of Large Grammar, then give examples of activities used in each grade. We are aiming for activities that encourage students to think "voluntarily", "interactively" and "deeply" about the task. We also want them to connect with others in English. We will introduce the attempts that we have made in each grade to deepen students individual learning

    Species Doublers as Super Multiplets in Lattice Supersymmetry: Exact Supersymmetry with Interactions for D=1 N=2

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    We propose a new lattice superfield formalism in momentum representation which accommodates species doublers of the lattice fermions and their bosonic counterparts as super multiplets. We explicitly show that one dimensional N=2 model with interactions has exact Lie algebraic supersymmetry on the lattice for all super charges. In coordinate representation the finite difference operator is made to satisfy Leibnitz rule by introducing a non local product, the ``star'' product, and the exact lattice supersymmetry is realized. The standard momentum conservation is replaced on the lattice by the conservation of the sine of the momentum, which plays a crucial role in the formulation. Half lattice spacing structure is essential for the one dimensional model and the lattice supersymmetry transformation can be identified as a half lattice spacing translation combined with alternating sign structure. Invariance under finite translations and locality in the continuum limit are explicitly investigated and shown to be recovered. Supersymmetric Ward identities are shown to be satisfied at one loop level. Lie algebraic lattice supersymmetry algebra of this model suggests a close connection with Hopf algebraic exactness of the link approach formulation of lattice supersymmetry.Comment: 34 pages, 2 figure