1,568 research outputs found

    Study on Problems Faced by Xinjiang Organic Producers and Solutions

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    Presently the behavioral features of the organic producers could be concluded as the fact that they are quite confident of the prospects for organic agriculture, while heavily dependent on the guidance and support of the local governments; are in great demand for technological innovation, while in the distinguished intimacy and poor pricing capacity. Such problems as low economic benefit, the imperfect marketing network and serious external economy, are threatening the healthy development of organic agriculture in Xinjiang. In this essay, it is suggested that the government should, taking full advantage of its rich natural resources, pay great attention to the organic development in the local region; establish an efficient organic marketing network; apply the innovation mechanism as a proper compensation for the external economy; promote organic circle economy.organic agriculture, problems, policy inspiration, Xinjiang, Farm Management,

    Forward Invariance of Sets for Hybrid Dynamical Systems (Part I)

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    In this paper, tools to study forward invariance properties with robustness to dis- turbances, referred to as robust forward invariance, are proposed for hybrid dynamical systems modeled as hybrid inclusions. Hybrid inclusions are given in terms of dif- ferential and difference inclusions with state and disturbance constraints, for whose definition only four objects are required. The proposed robust forward invariance notions allow for the diverse type of solutions to such systems (with and without dis- turbances), including solutions that have persistent flows and jumps, that are Zeno, and that stop to exist after finite amount of (hybrid) time. Sufficient conditions for sets to enjoy such properties are presented. These conditions are given in terms of the objects defining the hybrid inclusions and the set to be rendered robust forward invariant. In addition, as special cases, these conditions are exploited to state results on nominal forward invariance for hybrid systems without disturbances. Furthermore, results that provide conditions to render the sublevel sets of Lyapunov-like functions forward invariant are established. Analysis of a controlled inverter system is presented as an application of our results. Academic examples are given throughout the paper to illustrate the main ideas.Comment: 39 pages, 7 figures, accepted to TA

    Load and Energy Aware Hybrid Routing Protocol for Hybrid Wireless Mesh Networks

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    Study on the scope for reconstruction of the grazing livestock sector of Xinjiang based on organic farming methods

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    This paper explores the feasibility of developing organic livestock farming in the pastoral area of Xinjiang, in order to address the problems of grassland degradation and to promote the sustainable development of the grazing livestock sector. Research shows that organic grazing farming may reduce the stocking rate of grassland and relieve the strained relationship between animal and grassland, as well between man and nature. As a result, the value of multifunctional grazing systems may be more widely recognized. As well as including production and economic objectives, cultural, social and environmental implications will also be taken into account. Additionally, herders may also have an improved source of income to poor rural people. The potential markets for organic products are very big and the traditional ruminant livestock husbandry systems in Xinjiang are very close to organic livestock farming. It is considered necessary to change from a production-oriented approach to farming system research to a wider consideration of the systems and policies needed to support the development of organic grazing livestock alongside consideration of how to fund the relevant research and training and establish the systems of quality guarantee associated with organic production.Grazing Livestock, Organic Farming, Xinjiang, China

    Longitudinal Optogenetic Motor Mapping Revealed Structural and Functional Impairments and Enhanced Corticorubral Projection after Contusive Spinal Cord Injury in Mice

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    Current evaluation of impairment and repair after spinal cord injury (SCI) is largely dependent on behavioral assessment and histological analysis of injured tissue and pathways. Here, we evaluated whether transcranial optogenetic mapping of motor cortex could reflect longitudinal structural and functional damage and recovery after SCI. In Thy1-Channelrhodopsin2 transgenic mice, repeated motor mappings were made by recording optogenetically evoked electromyograms (EMGs) of a hindlimb at baseline and 1 day and 2, 4, and 6 weeks after mild, moderate, and severe spinal cord contusion. Injuries caused initial decreases in EMG amplitude, losses of motor map, and subsequent partial recoveries, all of which corresponded to injury severity. Reductions in map size were positively correlated with motor performance, as measured by Basso Mouse Scale, rota-rod, and grid walk tests, at different time points, as well as with lesion area at spinal cord epicenter at 6 weeks post-SCI. Retrograde tracing with Fluoro-Gold showed decreased numbers of cortico- and rubrospinal neurons, with the latter being negatively correlated with motor map size. Combined retro- and anterograde tracing and immunostaining revealed more neurons activated in red nucleus by cortical stimulation and enhanced corticorubral axons and synapses in red nucleus after SCI. Electrophysiological recordings showed lower threshold and higher amplitude of corticorubral synaptic response after SCI. We conclude that transcranial optogenetic motor mapping is sensitive and efficient for longitudinal evaluation of impairment and plasticity of SCI, and that spinal cord contusion induces stronger anatomical and functional corticorubral connection that may contribute to spontaneous recovery of motor function
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