27 research outputs found

    Identifying Complex Mixtures in the Environment with Cheminformatics and Non-targeted High Resolution Mass Spectrometry

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    Presentation at the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) North America Meeting Sep 201

    How Biotransformation Influences Toxicokinetics of Azole Fungicides in the Aquatic Invertebrate <i>Gammarus pulex</i>

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    Biotransformation is a key process that can greatly influence the bioaccumulation potential and toxicity of organic compounds. In this study, biotransformation of seven frequently used azole fungicides (triazoles: cyproconazole, epoxiconazole, fluconazole, propiconazole, tebuconazole and imidazoles: ketoconazole, prochloraz) was investigated in the aquatic invertebrate <i>Gammarus pulex</i> in a 24 h exposure experiment. Additionally, temporal trends of the whole body internal concentrations of epoxiconazole, prochloraz, and their respective biotransformation products (BTPs) were studied to gain insight into toxicokinetic processes such as uptake, elimination and biotransformation. By the use of high resolution tandem mass spectrometry in total 37 BTPs were identified. Between one (ketoconazole) and six (epoxiconazole) BTPs were identified per parent compound except for prochloraz, which showed extensive biotransformation reactions with 18 BTPs detected that were mainly formed through ring cleavage or ring loss. In general, most BTPs were formed by oxidation and conjugation reactions. Ring loss or ring cleavage was only observed for the imidazoles as expected from the general mechanism of oxidative ring openings of imidazoles, likely affecting the bioactivity of these BTPs. Overall, internal concentrations of BTPs were up to 3 orders of magnitude lower than that of the corresponding parent compound. Thus, biotransformation did not dominate toxicokinetics and only played a minor role in elimination of the respective parent compound, with the exception of prochloraz

    Screening of Lake Sediments for Emerging Contaminants by Liquid Chromatography Atmospheric Pressure Photoionization and Electrospray Ionization Coupled to High Resolution Mass Spectrometry

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    We developed a multiresidue method for the target and suspect screening of more than 180 pharmaceuticals, personal care products, pesticides, biocides, additives, corrosion inhibitors, musk fragrances, UV light stabilizers, and industrial chemicals in sediments. Sediment samples were freeze-dried, extracted by pressurized liquid extraction, and cleaned up by liquid–liquid partitioning. The quantification and identification of target compounds with a broad range of physicochemical properties (log <i>K</i><sub>ow</sub> 0–12) was carried out by liquid chromatography followed by electrospray ionization (ESI) and atmospheric pressure photoionization (APPI) coupled to high resolution Orbitrap mass spectrometry (HRMS/MS). The overall method average recoveries and precision are 103% and 9% (RSD), respectively. The method detection limits range from 0.010 to 4 ng/g<sub>dw</sub>, while limits of quantification range from 0.030 to 14 ng/g<sub>dw</sub>. The use of APPI as an alternative ionization source helped to distinguish two isomeric musk fragrances by means of different ionization behavior. The method was demonstrated on sediment cores from Lake Greifensee located in northeastern Switzerland. The results show that biocides, musk fragrances, and other personal care products were the most frequently detected compounds with concentrations ranging from pg/g<sub>dw</sub> to ng/g<sub>dw</sub>, whereas none of the targeted pharmaceuticals were found. The concentrations of many urban contaminants originating from wastewater correlate with the highest phosphorus input into the lake as a proxy for treatment efficiency. HRMS enabled a retrospective analysis of the full-scan data acquisition allowing the detection of suspected compounds like quaternary ammonium surfactants, the biocide triclocarban, and the tentative identification of further compounds without reference standards, among others transformation products of triclosan and triclocarban

    Alleviating the Reference Standard Dilemma Using a Systematic Exact Mass Suspect Screening Approach with Liquid Chromatography-High Resolution Mass Spectrometry

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    In this study, the efficiency of a suspect screening strategy using liquid chromatography-high resolution mass spectrometry (LC-HRMS) without the prior purchase of reference standards was systematically optimized and evaluated for assessing the exposure of rarely investigated pesticides and their transformation products (TPs) in 76 surface water samples. Water-soluble and readily ionizable (electrospray ionization) substances, 185 in total, were selected from a list of all insecticides and fungicides registered in Switzerland and their major TPs. Initially, a solid phase extraction-LC-HRMS method was established using 45 known, persistent, and high sales volume pesticides. Seventy percent of these target substances had limit of quantitation (LOQ) < 5 ng L<sup>–1</sup>. This compound set was then used to develop and optimize a HRMS suspect screening method using only the exact mass as a priori information. Thresholds for blank subtraction, peak area, peak shape, signal-to-noise, and isotopic pattern were applied to automatically filter the initially picked peaks. The success rate was 70%; false negatives mainly resulted from low intense peaks. The optimized approach was applied to the remaining 140 substances. Nineteen additional substances were detected in environmental samples, two TPs for the first time in the environment. Sixteen substances were confirmed with reference standards purchased subsequently, while three TP standards could be obtained from industry or other laboratories. Overall, this screening approach was fast and very successful and can easily be expanded to other micropollutant classes for which reference standards are not readily accessible such as TPs of household chemicals

    Covalent Binding of Sulfamethazine to Natural and Synthetic Humic Acids: Assessing Laccase Catalysis and Covalent Bond Stability

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    Sulfonamide antibiotics form stable covalent bonds with quinone moieties in organic matter via nucleophilic addition reactions. In this work, we combined analytical electrochemistry with trace analytics to assess the catalytic role of the oxidoreductase laccase in the binding of sulfamethazine (SMZ) to Leonardite humic acid (LHA) and to four synthetic humic acids (SHAs) polymerized from low molecular weight precursors and to determine the stability of the formed bonds. In the absence of laccase, a significant portion of the added SMZ formed covalent bonds with LHA, but only a very small fraction (<0.4%) of the total quinone moieties in LHA reacted. Increasing absolute, but decreasing relative concentrations of SMZ–LHA covalent bonds with increasing initial SMZ concentration suggested that the quinone moieties in LHA covered a wide distribution in reactivity for the nucleophilic addition of SMZ. Laccase catalyzed the formation of covalent bonds by oxidizing unreactive hydroquinone moieties in LHA to reactive, electrophilic quinone moieties, of which a large fraction (5%) reacted with SMZ. Compared to LHA, the SHA showed enhanced covalent bond formation in the absence of laccase, suggesting a higher reactivity of their quinone moieties toward nucleophilic addition. This work supports that binding to soil organic matter (SOM) is an important process governing the fate, bioactivity, and extractability of sulfonamides in soils

    Reactions of a Sulfonamide Antimicrobial with Model Humic Constituents: Assessing Pathways and Stability of Covalent Bonding

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    The mechanism of covalent bond formation of the model sulfonamide sulfathiazole (STZ) and the stronger nucleophile <i>para</i>-ethoxyaniline was studied in reactions with model humic acid constituents (quinones and other carbonyl compounds) in the absence and presence of laccase. As revealed by high resolution mass spectrometry, the initial bonding of STZ occurred by 1,2- and 1,4-nucleophilic additions of the aromatic amino group to quinones resulting in imine and anilinoquinone formation, respectively. Experiments using the radical scavenger <i>tert</i>-butyl-alcohol provided the same products and similar formation rates as those without scavenger indicating that probably not radical coupling reactions were responsible for the initial covalent bond formation. No addition with nonquinone carbonyl compounds occurred within 76 days except for a slow 1,4-addition to the β-unsaturated carbonyl 1-penten-3-one. The stability of covalent bonds against desorption and pressurized liquid extraction (PLE) was assessed. The recovery rates showed no systematic differences in STZ extractability between the two product types. This suggests that the strength of bonding is not controlled by the initial type of bond, but by the extent of subsequent incorporation of the reaction product into the formed polymer. This incorporation was monitored for <sup>15</sup>N aniline by <sup>1</sup>H–<sup>15</sup>N HMBC NMR spectroscopy. The initial 1,2- and 1,4-addition bonds were replaced by stronger heterocyclic forms with increasing incubation time. These processes could also hold true for soils, and a slow nonextractable residue formation with time could be related to a slow increase of the amount of covalently bound sulfonamide and the strength of bonding

    Life history and microsatellite data

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    Contains four workbooks, with two types of data for two lakes. Those workbooks called "life_table" contain the results of our Pb exposure life history experiment. Each row represents one individual, which was kept in its own jar. Columns identify each clone, clone age, and Pb treatment. The columns labeled with day numbers give the number of live births counted on that day. Deaths are recorded as NAs: the first NA appears on the day that an animal was found dead. The workbooks called "msats" contain the microsatellite data retrieved from sedimentary eggs. Each row represents one egg. A column gives the year the egg was produced, and for Greifensee, another column gives the species identity. The remainder of the columns give the diploid microsatellite genotype of each egg. The names of the columns correspond to the names of the markers

    Mechanistic Understanding of the Synergistic Potential of Azole Fungicides in the Aquatic Invertebrate <i>Gammarus pulex</i>

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    Azole fungicides are known inhibitors of the important enzyme class cytochrome P450 monooxygenases (CYPs), thereby influencing the detoxification of co-occurring substances via biotransformation. This synergism in mixtures containing an azole has mostly been studied by effect measurements, while the underlying mechanism has been less well investigated. In this study, six azole fungicides (cyproconazole, epoxiconazole, ketoconazole, prochloraz, propiconazole, and tebuconazole) were selected to investigate their synergistic potential and their CYP inhibition strength in the aquatic invertebrate <i>Gammarus pulex</i>. The strobilurin fungicide azoxystrobin was chosen as co-occurring substrate, and the synergistic potential was measured in terms of internal concentrations of azoxystrobin and associated biotransformation products (BTPs). Azoxystrobin is biotransformed by various reactions, and 18 BTPs were identified. By measuring internal concentrations of azoxystrobin and its BTPs with high-resolution tandem mass spectrometry in the presence and absence of azole fungicides followed by toxicokinetic modeling, we showed that the inhibition of CYP-catalyzed biotransformation reactions indeed played a role for the observed synergism. However, synergism was only observed for prochloraz at environmentally realistic concentrations. Increased uptake rate constants, an increase in the total internal concentration of azoxystrobin and its BTPs, in vivo assays for measuring CYP activities, and <i>G. pulex</i> video-tracking suggested that the 2-fold increase in bioaccumulation, and, thereby, the raised toxicity of azoxystrobin in the presence of prochloraz is not only caused by inhibited biotransformation but even more by increased azoxystrobin uptake induced by hyperactivity

    MOESM4 of MetFrag relaunched: incorporating strategies beyond in silico fragmentation

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    Additional file 4. Top 1 ranks of MetFrag2.2. combined with CFM--ID This figure shows the distribution of the number of top 1 ranks with different weights (100 drawn randomly between 0 and 1) for MetFrag2.2 and CFM--ID. Lightestyellow dot marks the maximum, 62 top 1 ranks at MetFrag = 0.67 and CFM-ID = 0.33. The red dot at the right marks the minimum, 36 top 1 ranks at MetFrag = 0.997 and CFM-ID = 0.003. The most left dot marks 49 top 1 ranks at MetFrag = 0.02 and CFM-ID = 0.98