70 research outputs found

    Asimetría competitiva y competencia entre marcas: Análisis a través de modelos logit

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    Uno de los factores que determinan la estructura de mercado es el grado de asimetría que presentan las diferentes marcas que compiten en un mercado. En este trabajo, y tras realizar una revisión de la literatura sobre el concepto de estructura de mercado y las consecuencias de la existencia de efectos asimétricos, utilizamos datos de escáner de aceite de oliva, y la modelización logit con objeto de comprender la existencia de efectos asimétricos del precio, y descubrir cuál es la estructura subyacente en dicho mercado. Además, analizamos cuáles son las marcas que tienen mayor poder e influencia sobre las demás

    Eficacia de los folletos publicitarios en el comercio detallista

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    Los folletos publicitarios se han convertido en una de las principales herramientas promocionales utilizadas por el comercio detallista. Sin embargo, no existe un elevado número de trabajos en la literatura de marketing que analicen su eficacia y su efecto sobre el comportamiento de elección del consumidor. Este trabajo pretende cubrir esta escasez de investigaciones analizando el efecto que la presencia de las marcas en los folletos publicitarios tiene en la probabilidad de elección del consumidor, y cómo este efecto se relaciona con características del individuo, tales como su sensibilidad al precio o su nivel de lealtad hacia la marca. Para ello, se utiliza la metodología de los modelos logit y el enfoque de clases latentes a partir de datos de escáner. Los resultados permiten ofrecer sugerencias a los detallistas con objeto de conseguir mejorar la eficacia de esta herramienta promocional

    Protected indications of origin as differentiation cue of food products: the Spanish .

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    The "country/region of origin" is a traditionally strategy used by food companies in order to differentiate their production from each other. In Spain, there are more than 140 EU recognised- Designations of Origin comprising several categories of food and drinks. From these, there are only six quality labels on Spanish dry-cured ham. In spite of this lower number of Designations, they suppose almost the 15% of the global economic value. From both a quantitative and a qualitative perspective -based on a SWOT analysis, this paper traits to analyse the role of origin as a marketing differentiation tool. In addition, interesting recommendations are offered in order to enhance the consumer's knowledge of Designations' main characteristics.Differentiation; Protected Designations of Origin, Protected Geographical Indications

    La netnografía como herramienta de investigación en contextos on-line: una aplicación al análisis de la imagen de los servicios públicos de transporte

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    La netnografía es una nueva metodología de investigación cualitativa que adapta técnicas de investigación etnográficas al estudio de culturas y comunidades emergentes a través de la comunicación mediada por ordenador, y surge como respuesta al fenómeno cultural del crecimiento de Internet y al creciente número de consumidores que utilizan la Red para mantenerse informados y para crear relaciones y comunidades con otros consumidores que tienen similares estilos de vida y que consumen productos y/o servicios similares. Si bien, desde finales de los noventa la netnografía está tomando mayor protagonismo, se hace necesario un mayor número de trabajos que desarrollen aspectos relacionados con esta metodología; especialmente, en el contexto de la literatura de marketing, donde existen pocos trabajos centrados en la netnografía como herramienta de investigación comercial. Dada la escasez de trabajos, este estudio pretende analizar a nivel teórico la utilidad de la netnografía como herramienta de investigación en contextos on-line. Adicionalmente, se ilustra dicha utilidad a partir de un estudio desarrollado para el análisis de la imagen del servicio de autobuses de la ciudad de Madrid

    Psychological elements explaining the consumer's adoption and use of a website recommendation system: A theoretical framework proposal

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    The purpose of this paper is to understand, with an emphasis on the psychological perspective of the research problem, the consumer's adoption and use of a certain web site recommendation system as well as the main psychological outcomes involved. The approach takes the form of theoretical modelling. Findings: A conceptual model is proposed and discussed. A total of 20 research propositions are theoretically analyzed and justified. Research limitations/implications: The theoretical discussion developed here is not empirically validated. This represents an opportunity for future research. Practical implications: The ideas extracted from the discussion of the conceptual model should be a help for recommendation systems designers and web site managers, so that they may be more aware, when working with such systems, of the psychological process consumers undergo when interacting with them. In this regard, numerous practical reflections and suggestions are presented

    How Store Flyers Design Affect Perceived Variety of Retailers' Assortment

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    The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationship between several aspects of store flyers design (presence of a institutional slogan, type of product (national brand (NB) or store brand (SB)) featured on the cover page, the size of the flyer, number of featured NBs, type of brand (NB vs. SB) on promotion, and price difference between the most expensive (NB) and the cheapest SB) and the consumer's perceived variety of the retailer's assortment, as a dimension of its global image. A mixed laboratory experiment that combined a between-subjects experimental design and inter-subject conjoint analysis was conducted. A fictitious flyer from a fictitious supermarket was created that included both real national brands and fictitious store brands. Twelve scenarios (i.e., flyers) were tested using a sample of 406 participants. Analysis suggests that longer flyers have the greatest influence on consumers' perceived variety of a retailer's assortment; a greater number of national brands in a category influenced consumers' perceptions positively, and featuring store brands on the cover enhanced perceived variety. If a retailer features store brands on a flyer's cover, longer flyers are recommended, and shorter flyers are recommended if national brands are featured on the cover. A retailer should promote its own brand only if the most expensive national brands are featured with store brands. This study analyses a single aspect of consumers' purchasing behaviors¿variety of a retailer's assortment. Future research should examine other variables related to consumers' purchasing behaviors. This study uses an online context to test hypotheses, but many aspects of flyer design are physical. Future research should test current findings in offline contexts to compare results. Research should also explore moderation by consumer variables such as brand and store loyalty. To researchers, we offer improved understanding of how a flyer's design affects the first stage of purchasing. To practitioners, results offer better understanding of positive returns on investment of store flyers, and to retailers, results offer a guide to creating and organizing flyers. This study is first to assess how a flyer's design influences a dimension of store image. Unlike extant research that examines store flyers using econometric models at the aggregate level, this study uses a laboratory experiment that combines a between-subjects design with conjoint analysis

    Consumer Preferences for Olive-Oil Attributes: A Review of the Empirical Literature Using a Conjoint Approach

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    During the last decade, olive oil consumption has experienced a major breakthrough in the world, not only in producing countries but also among those who are not. Undoubtedly, this growth in consumption is a consequence of the consolidation of a cultural phenomenon established between the main producing countries (Spain, Italy and Greece), owing to the so-called Mediterranean diet1; a food concept that provides important health benefits and of which olive oil is one of the main components. The recent recognition of United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) — it has declared to the Mediterranean diet ‘the intangible cultural heritage of humanity’— offers promising perspectives for the Mediterranean diet in the coming years..

    Efecto del precio y la lealtad en el comportamiento de elección del consumidor: modelización logit multinomial con datos de escáner

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    Los directivos de los establecimientos comerciales pueden utilizar los modelos de elección para la toma de sus decisiones comerciales, siendo muy útiles para aspectos como la planificación promocional, la selección de marca o el rendimiento de las categorías. En este trabajo, analizamos la influencia que tienen algunos factores sobre el comportamiento de elección, utilizando el modelo logit multinomial, a partir de datos de escáner de aceite de oliva. Incluimos factores como el precio de compra regular de cada alternativa, y la lealtad del consumidor hacia cada una de ellas, comparando los resultados para determinar cuál de las dos variables analizadas es más relevante.Store managers may make decisions regarding product categories with the help of a choice model, and may find it very useful for pricing promotion planning, brand selection and category assortment. In this paper we analyse some factors influencing consumer choice behavior using multinomial logit models based on scanner data for oliva oil. We include factors like regular price or loyalty. We compare the results for both factors in order to stablish which is the most relevant one

    Propuesta metodológica mediante diseños Box-Behnken para mejorar el rendimiento del análisis conjunto en estudios experimentales de mercado

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    ResumenEl análisis conjunto es una técnica utilizada para estudiar las preferencias de los consumidores en estudios de mercado. Uno de los aspectos más importantes relacionados con el desarrollo de dicha técnica, se centra en fijar el conjunto de elección que deben evaluar los entrevistados. De forma tradicional, se utilizan diseños factoriales para estimar los valores parciales de los factores. Sin embargo, si el investigador, además, está interesado en estimar las interacciones entre dos o más factores, estos diseños requieren un número tan elevado de alternativas que se hace difícil su evaluación, provocando que los entrevistados no utilicen criterios compensatorios. La utilización de diseños Box-Behnken agrupados en bloques permite reducir el esfuerzo cognitivo de los entrevistados y, a la vez, ajustar un modelo de segundo grado. Este trabajo ilustra, mediante un experimento, el uso y las ventajas de utilizar diseños Box-Behnken en estudios de mercado. Los resultados obtenidos muestran el mayor rendimiento de estos modelos en comparación con los diseños factoriales habituales.AbstractConjoint analysis is a technique used to study consumer preferences in market research. One of the most important issues is to determine the choice set which respondents must assess; usually factorial designs to estimate part-worth factors have been used. But, if the researcher is also interested in estimating two or more factor interactions, factorial designs require such a large number of alternatives that makes their evaluation very difficult, leading respondents to not use compensatory criteria. Using Box-Behnken designs in blocks reduce the cognitive effort made by respondents and, at the same time, it allows fitting a quadratic model. This paper illustrates, through an experiment, the properties and how to use Box-Behnken designs in market research. Results showed a better performance of these models when compared with standard factorial designs

    A design strategy for improving adaptive conjoint analysis

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    Adaptive conjoint analysis (ACA) is a market research methodology for measuring utility in business-to-business and customer studies. Based on partial profiles, ACA tailors an experiment's design to each respondent depending on their previously stated preferences, ordered in a self-assessment questionnaire. The purpose of this paper is to describe advantages and disadvantages of using a partial-profile randomised experiment, the usual system, and to propose a new design strategy for arranging profiles in blocks that improve its performance