14 research outputs found

    Determination of neutron energy spectra presence in gamma spectroscopic measurements using Ge-detectors

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    Određivanje prisustva neutrona tokom niskofonskih gama spektrometrijskih merenja je od posebne važnosti. Zbog toga je u ovom radu analiziran način određivanja energetskog spektra neutrona prisutnog u merenjima sa HPGe detektorima. Ovaj metod se zasniva na korišćenju metoda dekonvolucije. Za to je neophodno poznavati gama aktivnost indukovanu neutronskim reakcijama sa različitim izotopima germanijuma kao i efikasne preseke za date neutronske reakcije. Ovaj pristup je testiran merenjima sa fisionim izvorom neutrona 252Cf koji je bio postavljen u blizini HPGe detektora. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da ovaj metod moze pružiti pouzdane podatke o obliku energetskog spektra neutrona tokom gama spektrometrijskih merenja.Determination of neutron spectra in the Ge-detector during low-level gamma spectroscopy measurements is of great importance. Thus, in this paper we analyzed the method for the determination of neutron energy spectra present during measurements with HPGe detectors. This method is based on using the deconvolution procedure. It requires the knowledge of neutron induced gamma activities of Ge isotopes and the cross section data for the neutron reactions of interest. This approach was tested with measurements that used the fission neutron source 252Cf placed in proximity of the HPGe detector. Results show that this method can provide reliable data about the shape of neutron energy spectrum during gamma spectroscopy measurements.Зборник радова : XXIX симпозијум ДЗЗСЦГ : Сребрно језеро, 27-29. септембар 2017. годин

    Determination of neutron energy spectra presence in gamma spectroscopic measurements using Ge-detectors

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    Određivanje prisustva neutrona tokom niskofonskih gama spektrometrijskih merenja je od posebne važnosti. Zbog toga je u ovom radu analiziran način određivanja energetskog spektra neutrona prisutnog u merenjima sa HPGe detektorima. Ovaj metod se zasniva na korišćenju metoda dekonvolucije. Za to je neophodno poznavati gama aktivnost indukovanu neutronskim reakcijama sa različitim izotopima germanijuma kao i efikasne preseke za date neutronske reakcije. Ovaj pristup je testiran merenjima sa fisionim izvorom neutrona 252Cf koji je bio postavljen u blizini HPGe detektora. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da ovaj metod moze pružiti pouzdane podatke o obliku energetskog spektra neutrona tokom gama spektrometrijskih merenja.Determination of neutron spectra in the Ge-detector during low-level gamma spectroscopy measurements is of great importance. Thus, in this paper we analyzed the method for the determination of neutron energy spectra present during measurements with HPGe detectors. This method is based on using the deconvolution procedure. It requires the knowledge of neutron induced gamma activities of Ge isotopes and the cross section data for the neutron reactions of interest. This approach was tested with measurements that used the fission neutron source 252Cf placed in proximity of the HPGe detector. Results show that this method can provide reliable data about the shape of neutron energy spectrum during gamma spectroscopy measurements.Зборник радова : XXIX симпозијум ДЗЗСЦГ : Сребрно језеро, 27-29. септембар 2017. годин

    Influence of muon flux variations to level of background activity during low-background gamma spectrometric measurements

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    Mioni predstavljaju glavnu komponentu kosmičkog zračenja na nivou mora, zbog čega su značajan izvor fonske aktivnosti u gama spektrometrijskim merenjima. Fonsku aktivnost mioni mogu produkovati interakcijama sa detektorom i okolnim materijalima. Tom prilikom nastali neutroni daju takođe značajan doprinos vrednosti fonske gama aktivnosti. U ovom radu su predstavljeni rezultati merenja korišćenjem HPGe detektora sa gvozdenom i olovnom pasivnom zaštitom u dva okruženja, kada je iznad detektora bila prisutna različita debljina pokrovnog betonskog sloja. Monitoring prisustva miona je vršen korišćenjem plastičnog scintilacionog detektora. Određene su vrednosti inteziteta gama pikova koji se javljaju usled neutronskih reakcija i upoređeni su sa promenom prisustva miona u okruženju detektora. Dobijeni rezultati mogu poslužiti za unapređenje projektovanja zaštita prilikom niskofonskih gama spektrometrijskih merenja.Muons are one of the main components of cosmic radiation on the sea level and there are significant source background activities during gamma spectroscopic measurements. Background activity can be produced by muon interactions with detector and surrounding materials. On this way created neutrons also have high influence on detection of background events. In this work there are presented the results of measurements by use of HPGe detectors with iron and lead shields. The detectors were located in two different environments where the different thicknesses of covering concrete layer were present. The monitoring of muons presence was done by measurements with plastic scintillation detector. The levels of neutron induced gamma activates were determinated and compared with changing of muon flux in detectors environment. The results can be used for improving of new detector shield in gamma spectrometry measurements.Зборник радова : XXIX симпозијум ДЗЗСЦГ : Сребрно језеро, 27-29. септембар 2017. годин

    Spectral characteristics of FFF therapeutic photon beams measured by photoactivation of In-115m

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    Fotonski snopovi FFF (Flattening Filter Free) terapijskih linearnih akceleratora zbog bitno redukovane filtracije poseduju i niskoenergetsku komponentu. Aktivacijom izomernog stanja 115mIn u sredini polja, kao i na njegovim ivicama načinjen je pokušaj da se uporede spektralne karakteristike standardnih FF i FFF snopova. Merenja su vršena u snopovima od 6 MeV na dva različita tipa akceleratora. Uprkos činjenici da je kod obe vrste akceleratora dozni profil polja jednak, saturacione aktivnosti aktiviranih uzoraka od prirodnog In se veoma razlikuju što ukazuje na značajne razlike u obliku spektra.Photon beams of FFF (Flattening Filter Free) therapeutic linear accelerator because of substantially reduced filtration have noticeable low-energy component. With activation of isomeric state of 115mIn in the middle of the field, and on its edges we made an attempt to compare the spectral characteristics of standard FF and FFF beams. Measurements were performed in beams of 6 MeV nominal energy in two different types of accelerators. Despite the fact that in both types of accelerators have the same dose profile of beam, the saturation activity of the activated samples of natural In are very different, indicating significant differences in the form of spectrum

    Spectral characteristics of FFF therapeutic photon beams measured by photoactivation of In-115m

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    Fotonski snopovi FFF (Flattening Filter Free) terapijskih linearnih akceleratora zbog bitno redukovane filtracije poseduju i niskoenergetsku komponentu. Aktivacijom izomernog stanja 115mIn u sredini polja, kao i na njegovim ivicama načinjen je pokušaj da se uporede spektralne karakteristike standardnih FF i FFF snopova. Merenja su vršena u snopovima od 6 MeV na dva različita tipa akceleratora. Uprkos činjenici da je kod obe vrste akceleratora dozni profil polja jednak, saturacione aktivnosti aktiviranih uzoraka od prirodnog In se veoma razlikuju što ukazuje na značajne razlike u obliku spektra.Photon beams of FFF (Flattening Filter Free) therapeutic linear accelerator because of substantially reduced filtration have noticeable low-energy component. With activation of isomeric state of 115mIn in the middle of the field, and on its edges we made an attempt to compare the spectral characteristics of standard FF and FFF beams. Measurements were performed in beams of 6 MeV nominal energy in two different types of accelerators. Despite the fact that in both types of accelerators have the same dose profile of beam, the saturation activity of the activated samples of natural In are very different, indicating significant differences in the form of spectrum

    Radium in water: detection of bulk samples in well-type NaI detector

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    Zbog svoje visoke efikasnosti, NaI detektor oblika jame je odličan izbor za detekciju niskih aktivnosti, pogotovo kod uzoraka uzetih iz prirode. No velik prostorni ugao kojeg aktivna zapremina detektora oblika jame zauzima, neminovno dovodi do efekta koincidentnog sumiranja. Na osnovu većeg broja gama spektara rastvora radijuma je ispitan uticaj koincidentnog sumiranja na efikasnost detekcije u cilju razvijanja brzog i pouzdanog metoda za merenje radijuma u pijaćim vodama. Razvijen je i nov “grafički” metod za određivanje praga detekcije koji je ispitan na primeru voluminoznih uzoraka male aktivnosti.Due to its high efficiency, a well-type NaI detector is an excellent choice for low-level activity detection, especially for samples taken from nature. But, the large space angle that active volume of the detector includes, indispicably leads to coincident summing. Based on large number of gamma spectra of radium solutions, the effect of coincident summing was examined for purposes of developing a fast and reliable method for drinking water radium measurements. Also, a new ”graphical”method for determining MDA, based on measurements of small activity voluminous samples was developed.Зборник радова : XXIX симпозијум ДЗЗСЦГ : Сребрно језеро, 27-29. септембар 2017. годин

    Radium in water: detection of bulk samples in well-type NaI detector

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    Zbog svoje visoke efikasnosti, NaI detektor oblika jame je odličan izbor za detekciju niskih aktivnosti, pogotovo kod uzoraka uzetih iz prirode. No velik prostorni ugao kojeg aktivna zapremina detektora oblika jame zauzima, neminovno dovodi do efekta koincidentnog sumiranja. Na osnovu većeg broja gama spektara rastvora radijuma je ispitan uticaj koincidentnog sumiranja na efikasnost detekcije u cilju razvijanja brzog i pouzdanog metoda za merenje radijuma u pijaćim vodama. Razvijen je i nov “grafički” metod za određivanje praga detekcije koji je ispitan na primeru voluminoznih uzoraka male aktivnosti.Due to its high efficiency, a well-type NaI detector is an excellent choice for low-level activity detection, especially for samples taken from nature. But, the large space angle that active volume of the detector includes, indispicably leads to coincident summing. Based on large number of gamma spectra of radium solutions, the effect of coincident summing was examined for purposes of developing a fast and reliable method for drinking water radium measurements. Also, a new ”graphical”method for determining MDA, based on measurements of small activity voluminous samples was developed.Зборник радова : XXIX симпозијум ДЗЗСЦГ : Сребрно језеро, 27-29. септембар 2017. годин

    The role of a pharmacist in pharmacovigilance system

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    Introduction: Although they represent an important mediator between patients and National Pharmacovigilance Centre, pharmacists still don't participate enough in system of reporting adverse drug reactions (ADR). By reporting ADR both quality of therapy and quality of patient's life are improving, and pharmaceutical industry is also encouraged to invent and produce new formulations which will be better beared and whose use will significantly improve risk-benefi t ratio. Aim: The aim of this work is that by collecting information about ADRs, based on direct contact of a pharmacist and patients, explain and improve the role of a pharmacist in pharmacovigilance system. Subjects and Methods: Information about adverse reactions were being collected in three private pharmacies in Inđija and in one private pharmacy in Sombor. In period from 20.12.2017.-10.01.2018. pharmacists collected data about adverse reactions of medicines. In period from 11.01.-01.02.2018. patients were additionally informed about unexpected and adverse drug reactions. The standard form for reporting an adverse reaction, which was taken from the site of Medicines and Medical Devices Agency of Serbia (ALIMS), was fi lled for each reported case and sent to National Pharmacovigilance Center (NPC). Suspect drugs were classified in categories according to Anatomical-Therapeutic-Chemical classification (ATC). Results: In first period, there were 19 reported reactions. After additional information given to patients, there were 33 reported adverse reactions. The most numerous adverse drug reactions were reported for the group of cardiovascular drugs (32.7%), the group of anti-infective drugs with systemic effects (15.4%) and for group of drugs which affect nervous system (13.5%). After analyzing reported reactions, according to NPC all of reactions were expected (52), but 3 of them fulfilled criteria of seriousness. Conclusions: Thanks to additional information and direct communication between a pharmacist and patients, reporting unexpected and adverse drug reactions is significantly improving

    Implementing software solutions to improve business and customer satisfaction

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    U izradi diplomskog opisuje se proces Implementacije programskog rješenja novom korisniku te kako uvođenje novog programskog rješenja utječe na rad i zadovoljstvo korisnika. Velik broj poduzeća u Hrvatskoj neovisno da li se radi o profitnim, proračunskim ili neprofitnim korisnicima još uvijek nisu u svoje poslovanje implementirali poslovni informacijski sustav. Informatičke firme koje se bave izradom takvih aplikacija, kojih je na tržištu sve više pokušavaju svoje aplikacije što bolje prezentirati na tržištu te privući što veći broj novih klijenata koji će koristiti njihove aplikacije. Osim o procesu Implementacije programskog rješenja u radu će se govoriti o razvoju informacijskih sustava i glavnim značajkama informacijskih sustava te o uslugama koje osim poslovne aplikacije se vežu uz informacijske sustave, a odnose se na obuke za rad s informacijskim sustavima koji se implementiraju, korisničkoj podršci i druge konzultantske usluge