60 research outputs found

    An exploratory assessment of tourism sustainability in Croatian coastal destinations

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    This paper applies an indicator system for evaluating the sustainability of tourism in Croatian coastal tourist destinations. The applied indicator system is based on the guidelines provided by the World Tourism Organization, EUROSTAT, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, and the European Union Tourism Sustainability Group. To simplify measurement and facilitate comparative analyses between analyzed destinations, synthetic indicators are constructed based on normalized indicator data and multivariate analysis-based indicator weights. The results in this paper are a first, though still rough, quantification of tourism sustainability in Croatia.tourism, sustainability, composite indicator, index, Croatia


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    Importance-performance analysis (IPA) is an analytical tool which is used to define priorities when it comes to improving certain attributes of products or services. In the present research note, IPA is applied to the context of a tourist destination in order to identify most important development priorities. More specifically, this study applies derived-importance IPA to Mostar, one of the most popular destinations in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and portrays how IPA can help to reveal critical areas of the tourist destination product.Analiza važnosti i izvedbe (AVI) je analitički alat koji se primjenjuje s ciljem određivanja prioriteta prilikom poboljÅ”anja obilježja/atributa proizvoda i usluga. U ovom kratkom radu se AVI primjenjuje u kontekstu turističke destinacije kako bi se identificirala najvažnija razvojna područja. Preciznije, u radu se primjenjuje AVI koja se temelji na deriviranoj važnosti atributa na primjeru Mostara, jedne od najpopularnijih destinacija u Bosni i Hercegovini, te se prikazuje kako AVI može pomoći u otkrivanju kritičnih elemenata turističko-destinacijskog proizvoda

    Imidž destinacije i ključni čimbenici percipirane atraktivnosti destinacije

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    In this exploratory study authors combine several approaches to explore the images of two highly attractive tourist destinations: Hawaiā€™i and Croatia. Two convenience samples were used: the image of Hawaiā€™i was measured among Croatian undergraduate business students, and the image of Croatia was measured among Hawaiian tourism students. Functional and psychological image components were assessed at both a holistic and the attribute level. In addition, an importance-perception analysis was performed to assess the degree to which the destination image at the attribute level coincides with the studentsā€™ perception of an optimal destination. Finally, the authors conduct an importance grid analysis to explore the key drivers of the overall perceived destination attractiveness. The results provide a detailed insight into the images of Croatia and Hawaii, and reveal several interesting differences between the two student samples.U ovoj eksplorativnoj studiji autori primjenjuju kombinaciju različitih pristupa u mjerenju imidža dviju iznimno atraktivnih turističkih destinacija: Havaja i Hrvatske. U istraživanju su koriÅ”tena dva prigodna uzorka: imidž Havaja mjeren je među hrvatskim studentima poslovne ekonomije, a imidž Hrvatske među havajskim studentima turizma. Istraživanjem su obuhvaćeni funkcionalni i psiholoÅ”ki elementi imidža, i to na holističkoj razini te na razini atributa. Dodatno je primijenjena analiza važnosti i percepcije kako bi se ustanovilo u kojoj mjeri imidž analiziranih destinacija na razini atributa odgovara studentskoj percepciji optimalne destinacije. Konačno, autori koriste analizu pomoću matrice važnosti da bi istražili ključne čimbenike percipirane sveukupne atraktivnosti destinacije. Rezultati pružaju detaljan uvid u imidž Hrvatske i Havaja, te upućuju na nekoliko zanimljivih razlika među analiziranim uzorcima

    Possibilities of Implementing an Indicator System for Evaluating and Monitoring the Sustainability of Tourism in Croatia

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    Polazeći od pretpostavke da je turizam danas značajan segment hrvatskog gospodarstva, dok bi se u budućnosti ā€“ prvenstveno s obzirom na ekoloÅ”ki aspekt ā€“ mogao pretvoriti u prijetnju i ograničenje ukupnom gospodarskom rastu i razvoju, u radu se ispituju mogućnosti uspostave sustava pokazatelja za ocjenu i praćenje održivosti turizma u Hrvatskoj. Ukratko su prikazani relevantni međunarodni metodoloÅ”ki okviri, analizirani su postojeći izvori statističkih podataka u Hrvatskoj te je ocijenjena njihova primjerenost za uspostavu sustava pokazatelja. Dane su i preporuke za konkretnu izgradnju sustava pokazatelja za ocjenu i praćenje održivosti turizma u Hrvatskoj.Based on the assumption that tourism today is an important subsystem of the Croatian economy, but could turn into a threat in the future ā€“ particularly from an environmental point of view ā€“ and might become a limiting factor of overall economic growth and development, this paper examines the possibilities of implementing an indicator system for evaluating and monitoring the sustainability of tourism in Croatia. In order to do so, the most relevant methodologies are briefly reviewed, the sources of official statistical data in Croatia are assessed and their adequacy for implementing an indicator system is evaluated. This paper also provides recommendations for developing an indicator system for evaluating and monitoring the sustainability of tourism in Croatia

    Work Characteristics and Work Performance of Knowledge Workers: What Goes Hand in Hand?

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    The aim of the paper was to investigate the interplay among a wide range of work characteristics and knowledge workersā€™ performance outcomes. Specifically, we examined the nature of relationships between various task-, knowledge- and social characteristics of work design and both task and contextual performance. Using an adapted Work Design Questionnaire and applying PLS-SEM modelling technique, we analysed cross-sectional and cross-occupational sample of 512 Croatian knowledge workers from 48 organizations. Our findings confirmed the existence and importance of interaction between work characteristics and work outcomes. However, the results suggest that only knowledge characteristics of work design exhibit a significant effect on both distinct dimensions of work behaviour, while task and social characteristics showed different effects on task and contextual performance, respectively
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