7 research outputs found

    The Correlation of Changes of the Optic Nerve Diameter in the Acute Retrobulbar Neuritis with the Brain Changes in Multiple Sclerosis

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    The aim of this paper is to compare diameter of healthy and affected optic nerve determined by ultrasound with brain lesions in acute retrobulbar neuritis in patients with multiple sclerosis. In this prospective study 20 patients with multiple sclerosis and acute retrobulbar neuritis were examined. Optic nerve diameter was measured by ultrasound. Brain lesions were detected by magnetic resonance. Correlation between demyelinating lesions of the brain in multiple sclerosis and optic nerve diameter was tested by Kruskal-Wallis test. Significant difference in diameter between healthy and affected optic nerve in acute retrobulbar neuritis was found. Demyelinating brain changes examined by magnetic resonance revealed periventricular lesions, subcortical lesions and lesions in corpus callosum. There is statistically significant correlation between optic nerve diameter and number of brain lesions in multiple sclerosis, p<0.05. Diameter of optic nerve in retrobulbar neuritis measured by ultrasound correlates with brain lesions detected by magnetic resonance in multiple sclerosis

    Koristi i rizici od učlanjenja u Europsku ekonomsku i monetarnu uniju

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    In the last few years with the accession of Croatia into the European Economic and Monetary Union, the topic has gained prominence in the media and public debate and discourse. As with any major or controversial topic, the Croatian public remains divided on the issue of the Croatian acceptance of the Euro. With the expected date of Croatian accession in 2023, the public debate has increased even more. As such it is necessary to properly research the topic, organize and present the data in an easily understandable manner to avoid any confusion or misunderstanding. The first monetary unions stem from the 19th century Europe, while the idea for the modern form of the European Economic and Monetary Union was largely created in the aftermath of the destruction of the World War II. As such the European Economic and Monetary Union while created in its modern form only relatively recently in the 1990s, stem their beginnings from the 1950s Europe still recovering from the Second World War. The case study analysis of benefits and risks for Croatia joining the European Economic and Monetary Union serves to show that the topic is highly complex with a variety of effects on the economy and its people. The data shows that despite several possible risks for the Croatian economy, there are more potential benefits which will also have a larger net effect compared to the possible risks. Additionally, the data shows that Croatia could mitigate some of the risks with positive policy changes and structural reforms

    Koristi i rizici od učlanjenja u Europsku ekonomsku i monetarnu uniju

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    In the last few years with the accession of Croatia into the European Economic and Monetary Union, the topic has gained prominence in the media and public debate and discourse. As with any major or controversial topic, the Croatian public remains divided on the issue of the Croatian acceptance of the Euro. With the expected date of Croatian accession in 2023, the public debate has increased even more. As such it is necessary to properly research the topic, organize and present the data in an easily understandable manner to avoid any confusion or misunderstanding. The first monetary unions stem from the 19th century Europe, while the idea for the modern form of the European Economic and Monetary Union was largely created in the aftermath of the destruction of the World War II. As such the European Economic and Monetary Union while created in its modern form only relatively recently in the 1990s, stem their beginnings from the 1950s Europe still recovering from the Second World War. The case study analysis of benefits and risks for Croatia joining the European Economic and Monetary Union serves to show that the topic is highly complex with a variety of effects on the economy and its people. The data shows that despite several possible risks for the Croatian economy, there are more potential benefits which will also have a larger net effect compared to the possible risks. Additionally, the data shows that Croatia could mitigate some of the risks with positive policy changes and structural reforms

    Koristi i rizici od učlanjenja u Europsku ekonomsku i monetarnu uniju

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    In the last few years with the accession of Croatia into the European Economic and Monetary Union, the topic has gained prominence in the media and public debate and discourse. As with any major or controversial topic, the Croatian public remains divided on the issue of the Croatian acceptance of the Euro. With the expected date of Croatian accession in 2023, the public debate has increased even more. As such it is necessary to properly research the topic, organize and present the data in an easily understandable manner to avoid any confusion or misunderstanding. The first monetary unions stem from the 19th century Europe, while the idea for the modern form of the European Economic and Monetary Union was largely created in the aftermath of the destruction of the World War II. As such the European Economic and Monetary Union while created in its modern form only relatively recently in the 1990s, stem their beginnings from the 1950s Europe still recovering from the Second World War. The case study analysis of benefits and risks for Croatia joining the European Economic and Monetary Union serves to show that the topic is highly complex with a variety of effects on the economy and its people. The data shows that despite several possible risks for the Croatian economy, there are more potential benefits which will also have a larger net effect compared to the possible risks. Additionally, the data shows that Croatia could mitigate some of the risks with positive policy changes and structural reforms

    Korištenje slavnih sportaša za promoviranje : učinci na stav potrošača prema marki

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    One of the goals of marketing is to recognize the needs and wants of consumers in order to fulfil those needs and wants. In order to fulfil that goal, marketers tend to use a wide variety of techniques to maximize benefits for the company while reducing risks and costs. One of the popular ways a brand might attempt to fulfil that goal is trough using celebrity athlete endorsements. Celebrity athletes’ endorsements are used by sports brand around the globe in order to create knowledge and awareness of the product being endorsed, as well as creating a call to action for consumer, i.e., attempting to boost sales. A key ingredient in this tactic is obviously cooperation with celebrity athletes, who through their influence are able to affect and change the thoughts and action of their followers. For the purpose of the study an online questionnaire was distributed to a sample of 154 participants in order to examine the effects of celebrity athlete endorsement on consumer attitude towards the brand. Results show that 69.5% agree or strongly agree that athlete endorsement are used only by the largest and most popular sport brands. Additionally, 81.8% agree or strongly agree that celebrity athlete endorsements add value to the brand with similar number agreeing that athlete endorsements are excellent way of creating exposure for the brand. Furthermore, significant correlation was found between following athletes on social media and being more impressionable to athlete endorsements. Key conclusion is that there is a potential for sports brands to create positive brand image and boost sales by using celebrity athlete endorsements, especially when focusing on targeting sport fans.Jedan od ciljeva marketinga je prepoznati potrebe i želje potrošača kako bi se te potrebe i želje ispunile. Kako bi ispunili taj cilj, trgovci koriste niz tehnika i strategija kako bi povećali koristi za tvrtku uz smanjenje rizika i troškova. Jedan od popularnih načina na koji prodavač može pokušati postići taj cilj je korištenje sportaša za promocije proizvoda. Potporu poznatih sportaša koriste sportske marke diljem svijeta kako bi stvorile znanje i svijest o proizvodu koji se promovira, kao i pokušaj povećanja prodaje. Ključni dio ove marketinške taktike očito je suradnja sa poznatim sportašima, koji svojim utjecajem mogu utjecati i promijeniti misli i ponašanje svojih sljedbenika. Za potrebe istraživanja, kreiran je internetski upitnik koji je podijeljen na uzorak od 154 sudionika kako bi se ispitali učinci korištenja sportaša za promoviranje na stav potrošača prema marki. Rezultati pokazuju da se 69,5% slaže ili u potpunosti slaže da promoviranje kroz sportaše koriste samo najveći i najpopularniji sportski brendovi. Nadalje, 81,8% slaže se ili se u potpunosti slaže da promocije slavnih sportaša dodaju vrijednost marki sa sličnim brojem ispitanika koji se slažu da su preporuke sportaša izvrstan način stvaranja javne izloženosti za marku. Nadalje, pronađena je značajna povezanost između osoba koje prate sportaše na društvenim medijima i onih koji su više osjetljivi na promocije sportaša. Ključni zaključak je taj da postoji mogućnost da sportski brendovi stvore pozitivan imidž marke i povećaju prodaju korištenjem promocija kroz sportaše, osobito ako se marke usredotoče na ciljanje ljubitelja sporta