5 research outputs found


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    O câncer de cabeça e pescoço (CCP) compreende as neoplasias malignas queacometem a mucosa do trato aerodigestivo superior (boca, laringe e faringe). O câncer daboca, que compreende as neoplasias de lábio e cavidade oral, recebe destaque por se tratar,segundo o Instituto Nacional do Câncer (INCA) (2018), do 5o tipo de câncer mais prevalenteem homens e do 12o em mulheres


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    O câncer de cabeça e pescoço (CCP) compreende as neoplasias malignas que acometema mucosa do trato aerodigestivo superior sendo localizado mais comumente na região deboca, laringe e faringe. Dentre eles, o câncer de boca, que compreende as neoplasias delábio e cavidade oral, recebe destaque por se tratar do 5º tipo de câncer mais prevalenteem homens e do 12º em mulheres (Brasil, 2018)

    The influence of teriparatide in induced tooth movement: a systematic review

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    Teriparatide is a synthetic drug similar than PTH (parathyroid hormone), which is currently used as long-term treatment option for patients with bone chronic diseases, as osteoporosis; and this drug can interfere in a positive way in orthodontic movement. Objectives: The medical literature was assessed in the present systematic review in order to determine the level of scientific evidence supporting the influence of teriparatide in induced tooth movement. The PRISMA Checklist was followed in this systematic review. Four electronic databases (PubMed; Scopus; ScienceDirect; OpenGrey) were searched without implementing restrictions of year, status, and language of publications. The inclusion criteria consisted of selecting only experimental studies comparing the influence of teriparatide in tooth movement of male Wistar rats. The exclusion criteria consisted of experiments with female rats or other experimental animals, and animals with pathologic conditions. The eligible studies were evaluated based on methodological quality. Two trained examiners performed all the research steps. The initial sample comprised 700 studies, which was reduced to 664 after the exclusion of duplicates (n=36). Three articles were selected for the final qualitative analysis. The local administration of parathyroid hormone (PTH) 1-34 or PTH 1-84 revealed major effectiveness when compared with control groups and systematic administration. Additionally, the dilution of PTH 1-34 within methyl cellulose (MC) gel increased the time range for drug release, enabling to reduce the drug concentration without decreasing the effectiveness of tooth movement. Teriparatide demonstrated potential acceleration of tooth movement in Wistar rats depending on the drug concentration; drug administration; and time for drug release

    Direcionamentos da prática clínica odontológica para pacientes oncológicos e COVID-19

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    Objetivo: realizar uma revisão integrativa a fim de compilar os conceitos vigentes sobre a prática odontológica para pacientes oncológicos e o COVID-19. Método: para a construção deste artigo foram realizadas buscas bibliográficas eletrônicas utilizando a base de dados Pubmed que abordassem o tema proposto até 2020. A busca dos artigos foi realizada em maio e junho de 2020 e para tanto, foi utilizada a string de busca (sars- CoV-2 OR coronavirus OR covid-19) e (dentistry OR oral health OR dental practice OR dental education). Resultados: foram selecionados 25 artigos lidos em sua versão completa, sendo ao final selecionados 16 artigos que apresentaram com clareza o protocolo clínico para atendimento odontológico durante a pandemia do COVID-19 e outros 09 artigos que relacionaram o atendimento odontológico de pacientes oncológicos durante a pandemia e perspectivas futuras. Conclusão: o protocolo para o atendimento odontológico em meio a pandemia do COVID-19 demanda adequação no ambiente de trabalho odontológico, um criterioso protocolo de equipamentos de proteção individual, bem como, uma mudança na relação com o paciente, lembrando sempre de humanizar o atendimento dos pacientes oncológicos.</p

    Self-perceived quality of health and satisfaction by elderly seen by the Family Health Strategy team

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    <div><p>ABSTRACT Objective: To verify the profile of elderly followed up by Family Health Strategy teams and the influence of self-reported chronic diseases on demographic variables, describing self-perception and satisfaction with quality of health. Methods: This is a cross-sectional population- based study carried out with 301 elderly residents in two areas of a city in southern Brazil. Data were collected through a questionnaire based on the Health, Well-Being, and Aging Study adapted by researchers, and a playful scale to assess satisfaction with health. For the statistical analysis, the χ2 test was used (p<0.05). Results: Regarding cognitive assessment, the majority was classified as independent (86.4%), not requiring caregiver assistance to answer the questionnaire. The population was predominantly female (55.8%), White (64.8%), married (51.2%), and catholic (82.1%). A total of 47.5% considered their current health status as regular. Regarding satisfaction with health, 72.4% were happy, even reporting having at least one chronic health problem (58.5%). Conclusion: The presence of chronic diseases was reported by most respondents, and the practice of self-medication is significantly more frequent among the aged. Nevertheless, the degree of satisfaction with their health status was predominantly positive, both related to the previous year and compared to others of the same age.</p></div