38 research outputs found

    Late-Onset Ornithine Carbamoyltransferase Deficiency Accompanying Acute Pancreatitis and Hyperammonemia

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    Hyperammonemia related to urea cycle disorders is a rare cause of potentially fatal encephalopathy that is encountered in intensive care units (ICUs). Left undiagnosed, this condition may manifest irreversible neuronal damage. However, timely diagnosis and treatment initiation can be facilitated simply by increased awareness of the ICU staff. Here, we describe a patient with acute severe pancreatitis who developed hyperammonemia and encephalopathy without liver disease. Urea cycle disorder was suspected and hemodialysis was initiated. Following reduction of ammonia levels, subsequent treatment included protein restriction and administration of arginine and sodium benzoate. The patient was discharged to home after 47 days with plasma ammonia within normal range and without neurological symptoms. In clinical care settings, patients with neurological symptoms unexplained by the present illness should be assessed for serum ammonia levels to disclose any urea cycle disorders to initiate timely treatment and improve outcome


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    Objective: To evaluate the preliminary results related to journals up-grade that was used by Medicine III, through opportunity offered by Capes to all agency areas programs. Methods: Were used area document of Medicine I, II and III, besides other relevant topics available online at Capes site, between 2009 and 2013. The research was focused to answer two questions: 1) the stratification of Qualis is similar in the three areas of medicine? and 2) the evolution of Qualis in Medicine III was higher? Results: Medicine III showed an increase in its Qualis classification and is publishing in journals with higher impact factors, virtually the same as the Medicine I and II. Conclusion: The area showed the strongest growth in recent three-year periods

    Aumento do estresse oxidativo após hipotermia em ratos com pancreatite induzida por ceruleína

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    BACKGROUND: Hypothermia is a frequent event in severe acute pancreatitis (AP) and its real effects on the normal pancreas have not been well demonstrated. Moreover, neither have its effects on the outcome of acute pancreatitis been fully investigated. One hypothesis is that oxidative stress may be implicated in lesions caused or treated by hypothermia. AIM OF THE STUDY: To investigate the effect of hypothermia in cerulein-induced acute pancreatitis (CIAP) in rats and the role played by oxidative stress in this process. METHODS: Male Wistar rats were divided into hypothermic and normothermic groups. Hypothermia was induced with a cold mattress and rectal temperature was kept at 30ºC for one hour. Acute pancreatitis was induced with 2 doses of cerulein (20 ìg/kg) administered at a one-hour interval. Serum amylase, pancreas vascular permeability by Evan's blue method, pancreas wet-to-dry weight ratio and histopathology were analyzed in each group. RESULTS: When compared with normothermic rats, hypothermic animals, with cerulein-induced acute pancreatitis, showed higher levels of pancreatic vascular permeability (p < 0.05), pancreas wet-to-dry weight ratio (p = 0.03), and histologically verified edema (p < 0.05), but similar serum amylase levels. The hypothermic group showed a higher oxidized-reduced glutathione ratio than the normothermic group. CONCLUSION: Moderate hypothermia produced a greater inflammatory response in established acute pancreatitis induced by cerulein in rats. Moreover, this study suggests that oxidative stress may be one of the mechanisms responsible for the worse outcome in hypothermic rats with cerulein-induced acute pancreatitis.BACKGROUND: Hipotermia é um evento freqüente em episódios de pancreatite aguda, contudo seu efeito real sobre pâncreas normal ainda não esta bem demonstrado. Além do mais, o efeito da hipotermia no decorrer da pancreatite aguda também não está completamente esclarecido. Uma das hipóteses sobre as causas das lesões causadas ou tratadas por hipotermia aventa a implicação de estresse oxidativo. OBJETIVOS: Investigar o efeito da hipotermia em ratos com pancreatite aguda induzida por ceruleína e o papel do estresse oxidativo neste processo. MÉTODOS: Ratos Wistar machos foram divididos em grupos hipotérmicos e normotérmicos. Hipotermia foi induzida com uma bolsa gelada de forma que a temperatura retal permanecesse em 30ºC por uma hora. Pancreatite aguda foi induzida com duas aplicações de ceruleína (20 ìg/kg) administradas com intervalo de uma hora. A amilase sérica, a permeabilidade vascular do pâncreas, a razão peso seco/peso úmido do pâncreas, a histopatologia e os níveis de glutationa foram analisados em cada grupo. RESULTADOS: Ratos hipotérmicos, com pancreatite aguda induzida por ceruleína, apresentaram maiores níveis de permeabilidade vascular no pâncreas (p < 0.05), razão peso seco/peso úmido do pâncreas (p = 0.03), e edema histológico (p < 0.05), mas os níveis de amilase sérica permaneceram iguais aos níveis apresentados pelos ratos normotérmicos. O grupo hipotérmico apresentou maior relação glutationa oxidada/glutationa reduzida em relação ao grupo normotérmico. CONCLUSÃO: Hipotermia moderada produziu uma maior resposta inflamatória em ratos com pancreatite aguda estabelecida, induzida por ceruleína, sugerindo que este efeito pode estar ligado a um maior índice de estresse oxidativo em ratos com pancreatite aguda

    Cholelithiasis in patients on the kidney transplant waiting list

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    OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the prevalence of cholecystopathy in chronic renal patients awaiting kidney transplants. INTRODUCTION: The prevalence and management of cholelithiasis in renal transplant patients is not well established. METHODS: A total of 342 chronic renal failure patients on the waiting list for a kidney transplant were studied. Patients were evaluated for the presence of cholelithiasis and related symptoms, previous cholecystectomies and other abdominal surgeries, time on dialysis, and general data (gender, age, number of pregnancies, and body mass index). RESULTS: Cholelithiasis was found in 41 out of 342 patients (12%). Twelve of these patients, all symptomatic, had previously undergone cholecystectomies. Five out of 29 patients who had not undergone surgery were symptomatic. Overall, 17 patients (41.5%) were symptomatic. Their mean age was 54 (range 32-74) years old; 61% were female, and their mean body mass index was 25.4. Nineteen (76%) out of 25 women had previously been pregnant, with an average of 3.6 pregnancies per woman. CONCLUSIONS: The frequency of cholelithiasis was similar to that reported in the literature for the general population. However, the high frequency of symptomatic patients points toward an indication of routine pre-transplant cholecystectomy to avoid serious post-transplant complications

    Inhibition of cyclooxygenase-2 in experimental severe acute pancreatitis

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    BACKGROUND: The standard treatment for acute pancreatitis (AP) is still based on supportive care. The search for a new drug that could change the natural history of the disease is a continuing challenge for many researchers. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of a cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibitor on experimental AP in rats. METHODS: The animals were divided into 2 groups: Group 1 (n = 30)-animals with taurocholate-induced AP treated with parecoxib (40 mg/kg). Group 2 (n = 30)-animals with taurocholate-induced AP that received saline. The COX-2 inhibitor (parecoxib) was injected immediately after AP induction, through the penis dorsal vein. The parameters evaluated were histology, serum levels of amylase, IL-6 and IL-10, and mortality rate. RESULTS: The serum levels of IL-6 and IL-10 in the parecoxib-treated group were lower than the control group. The amylase serum levels and the mortality rate remained unchanged in the treated animals. Histologic morphology also was unaltered, except for fat necrosis, which was higher in parecoxib-treated rats. CONCLUSION: Inhibition of Cox-2 decreases the systemic release of inflammatory cytokines, but has a poor effect on the direct pancreas injury caused by taurocholate.INTRODUÇÃO: O tratamento padrão para a pancreatite aguda permanece baseado em medidas de suporte. A busca por uma droga que altere a história natural da doença ainda é um desafio para muitos pesquisadores. O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar o efeito de um inibidor da COX-2 na pancreatite aguda grave experimental (PA) em ratos. MÉTODO: Os animais foram divididos em dois Grupos: Grupo 1 (n=30) - animais com PA induzida por taurocolato e tratados com parecoxib (40mg/Kg). Grupo 2 (n=30) - animais com PA induzida por taurocolato que receberam solução salina. O inibidor de COX-2 (parecoxib) foi injetado imediatamente após a indução, através da veia dorsal do pênis. Os parâmetros avaliados foram histologia, níveis séricos de amilase, IL-6 e IL-10 e taxa de mortalidade. RESULTADOS: Os níveis séricos de IL-6 e IL-10 foram menores do que no grupo controle. Os níveis séricos de amilase e a taxa de mortalidade permaneceram inalteradas. A análise histológica também não mostraram alterações, exceto pela necrose gordurosa, que foi maior nos animais controle. CONCLUSÃO: A inibição da COX-2 pode reduzir a liberação sistêmica de pelo menos duas citocinas, mas tem pouco efeito na lesão pancreática direta causada pelo taurocolato

    Avaliação in vivo da interação leucócito-endotélio mesentérico após ligadura e punção cecal e remoção cirúrgica do foco sééptico

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    PURPOSE: Cecal ligation and puncture (CLP) has been used as a useful model for the induction of polymicrobial sepsis. Necrotic tissue resection and peritoneal lavage (REL) are the surgical procedures for controlling perforated appendicitis. The aim of this study was to evaluate leukocyte-endothelial interactions in the rat mesentery in vivo after CLP and REL. METHODS: Thirty-seven male Wistar rats (250-300 g) underwent laparotomy and were randomly assigned to the following groups: 1) SHAM; 2) CLP: animals submitted to CLP, 3) CLP+REL: animals submitted to CLP and REL. Mesenteric leukocyte-endothelial interactions were studied by intravital microscopy assessed once in each animal (3-5 postcapillary venules, 15-25 µm diameter) 24 hours after intervention. Follow-up was performed in all animals; this included analysis of glycemia, lactate, hematocrit, white blood cell count as well as a functional score that was the sum of scoring on the following parameters: alertness, mobility, piloerection, diarrhea, encrusted eyes, and dirty nose and tail. RESULTS: None of the animals showed significant changes in body weight (265 ± 20 g) or in hematocrit levels (46% ± 2%) during the experimental protocol. Compared to SHAM animals, CLP animals showed an increased number of rolling (2x), adherent, and migrating leukocytes (7x) in the mesenteric microcirculation, an increase in blood glucose (136 ± 8 mg/dL), lactate (3.58 ± 0.94 mmol/L), white cell count (23,570 ± 4,991 cells/mm³) and functional alterations (score 11 ± 1), characterized by impaired alertness and mobility, and presence of piloerection, diarrhea, encrusted eyes, and dirty nose and tail. The REL procedure normalized the number of rolling, adherent, and migrated leukocytes in the mesentery; glycemia; lactate; and white blood cell count. The REL procedure also improved the functional score (7 ± 1). CONCLUSION: Local and systemic inflammation was induced by CLP, while REL completely overcame the inflammatory process.OBJETIVO: O procedimento de ligadura cecal e perfuração (CLP) tem sido usado como um modelo útil de indução de sepse polimicrobiana. A ressecção do tecido necrosado e lavagem peritoneal (REL) são procedimentos cirúrgicos freqüentemente utilizados para controlar uma apendicite perfurada. O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar in vivo as interações leucócito-endotélio no mesentério de ratos após a CLP e REL. MÉTODOS: Trinta e sete ratos Wistar machos (250-300 g) foram submetidos à laparotomia e aleatoriamente divididos em grupos: 1) SHAM, 2) CLP: ratos submetidos à CLP, 3) CLP+REL: animais submetidos à CLP e REL. As interações leucócito-endotélio no mesentério foram estudadas através de microscopia intravital somente uma vez em cada animal (3-5 vênulas pós-capilares, 15-25 µm diâmetro), 24-horas após as intervenções. A evolução clínica foi realizada em todos os animais, incluindo glicemia, lactato, hematócrito, número total de células brancas e um escore funcional, o qual foi considerado como a somatória dos seguintes parâmetros: estado de alerta, mobilidade, piloereção, diarréia, olhos encrustados, e nariz e cauda sujos. RESULTADOS: Os animais não apresentaram alterações significantes no peso (265 ± 20 g) e hematócrito (46 ± 2%) ao longo do estudo. Comparados ao SHAM, os animais CLP apresentaram aumento no número de leucócitos em rolamento (2x), aderidos (7x) e migrados (7x) na microcirculação mesentérica, aumentos da glicemia (136 ± 8 mg/dL), lactato (3,58 ± 0,94 mmol/L), leucocitose (23.570 ± 4.991 células/mm³) e alterações clínicas (escore 11±1), caracterizadas por comprometimento do estado de alerta e mobilidade, e presença de piloereção, diarréia, olhos encrustados, nariz e cauda sujos. REL normalizou o número de leucócitos em rolamento, aderidos e migrados no mesentério, a glicemia, o lactato e o número de leucócitos circulantes. REL também melhorou o escore clínico (7 ± 1). CONCLUSÃO: A CLP induziu inflamação local e sistêmica. A REL resolveu, por completo, o processo inflamatório

    Results of endoscopic biliary drainage in patients with malignant hilar stricture

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    In Malignant Hilar Biliary Stricture (MHBS) palliative biliary drainage is a frequent strategy, improving the quality of life, reducing pruritus, loss of appetite and relieving cholangitis. The endoscopic approach is an effective, although challenging procedure. This study aimed to evaluate technical and clinical success rates of biliary drainage by ERCP. This is a retrospective study including all patients with MHBS referred to Instituto do Cancer do Hospital de São Paulo (ICESP) submitted to biliary drainage by ERCP, between January 2010 and December 2017. Multivariable logistic regression was performed to evaluate predictors of clinical failure, as total bilirubin levels, Bismuth classification, number of hepatic sectors drained and presence of cholangitis. In total, 82 patients presenting unresectable MHBS were included in this study. 58.5% female and 41.5% male, with a mean age of 60±13 years. Bismuth classification grades II, IIIA, IIIB and IV were noted in 23.2%, 15.9%, 14.6% and 46.3%, respectively. Technical and clinical success was achieved in 92.7% and 53.7% respectively. At multivariable logistic-regression analyses, Bismuth IV strictures were related to higher clinical failure rates when compared to other strictures levels, with an Odds Ratio of 5.8 (95% CI 1.28‒20.88). In conclusion, endoscopic biliary drainage for malignant hilar biliary stricture had a high technical success but suboptimal clinical success rate. Proximal strictures (Bismuth IV) were associated with poor drainage outcomes

    Somatostatinoma of the papilla major and minor associated with gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST)

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    Somatostatinomas are very rare neuroendocrine tumors that have imunohistochemicpositivity for somatostatin. The incidence of these tumors is higher in patients withthe Von Recklinghausen’s syndrome. There are four cases in the literature that show coexistencebetween somatostatinoma and gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST), all patients withneurofi bromatosis. In this report we describe a non syndromic patient who had two primarysomatostatinomas of both major and minor papillae, and nine jejunal GIST nodules. The diagnosiswas confi rmed by the anatomopathology and imunohistochemistry, and the treatmentwas duodenopancreatectomy and resection of the jejunal nodules. After the operation, thepatient developed delayed gastric emptying. She was released from the Hospital in the 34th day,with oral feeding reestablished. This is the fi rst case reported in the literature that describes asynchronic appearance of these tumors in a patient that does not have neurofi bromatosis.Os somatostatinomas são tumores neuroendócrinos extremamente raros quepossuem positividade imunohistoquímica para somatostatina. A incidência destes tumores émaior nos pacientes portadores da síndrome de Von Recklinghausen. Existem quatro casosrelatados na literatura que mostram coexistência entre somatostatinoma e tumores do estroma gastrointestinal (GIST), todos em pacientes com neurofibromatose. Neste relato, descrevemosuma paciente não portadora da síndrome que apresentou dois somatostatinomas primários de papila maior e menor e nove nódulos jejunais de GIST. O diagnóstico foi confirmado pelo anátomo-patológico e imunohistoquímica, e o tratamento consistiu em uma duodenopancreatectomia associada à ressecção dos nódulos jejunais. A paciente evoluiu com gastroparesia no pós-operatório, e recebeu alta no 34º PO com aceitação de dieta oral. Este é o primeiro caso de toda a literatura que descreve apresentação simultânea destes tumores em paciente não portadora de neurofibromatose