7 research outputs found

    MOESM1 of Genomic selection signatures in sheep from the Western Pyrenees

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    Additional file 1. Details of the in silico simulation study that was carried out to determine the appropriate window size to be used for GWSS analysis

    MOESM3 of Genomic selection signatures in sheep from the Western Pyrenees

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    Additional file 3. Raw data for Z(FSTp): raw data for pooled fixation index (Z(FSTp)) for each analyzed window in each comparison (SAS vs. LAS, SAS vs. LAN, and LAS vs. LAN)

    MOESM2 of Genomic selection signatures in sheep from the Western Pyrenees

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    Additional file 2. Raw data for Z(Hp) and Z(Dp): raw data for pooled heterozygosity (Z(Hp)) and pooled Tajimañ€™s D (Z(Dp)) for each analyzed window in each sequenced pool (SAS, LAS, and LAN)

    SSR and SNP markers discovered for Atlantic mackerel

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    SSRs: The 1,624 SSR markers detected in the Atlantic mackerel transcriptome. SSR names follow the format Ssco_[A]-[B] where [A] indicates the transcriptome contig where the SSR was detected and [B] indicates the number of SSR in the contig. SNPs:. The 80 validated SNPs sequences and their descriptive statistics. For each marker following information is provided: NCBI Submitter SNP (ss) accession numbers, reference and alternative alleles, call rate (%), minor allele frequency (MAF), global (pooling the three sampling locations) expected heterozygosity (He), global and per location deviation (p-value) from the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE), and flanking sequence. SNP names follow the format [A]_[B] where [A] indicates the contig number and [B] indicates the SNP position in that contig. Target SNP is encoded in the sequence as [REF/ALT] where REF indicates the reference allele ALT indicates the alternative allele. * corresponds to p-value < 0.0001. SIGN. means that at least 1 location is not in HWE for these markers. N.S. corresponds to not significant