230 research outputs found

    Demographic characterization, inbreeding and maintenance of genetic diversity in the endangered Catalonian donkey breed

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    This study characterizes the demographic and genealogical structure of a limited-size population in danger of extinction: the Catalonian donkey breed. The purpose of this paper is to establish the most suitable breeding criteria and guidelines to achieve the 'Programme of Conservation and Maintenance of Animal Genetic Resources' in this population. The two main objectives proposed are: 1) to maintain the maximum genetic diversity, with 2) the minimum possible consanguinity increase per generation. A population size of 109 animals of both sexes, 44 males and 65 females, was analysed. The pedigree information was used to calculate the following items: generation length (L), variances of family size (o,2) k , effective population size (Ne), inbreeding coefficient (F) and probability of gene origin. The results obtained and breeding criteria to be followed are discussed. The correct mating policy between a stallion and a jenny would be that which would maximize the so-called genetic conservation index and minimize the inbreeding coefficient of the hypothetical offspring of the couple

    Dificultats per a la conservació de l'ase català

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    L'ase català és un dels que corren més perill en el món. En aquest estudi, els investigadors J.P. Gutierrez, J. Marmi, F. Goyache i J. Jordana varen analitzar la informació de l'arbre genealògic de l'ase català par tal de valorar la diversitat genètica i l'estructura de la població. Van descobrir que l'ase català ha patit una pèrdua important de diversitat genètica.El asno catalán es uno de los que corren mayor peligro en el mundo. En este estudio, los investigadores J.P. Gutierrez, J. Marmi, F. Goyache i J. Jordana analizaron la información del árbol genealógico del asno catalán para valorar la diversidad genética y la estructura de la población. Descubrieron que el asno catalán ha sufrido una pérdida importante de diversidad genética

    Genetic diversity in Spanish donkey breeds using microsatellite DNA markers

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    Genetic diversity at 13 equine microsatellite loci was compared in five endangered Spanish donkey breeds: Andaluza, Catalana, Mallorquina, Encartaciones and Zamorano-Leonesa. All of the equine microsatellites used in this study were amplified and were polymorphic in the domestic donkey breeds with the exception of HMS1, which was monomorphic, and ASB2, which failed to amplify. Allele number, frequency distributions and mean heterozygosities were very similar among the Spanish donkey breeds. The unbiased expected heterozygosity (HE) over all the populations varied between 0.637 and 0.684 in this study. The low GST value showed that only 3.6% of the diversity was between breeds (P < 0.01). Significant deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium were shown for a number of locus-population combinations, except HMS5 that showed agreement in all analysed populations. The cumulative exclusion probability (PE) was 0.999 in each breed, suggesting that the loci would be suitable for donkey parentage testing. The constructed dendrogram from the DA distance matrix showed little differentiation between Spanish breeds, but great differentiation between them and the Moroccan ass and also with the horse, used as an outgroup. These results confirm the potential use of equine microsatellite loci as a tool for genetic studies in domestic donkey populations, which could also be useful for conservation plans

    Adaptació a l'EEES de les assignatures de genètica i millora genètica a la llicenciatura de veterinària

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    L'adaptació a l'EEES de les assignatures de Genètica i Millora Genètica impartides a la llicenciatura de Veterinària ha implicat l'adopció de profunds canvis en la manera d'impartir la docència i avaluar els coneixements. En primer lloc, les pràctiques d'aula d'informàtica de Genètica han deixat de ser assistencials per convertir-se en treballs d'autoaprenentatge on els estudiants han d'utilitzar determinats programaris per resoldre un seguit de qüestions plantejades pel professor amb l'ajut d'un manual de pràctiques. Igualment, s'ha elaborat un manual de pràctiques de laboratori i diverses coleccions de problemes resolts per fomentar l'autoaprenentatge. Finalment, s'ha implementat un sistema d'avaluació continuada amb la realització de tres (Genètica) i dos (Millora Genètica) exàmens parcials de problemes. La valoració del manual de pràctiques de laboratori per part dels estudiants ha estat positivaThe adaptation to the European Space of Higher Education of Genetics and Animal Breeding and Genetics, two subjects taught at the Veterinary Medicine Faculty, has involved deep changes in teaching as well as in the evaluation of the student's knowledge. First, practical work at the informatics room has been replaced by self-learning exercises where students use different types of software to solve diverse questions, with the aid of a manual prepared by the professor, aimed to evaluate their understanding and skills in this area. Moreover, a laboratory manual has been prepared together with a collection of solved problems to increase the self-learning capabilities of the students. Finally, a continuous evaluation scheme has been implemented by performing three (Genetics) and two (Animal Breeding and Genetics) partial exams. Students evaluated these teaching strategies very positively. Specifically, the laboratory manual received an evaluation of 3.43 over 5 and the collection of solved problems of 4.47 over 5. The exercises based on the use of software were, in general, well executed with average marks of 7.9 (Genetics) and 7.7 (Animal Breeding and Genetics). The marks of the partial exams were also very satisfactory. In summary, these teaching improvements have increased markedly the general performance and academic achievement. of students. This work has been performed in the fraework of project "Teaching materials for Genetics and Animal Breeding in the framework of Veterinary Sciences" funded by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
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