32 research outputs found

    Phylogenetic Trees for <i>VEGF</i> Haplotypes and Association with Bladder Cancer Risk among 926 Cases and 900 Controls with DNA in the iPLEX Assay, Spanish Bladder Cancer Study

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    <div><p>See <a href="http://www.plosgenetics.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pgen.0030029#pgen-0030029-g001" target="_blank">Figure 1</a> for block definitions. Of the 29 <i>VEGF</i> SNPs determined, two had low genotypic variation in our population; therefore, haplotype analyses were based on the remaining 27 SNPs. Polymorphic bases are in 5′ to 3′ order: Block 1(<b>rs833052</b> and rs866236); Block 2 (<b>rs1109324</b>, <b>rs1547651</b>, rs833060, rs699947, rs1005230, rs833061, rs1570360, rs2010963, <b>rs25648</b>, rs833067, rs3025042, rs833068, <b>rs3024994</b>, rs735286, rs3024998, rs3025000, and rs3025006); and Block 3 (rs3025030, rs3025033, rs3025035, and rs3025036). Bolded rs numbers are for individual SNPs significantly associated with bladder cancer risk.</p><p>Eleven cases and 13 controls with missing data on more than 15 of the 17 SNPs in Block 2 were excluded from haplotype analyses because their inclusion resulted in lack of convergence. Nucleotide changes significantly associated with risk in the individual genotype analyses are shown in boxes. The most common haplotye is the reference category. Haplotypes with the common variant for each individual SNP are CC for Block 1, GAGCCGTGCTGGCCCCC for Block 2, and GACC for Block 3.</p></div

    Gene Map and LD Plot of <i>VEGF</i> Gene

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    <p>Color scheme is based on D′ and logarithm of the odds of linkage (LOD) score values: white D′ < 1 and LOD < 2, blue D′ = 1 and LOD < 2, shades of pink/red: D′ < 1 and LOD ≥ 2, and bright red D′ = 1 and LOD ≥ 2. Numbers in squares are D′ values (values of 1.0 are not shown). Block definition is based on the Gabriel et al. method [34]. Two (rs3024989 and rs367173) of the 29 SNPs determined are not shown because of low variation in this population. Red rectangles in the gene map represent exons.</p

    Elliptic systems with anisotropic potential: existence and regularity of solutions

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    We briefly summarize existing result in theory of minimizers of elliptic variational functionals. We introduce proof of existence and regularity such functional under assumpti- ons of quaziconvexity and izotrophic growth estimates, and discuss possible generalization to anizotropic case. Our proof is a compilation from more sources, modified in order of simplicity, readability and detailed analysis of all steps

    Additional file 1: Table S1. of Reproductive profiles and risk of breast cancer subtypes: a multi-center case-only study

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    Definitions of breast cancer subtypes that have been applied in previous BCAC manuscripts. Table S2 Number of breast cancer patients with reproductive risk factor data in the 34 BCAC studies assessed in this study. Table S3 Number of breast cancer case patients with tumor marker data in the 34 BCAC studies assessed in this study. Table S4 Distribution of tumor characteristics according to breast cancer subtypes. Table S5 Association between parity (ever versus never) and BC subtypes for age overall and for specific ages (40, 50 and 60 years). Table S6 Frequency table showing parity by subtype and age group. Table S7 Associations between age at menarche, age at FFTP and breast cancer subtypes. The same analysis as in Table 4 is performed but here parity is considered a continuous variable. Table S8 Effect of parity (ever versus never) on BC subtype risk across all ages at BC diagnosis and corrected for BMI. Associations between age at menarche, age at FFTP and breast cancer subtype risk. (DOCX 60 kb