33 research outputs found

    Prevenção do câncer de colo uterino

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    O câncer do colo uterino constitui um grave problema de saúde pública, atingindo todas as camadas sociais e regiões geoeconômicas do país. Definido como afecção progressiva, o câncer de colo uterino é caracterizado por alterações intra-epiteliais cervicais, que podem se desenvolver para um estágio invasivo em longo prazo, tendo etapas bem definidas e de lenta evolução, sendo que este tipo de câncer permite sua interrupção a partir de um diagnóstico precoce e do tratamento oportuno que poderá apresentar custos reduzidos. Assim, as medidas de prevenção são consideradas de suma importância e envolvem o rastreamento de lesões na população sintomática e assintomática, podendo ser identificado o grau das mesmas e o tratamento ser adequado. Neste estudo foi realizado uma revisão narrativa, de trabalhos vinculados a Biblioteca Virtual de Saúde, realizados no período de 2000 a 2012 com o objetivo de discorrer sobre aspectos epidemiológicos, fisiopatológicos e de prevenção do câncer de colo uterino. O PSF se torna, cada vez mais, um instrumento de estratégia no combate ao câncer do colo do útero. Os profissionais devem aproveitar todas as oportunidades de contato com as mulheres para reforçar orientações, sanar dúvidas, conhecimentos, direitos em relação a sua saúde, sendo assim, atenção especial à educação em saúde. Há ainda muitas barreiras que impedem as mulheres ao acesso a educação e promoção da saúde, principalmente quanto ao câncer de colo de útero. Este fato mostra que as campanhas de prevenção e ou detecção precoce desta doença não têm sido bem sucedidas, apesar do amplo conhecimento que este tipo de câncer continua sendo uma séria ameaça para a população brasileira

    The biological inventory assemblages, along with summary statistics and trait values

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    The biological inventory assemblages, along with summary statistics such as their area, richness and trait values [mean(variance)]. All inventories were originally based on Meese (2005). For both birds and mammals we use five similar trait categories: diet, body size, activity time and two measures of foraging niche. Assemblage mean mass is based on log transformed data. Diet include estimates of the proportional use of each of seven dietary categories for mammals (seeds, fleshy fruits, nectar and pollen, other plant material, invertebrates, fish, vertebrates) and eight dietary categories for birds (seeds, fleshy fruits, nectar and pollen, other plant material, invertebrates, fish, carrion, other vertebrates. For birds the first foraging niche trait reflects proportional use of each of seven foraging categories (in water below surface of water, in water on surface, terrestrial ground-level, understory, mid-canopy, upper canopy, aerial). The second foraging niche trait separates species according to their broad habitat affinity to freshwater or terrestrial. Values for diet and, for birds, the first foraging trait are based on proportional use x 10. For mammals, the first foraging niche trait include foraging height categories on an ordinal scale (1 – fully arboreal, 2- scansorial, 3 - terrestrial). The second mammalins forgaing niche trait is the degree to which a species is fossorial on an ordinal scale (1 – not fossorial, 2- semi fossorial, 3 - fully fossorial). ). Activity time included five ordinal variables (1 - nocturnal, 2- nocturnal and crepuscular, 3- crepuscular or cathemeral, 4- diurnal and crepuscular, 5- diurnal). Note that not all assemblages were used for both taxa

    Coastal breeding aggregations of threatened stingrays and guitarfish in the Levant

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    Stingrays and guitarfish are globally threatened by overexploitation, particularly so in the Mediterranean Sea. Nevertheless, very little information is known about their ecology, behavior, and taxonomy in the Mediterranean, especially in the Levant, where water temperature, salinity, and the impact of invasive species are relatively high. This database describes the batoid community within Gador Marine Reserve. Here, surveys have been executed across the years 2016-2018 in shallow coastal habitats using visual surveys and measured species abundances. More information on how this data was collected is available in the following publication: Chaikin, S., Belmaker, J., & Barash, A. (2020). Coastal breeding aggregations of threatened stingrays and guitarfish in the Levant. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 30(6), 1160-1171.  *The species Dasyatis chrysonota was replaced by Dasyatis marmorata according to: Serena, F., Abella, A. J., Bargnesi, F., Barone, M., Colloca, F., Ferretti, F., ... & Moro, S. (2020). Species diversity, taxonomy and distribution of Chondrichthyes in the Mediterranean and Black Sea. The European Zoological Journal, 87(1), 497-536.  </p

    Appendix A. The role of intraspecific aggregation and geographical distance in producing observed diversity patterns.

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    The role of intraspecific aggregation and geographical distance in producing observed diversity patterns


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    This repository includes all the analyses conducted in Chaikin et al. ("Marine fishes experiencing high-velocity range shifts may not be climate change winners").The data that was used in this study is based on BioShifts (https://figshare.com/articles/dataset/BioShifts_a_global_geodatabase_of_climate-induced_species_redistribution_over_land_and_sea/7413365/1) and BioTIME (https://biotime.st-andrews.ac.uk/).</p