339 research outputs found

    Biomasse ligneuse et foliaire des taillis d’arganier dans le plateau des Haha, Maroc

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    Dans un contexte semi-aride à aride, soumis à de fortes pressions climatiques et anthropiques, l’arganeraie marocaine procure des biens et services indispensables aux populations locales. L’objectif principal de cette étude est de quantifier l’offre potentielle en biomasse ligneuse et foliaire de l’arganeraie des Haha, qui occupe 131 000 ha dans la région d’Essaouira

    HETEROFOR 1.0: A spatially explicit model for exploring the response of structurally complex forests to uncertain future conditions-Part 2: Phenology and water cycle

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    Climate change affects forest growth in numerous and sometimes opposite ways, and the resulting trend is often difficult to predict for a given site. Integrating and structuring the knowledge gained from the monitoring and experimental studies into process-based models is an interesting approach to predict the response of forest ecosystems to climate change. While the first generation of models operates at stand level, one now needs spatially explicit individual-based approaches in order to account for individual variability, local environment modification and tree adaptive behaviour in mixed and uneven-Aged forests that are supposed to be more resilient under stressful conditions. The local environment of a tree is strongly influenced by the neighbouring trees, which modify the resource level through positive and negative interactions with the target tree. Among other things, drought stress and vegetation period length vary with tree size and crown position within the canopy. In this paper, we describe the phenology and water balance modules integrated in the tree growth model HETEROFOR (HETEROgenous FORest) and evaluate them on six heterogeneous sessile oak and European beech stands with different levels of mixing and development stages and installed on various soil types. More precisely, we assess the ability of the model to reproduce key phenological processes (budburst, leaf development, yellowing and fall) as well as water fluxes. Two two-phase models differing regarding their response function to temperature during the chilling period (optimum and sigmoid functions) and a simplified one-phase model are. used to predict budburst date. The two-phase model with the optimum function is the least biased (overestimation of 2.46 d), while the one-phase model best accounts for the interannual variability (Pearson's r D 0:68). For the leaf development, yellowing and fall, predictions and observations are in accordance. Regarding the water balance module, the predicted throughfall is also in close agreement with the measurements (Pearson's r D 0:856; biasD 1:3 %), and the soil water dynamics across the year are well reproduced for all the study sites (Pearson's r was between 0.893 and 0.950, and bias was between 1:81 and 9:33 %). The model also reproduced well the individual transpiration for sessile oak and European beech, with similar performances at the tree and stand scale (Pearson's r of 0.84 0.85 for sessile oak and 0.88 0.89 for European beech). The good results of the model assessment will allow us to use it reliably in projection studies to evaluate the impact of climate change on tree growth in structurally complex stands and test various management strategies to improve forest resilience. © 2020 Author(s)

    Diversidad y composición de murciélagos (Mammalia: Chiroptera) en el municipio de Acandí, Chocó - Colombia

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    In the framework of the CTel application project for the improvement of the timber sector in the department of Chocó, the diversity and composition of the bat community in the municipality of Acandí, department of Chocó, was determined – Colombia, Samplings were carried out with fog nets during 16 days of March 2016, in an intervened forest area. A total of 39 individuals were registered, grouped into three families, three subfamilies, nine genera and 13 species, samplings were carried out with fog nets during 16 days of March 2016, in an intervened forest area. A total of 39 individuals were registered, grouped into three families, three subfamilies, nine genera and 13 species. The Phyllostomidae family was the best represented with 82.05% of the collected individuals and ten species. At the same time the Stenodermatinae subfamily was the most abundant and diverse representing 59% (n = 23) with five genera and eight species. At the Urodela convexum species level, Carollia perspicillata and Artibeus lituratus were the most abundant with 46.2% of the total individuals registered in this study. Of the three trophic guilds found, the frugivore with 76.92% (n = 30) was the best represented. This study provides a new record of the hairy-legged bat Diphylla ecaudata for the Colombian Chocó-Biogeographical region, and broadens the geographic distribution known for the species in Colombia. This research demonstrates the need to systematically study regions that provide important data on the bat community in Colombia.En el marco del proyecto aplicación de la CTel para el mejoramiento del sector maderero en el departamento del Chocó, se determinó la diversidad y composición de la comunidad de murciélagos en el municipio de Acandí, departamento del Chocó – Colombia, se realizaron muestreos con redes de niebla durante 16 días del mes marzo de 2016, en una zona de bosque intervenido. Un total 39 individuos fueron registrados, agrupados en tres familias, tres subfamilias, nueve géneros y 13 especies. La familia Phyllostomidae fue la mejor representada con el 82,05% de los individuos colectados y diez especies. Al mismo tiempo la subfamilia Stenodermatinae fue la más abundante y diversa representando un 59% (n=23) con cinco géneros y ocho especies. A nivel de especies Urodela convexum, Carollia perspicillata y Artibeus lituratus fueron las más abundantes con el 46,2% del total de los individuos registrados en este estudio. De los tres gremios tróficos encontrados el frugívoro con un 76,92% (n=30), fue el mejor representado. Este estudio aporta un nuevo registro del murciélago de patas peludas Diphylla ecaudata para la región del Chocó-Biogeográfico colombiano, y amplía la distribución geográfica conocida para la especie en Colombia. Esta investigación evidencia la necesidad de estudiar sistemáticamente regiones que aportan datos importantes sobre la comunidad de murciélagos en Colombia

    Nuevo registro de Imantodes chocoensis (squamata: dipsadidae) en el Chocó biogeográfico Colombiano

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    Con el fin de clarificar estados taxonómicos asociados al género Imantodes en la Colección Científica de Referencia Zoológica del Chocó-Herpetología de la Universidad Tecnológica del Chocó, se efectuó una revisión de 36 ejemplares depositados en ella. Se determinaron cuatro especies con duda taxonómica, I. cenchoa, I. inornatus, I. lentiferus, e I. chocoensis; está última constituye unnuevo registro adicional para el Chocó biogeográfico colombiano, con base en dos ejemplares colectados en zonas de bosques pluvial tropical (bp-T) correspondiente a los corregimiento de Pacurita, municipio de Quibdó y Samurindó, municipio del Atrato. Se precisa entonces la distribución de la especie, a pesar de que estudiosprevios mencionan su presencia en la región pero sin localidad precisa en el departamento del Chocó (Quibdó). Adicionalmente, se discuten algunos aspectos sobre su estado de conservación

    Estimating soil hydraulic properties using L-band radiometer and ground-penetrating radar

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    peer reviewedIn this study, we experimentally analyze the feasibility of estimating the soil hydraulic properties from L-band radiometer and ground-penetrating radar (GPR) data. L-band radiometer and ultrawideband off-ground GPR measurements were performed above a sand box in hydrostatic equilibrium with a water table located at different depths. The results of the inversions showed that the radar and radiometer signals contain sufficient information to estimate the soil water retention curve and its related hydraulic parameters with a relatively good accuracy compared to time-domain reflectometry estimates. However, an accurate estimation of the hydraulic parameters was only obtained by considering the saturated water content parameter as known during the inversion. © 2012 IEEE

    Reporte del vampiro de patas peludas Diphylla ecaudata Spix, 1823 (Chiroptera: Desmodontinae) para el Chocó biogeográfico colombiano

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    It is reported a new record of the hairy-legged vampire Diphylla ecaudata (SPIX, 1823) in the Choco region of Colombia, of which are known only few studies in the country, registered in the departments of Magdalena (1900), Vaupés (1966), Meta (1970), Caquetá (1999) y Amazonas (2016). This registry is based on two specimens that were properly analyzed and due to its curiosity, discusses the available information on this species in the country in terms of its distribution and ecology, based on specimens in collections and existing reports. This log helps fill a void of the known geographic distribution of the species in the country deposited in the Teriologica Scientific Collection Research Group on Management and Wildlife Management of the Chocó of the Technological University of Chocó (ColTer-Choco). This report extends the geographic distribution until the department of Choco, in contraendose to 464.794 km some of the record closest in Magdalena, adding the Tropical Dry Forest Ecosystem (BST) to habitats that occurred for the species. Due to its curiosity, discusses the available information on this species in the country in terms of its distribution and ecology, based on specimens in collections and existing reports. This log helps fill a void of the known geographic distribution of the species in the country.Se reporta un nuevo registro del vampiro de patas peludas Diphylla ecaudata (SPIX, 1823) en el Chocó Biogeográfico colombiano, del que solo se conocen pocos estudios en el país, registrada en los departamentos de Magdalena (1900), Vaupés (1966), Meta (1970), Caquetá (1999), Casanare (2013) y Amazonas (2016). Este registro se basa en dos especímenes que fueron debidamente analizados y depositados en la Colección Científica Teriológica del Grupo de Investigación en Manejo y Gestion de la Vida Silvestre del Chocó de la Universidad Tecnológica del Chocó (ColTer-Chocó). Este reporte amplía la distribución geográfica hasta el departamento del Chocó, en contraendose a 464.794 km aproximadamente del registro más cercano en el Magdalena, adicionando el ecosistema Bosque Seco Tropical (BST) a los hábitats ocurridos por la especie. Debido a su curiosidad, se discute la información disponible sobre esta especie en el país en términos de su distribución y ecología, a partir de ejemplares en colecciones y reportes existentes. Este registro ayuda a llenar un vacío de la distribución geográfica conocida de la especie en el país

    Nuevos registros y estado actual de la distribución de Imantodes inornatus Boulenger, 1896 (Serpentes: Dipsadidae) en Colombia

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    In order to document the current state of knowledge and geographical distribution of Imantodes inornatus, a review of specimens deposited in the Scientific Collection of Zoological Reference of Chocó-Herpetología (UTCH: COLZOOCH-H) and the Herpetological Collection of the Industrial University of Santander (UIS-R), as well as a meticulous search of records of the species published to date. We present here three new locations and an update of the geographic and altitudinal distribution of the species in Colombia, while two new habitats are now occupied by I. inornatus and some aspects of its conservation status are commented.Con el fin de documentar el estado de conocimiento y distribución geográfica actual de Imantodes inornatus, se llevó a cabo una revisión de ejemplares depositados en la Colección Científica de Referencia Zoológica del Chocó-Herpetología (UTCH: COLZOOCH-H) y la Colección Herpetológica de la Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS-R), así como una búsqueda minuciosa de registros de la especie publicados a la fecha. Presentamos aquí tres nuevas localidades y una actualización de la distribución geográfica y altitudinal de la especie en Colombia, al tiempo que, se adicionan dos nuevos hábitats ocupados ahora por I. inornatus y se comentan algunos aspectos sobre su estado de conservación