52 research outputs found

    Thermal Tolerance in Tropical Versus Subtropical Pacific Reef Corals

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    Upper lethal temperature tolerances of reef corals in Hawaii and at Enewetak, Marshall Islands, were determined in the field and under controlled laboratory conditions. Enewetak corals survived in situ temperatures of nearly 34° C, whereas 32° C was lethal to Hawaiian corals for similar short-term exposures. Laboratory determinations indicate that the upper thermal limits of Hawaiian corals are approximately 2° C less than congeners from the tropical Pacific. Differences in coral thermal tolerances correspond to differences in the ambient temperature patterns between geographic areas

    Alkalinity to calcium flux ratios for corals and coral reef communities: variances between isolated and community conditions

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    Calcification in reef corals and coral reefs is widely measured using the alkalinity depletion method which is based on the fact that two protons are produced for every mole of CaCO3 precipitated. This assumption was tested by measuring the total alkalinity (TA) flux and Ca2+ flux of isolated components (corals, alga, sediment and plankton) in reference to that of a mixed-community. Experiments were conducted in a flume under natural conditions of sunlight, nutrients, plankton and organic matter. A realistic hydrodynamic regime was provided. Groups of corals were run separately and in conjunction with the other reef components in a mixed-community. The TA flux to Ca2+ flux ratio (ΔTA: ΔCa2+) was consistently higher in the coral-only run (2.06 ± 0.19) than in the mixed-community run (1.60 ± 0.14, p-value = 0.011). The pH was higher and more stable in the mixed-community run (7.94 ± 0.03 vs. 7.52 ± 0.07, p-value = 3 × 10−5). Aragonite saturation state (Ωarag) was also higher in the mixed-community run (2.51 ± 0.2 vs. 1.12 ± 0.14, p-value = 2 × 10−6). The sediment-only run revealed that sediment is the source of TA that can account for the lower ΔTA: ΔCa2+ ratio in the mixed-community run. The macroalgae-only run showed that algae were responsible for the increased pH in the mixed-community run. Corals growing in a mixed-community will experience an environment that is more favorable to calcification (higher daytime pH due to algae photosynthesis, additional TA and inorganic carbon from sediments, higher Ωarag). A paradox is that the alkalinity depletion method will yield a lower net calcification for a mixed-community versus a coral-only community due to TA recycling, even though the corals may be calcifying at a higher rate due to a more optimal environment

    A modeling tool to evaluate regional coral reef responses to changes in climate and ocean chemistry

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    This is the published version.We developed a spreadsheet-based model for the use of managers, conservationists, and biologists for projecting the effects of climate change on coral reefs at local-to-regional scales. The COMBO (Coral Mortality and Bleaching Output) model calculates the impacts to coral reefs from changes in average SST and CO2 concentrations, and from high temperature mortality (bleaching) events. The model uses a probabilistic assessment of the frequency of high temperature events under a future climate to address scientific uncertainties about potential adverse effects. COMBO offers data libraries and default factors for three selected regions (Hawai’i, Great Barrier Reef, and Caribbean), but it is structured with user-selectable parameter values and data input options, making possible modifications to reflect local conditions or to incorporate local expertise. Preliminary results from sensitivity analyses and simulation examples for Hawai’i demonstrate the relative importance of high temperature events, increased average temperature, and increased CO2 concentration on the future status of coral reefs; illustrate significant interactions among variables; and allow comparisons of past environmental history with future predictions

    Projected Changes to Growth and Mortality of Hawaiian Corals over the Next 100 Years

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    BACKGROUND: Recent reviews suggest that the warming and acidification of ocean surface waters predicated by most accepted climate projections will lead to mass mortality and declining calcification rates of reef-building corals. This study investigates the use of modeling techniques to quantitatively examine rates of coral cover change due to these effects. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Broad-scale probabilities of change in shallow-water scleractinian coral cover in the Hawaiian Archipelago for years 2000-2099 A.D. were calculated assuming a single middle-of-the-road greenhouse gas emissions scenario. These projections were based on ensemble calculations of a growth and mortality model that used sea surface temperature (SST), atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO(2)), observed coral growth (calcification) rates, and observed mortality linked to mass coral bleaching episodes as inputs. SST and CO(2) predictions were derived from the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) multi-model dataset, statistically downscaled with historical data. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The model calculations illustrate a practical approach to systematic evaluation of climate change effects on corals, and also show the effect of uncertainties in current climate predictions and in coral adaptation capabilities on estimated changes in coral cover. Despite these large uncertainties, this analysis quantitatively illustrates that a large decline in coral cover is highly likely in the 21(st) Century, but that there are significant spatial and temporal variances in outcomes, even under a single climate change scenario

    Dancing for Food in the Deep Sea: Bacterial Farming by a New Species of Yeti Crab

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    Vent and seep animals harness chemosynthetic energy to thrive far from the sun's energy. While symbiont-derived energy fuels many taxa, vent crustaceans have remained an enigma; these shrimps, crabs, and barnacles possess a phylogenetically distinct group of chemosynthetic bacterial epibionts, yet the role of these bacteria has remained unclear. We test whether a new species of Yeti crab, which we describe as Kiwa puravida n. sp, farms the epibiotic bacteria that it grows on its chelipeds (claws), chelipeds that the crab waves in fluid escaping from a deep-sea methane seep. Lipid and isotope analyses provide evidence that epibiotic bacteria are the crab's main food source and K. puravida n. sp. has highly-modified setae (hairs) on its 3rd maxilliped (a mouth appendage) which it uses to harvest these bacteria. The ε- and γ- proteobacteria that this methane-seep species farms are closely related to hydrothermal-vent decapod epibionts. We hypothesize that this species waves its arm in reducing fluid to increase the productivity of its epibionts by removing boundary layers which may otherwise limit carbon fixation. The discovery of this new species, only the second within a family described in 2005, stresses how much remains undiscovered on our continental margins

    Sensitivity of Calcification to Thermal Stress Varies among Genera of Massive Reef-Building Corals

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    Reductions in calcification in reef-building corals occur when thermal conditions are suboptimal, but it is unclear how they vary between genera in response to the same thermal stress event. Using densitometry techniques, we investigate reductions in the calcification rate of massive Porites spp. from the Great Barrier Reef (GBR), and P. astreoides, Montastraea faveolata, and M. franksi from the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef (MBR), and correlate them to thermal stress associated with ocean warming. Results show that Porites spp. are more sensitive to increasing temperature than Montastraea, with calcification rates decreasing by 0.40 g cm−2 year−1 in Porites spp. and 0.12 g cm−2 year−1 in Montastraea spp. for each 1°C increase. Under similar warming trends, the predicted calcification rates at 2100 are close to zero in Porites spp. and reduced by 40% in Montastraea spp. However, these predictions do not account for ocean acidification. Although yearly mean aragonite saturation (Ωar) at MBR sites has recently decreased, only P. astreoides at Chinchorro showed a reduction in calcification. In corals at the other sites calcification did not change, indicating there was no widespread effect of Ωar changes on coral calcification rate in the MBR. Even in the absence of ocean acidification, differential reductions in calcification between Porites spp. and Montastraea spp. associated with warming might be expected to have significant ecological repercussions. For instance, Porites spp. invest increased calcification in extension, and under warming scenarios it may reduce their ability to compete for space. As a consequence, shifts in taxonomic composition would be expected in Indo-Pacific reefs with uncertain repercussions for biodiversity. By contrast, Montastraea spp. use their increased calcification resources to construct denser skeletons. Reductions in calcification would therefore make them more susceptible to both physical and biological breakdown, seriously affecting ecosystem function in Atlantic reefs

    Effects of Heated Effluent on Hermatypic Corals at Kahe Point, Oahu

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    The effect of thermal enrichment on hermatypic corals was investigated at Kahe Point, Oahu, Hawaii. The reef off the Kahe Power Plant was surveyed before and after an increase in thermal discharge that accompanied plant expansion. Abundances of dead and damaged corals correlated strongly with proximity to plant discharge and with levels of thermal enrichment. Nearly all corals in water 4° to 5° C above ambient were dead. In areas characterized by temperature increases from 2° to 4° C, the corals lost zooxanthellar pigment and suffered high mortality rates. Damage to the corals was most severe in late summer, and coincided with annual ambient temperature maxima. During the winter months the surviving corals slowly regained zooxanthellar pigment, but there was high mortality of corals during the recovery period. When generating capacity of the plant was increased from 270 to 360 megawatts, the area of dead and damaged corals increased from 0.38 hectare (0.94 acre) to 0.71 hectare (1.76 acre)

    Biology of the Polyclad Prosthiostomum (Prosthiostomum) sp., a New Coral Parasite from Hawaii

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    Prosthiostomum (Prosthiostomum) sp., a species of polyclad flatworm yet to be described, is an obligate ectoparasitic symbiont of the hermatypic coral Montipora. Field and laboratory studies have demonstrated an intimate parasite/host association involving the utilization of host corals as food and substrate by the parasite. Development of larvae is within the immediate host environment; consequently, infections are produced through direct infection. Various aspects of the biology, such as the developmental history, feeding habits, and parasite/host response to thermal environment, are reported. It is concluded that all aspects of the life history of this species show adaptations toward host specificity. This represents a rare example of true coral parasitism since most animals known to feed on coral tissues are considered to be facultative predators. The optimal thermal environment for the parasite appears to coincide with that of the coral host, a phenomenon which may tend to produce a seasonally stable parasite/host interaction. The parasite appears to become a serious coral pest only in disrupted systems such as artificial laboratory situations or in the polluted sections of Kaneohe Bay, Oahu

    The Photobiology of the Reef Coral Pocillopora damicornis and Symbiotic Zooxanthellae

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    Typescript.Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Hawaii, 1985.Bibliography: leaves 201-221.Statement of purpose: The scope of this dissertation was restricted to exemplary studies on the effects of spectrum, intensity and modulation (as described above) of the photic environment of the common reef coral Pocillopora damicornis and its symbiotic dinoflagellate algae. Various aspects of its biology were investigated. In some cases direct comparison was wade with othar species to emphasize similarities or differences. The central hypothesis of this dissertation can be stated as follows: Subtle changes in the spectrum, intensity and modulation of the natural photic environment can produce a profound effect on growth, reproduction, primary production and general metabolism of the reef corals

    Nutrient Limitation in the Symbiotic Association between Zooxanthellae and Reef-building Corals: The Experimental Design

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    The question of nutrient limitation and of its regulatory effect on population densities of zooxanthellae in hospice was studied by an international team of researchers during an intensive 5-day workshop. Participants studied colonies of two coral species that were preincubated over different time periods ranging from 0 to 8 weeks under four different nutrient concentrations. A broad spectrum of parameters was measured simultaneously at the molecular, cellular, and colony levels of organization using a variety of techniques. This paper describes the overall experimental design