60 research outputs found

    Survival of coral recruits at all combinations of temperature (26 and 30°C) and deposited sediment concentration (30, 60, 90 and 120 mg/cm2) using natural sediment

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    Data set arranged for survival analysis: Temperature (Celsius), Sediment (deposited natural sediment mg/cm2), Time (Weeks), Status (1- dead, 0 - alive)

    Survival of coral recruits at all combinations of temperature (26 and 30°C) and deposited sediment concentration (30, 60, 90 and 120 mg/cm2) using anthropogenic sediment

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    Data set arranged for survival analysis: Temperature (Celsius), Sediment (deposited natural sediment mg/cm2), Time (Weeks), Status (1- dead, 0 - alive)

    Appendix B. Date and time of spawning, mean egg size, time to motility, and the collection location of 20 broadcast spawner species.

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    Date and time of spawning, mean egg size, time to motility, and the collection location of 20 broadcast spawner species

    Appendix A. Details on the reefs of the Great Barrier Reef used in this study described by Black et al. (1990).

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    Details on the reefs of the Great Barrier Reef used in this study described by Black et al. (1990)

    Supplement 1. Data and code for the survival and competence dynamics model and estimate of proportion of larvae retained.

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    <h2>File List</h2><div> <p><a href="Supplement_Model_code.txt">Supplement_Model_code.txt</a> (md5: 383aad018982f54b357e3b01e8d838d2) </p> </div><h2>Description</h2><div> <p>The code provided in Supplement_Model_code.txt is for Davies Reef, based on the estimates from Black et al. (1990). For the other reefs, the same code must be run with the appropriate flushing rate (as detailed below). </p> <p> For Davies Reef, the code for calibrating survival and competence parameters must be run separately for all species, before doing the regression between time to motility and proportion of larvae settling while retained. The code for each species is very similar. Here, we provide the data and code for <i>Acropora gemmifera</i>. Then, we provide the data for the other species and give instructions on how to change the <i>A. gemmifera</i> code to be run for each of the other species (as detailed below). </p> </div

    Arf6 activation or inactivation interferes with E-cadherin expression and localization.

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    <p>CHO WT, CHO R749W and CHO E757K were transiently transfected with vectors expressing mutant forms of Arf6: ARF6 Q67L (constitutive active form) and ARF6 T27N (dominant negative form). (A) Arf6, E-cadherin and Actin were detected in whole cell lysates by Western Blot. Actin was used as a loading control. The intensity of the bands was quantified and normalized against the transfection control. The intensity average of three independent experiments is shown below the respective sample. (B) Cells were fixed and immunostained with anti-human E-cadherin antibody. Nucleus was counterstained with DAPI. The pictures were taken under a 40× objective. (C) Flow cytometry technique was used to assess E-cadherin cell surface expression. Each histogram represents surface E-cadherin in cells untransfected (yellow), transfected with ARF6 Q67L (blue) or with ARF6 T27N (red) and the transfection control (green). The black area in the histogram represents the cells that were not incubated with primary antibody; this sample was used as negative control. The results are representative of three independent experiments. (D) For each sample, the number of cells expressing surface E-cadherin was calculated. The mean fluorescence intensity was also quantified and normalized against the transfection control of WT expressing cells. The graphs show the average + SE, n = 3 (* represents p≤0.05).</p

    Arf6 specific inhibition by siRNA leads to an increase of E-cadherin protein expression.

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    <p>Arf6 inhibition by siRNA was performed in CHO cells stably transduced with WT or E757K hEcadherin. (A) Cell lysates were extracted 48 h after transfection. E-cadherin, Arf6 and Actin were analyzed by Western Blot. Actin was used as a loading control. The intensity of the bands was quantified and normalized against the siRNA control. In the graph, bars represent the average + SE of E-cadherin or Arf6 protein expression of three independent experiments. (B) Flow cytometry technique was used to assess E-cadherin cell surface expression. Each histogram represents the cell surface expression of E-cadherin in WT or E757K cells treated with siRNA control (blue) or with specific siRNA for Arf6 (green). The black area in the histogram represents the cells that were not incubated with primary antibody; this sample was used as negative control. For each sample, the number of cells expressing surface E-cadherin as well as the mean fluorescence intensity (arbitrary units) was calculated. The graphs show the average + SE of three independent experiments (* represents p≤0.05). (C) Cells were fixed 48 h after transfection and immunostained with anti-human E-cadherin antibody. Nucleus was counterstained with DAPI. The pictures were taken under a 40× objective.</p

    Metamorphosis of Cyphastrea japonica at different temperatures

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    "age" is larval age (h); "temp" is temperature; "rep" is the replicate number; "meta" is the number of larvae that metamorphosed that day; "larvae" is the number of larvae used to start the experiment; "cum" is the cumulative number of larvae that have metamorphosed until that day; "propmeta" is the proportion of larvae that have metamorphosed that day, calculated as "meta"/"larvae"; "propcum" is the cumulative proportion of larvae that have metamorphoses, calculated as "cum"/"larvae

    R code to produce Figure 3: Schematic of the proportion of potential settlers for reefs with short, intermediate and long mean residence times

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    Proportion of potential settlers (live larvae not yet flushed from the reef) for reefs with short (1 day, light blue), intermediate (2.5 days, dark blue) and long (10 days, green) mean residence times, using estimates for A. millepora (Table S2). In A&B, mortality rate is equal for all reefs (λ27), and the vertical distance between the dashed lines represents the increased proportion of potential settlers due to the reduction in the minimum time to competence from tc27 to tc31. In C&D, minimum competence time is fixed at tc27, and mortality rate is low on the top (λ27) and higher on the bottom (λ31) of each shaded band; thus, the vertical distance between the dashed lines shows the reduction in the proportion of potential settlers due to the increased mortality rate
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