1,570 research outputs found

    Text based classification of companies in CrunchBase

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    This paper introduces two fuzzy fingerprint based text classification techniques that were successfully applied to automatically label companies from CrunchBase, based purely on their unstructured textual description. This is a real and very challenging problem due to the large set of possible labels (more than 40) and also to the fact that the textual descriptions do not have to abide by any criteria and are, therefore, extremely heterogeneous. Fuzzy fingerprints are a recently introduced technique that can be used for performing fast classification. They perform well in the presence of unbalanced datasets and can cope with a very large number of classes. In the paper, a comparison is performed against some of the best text classification techniques commonly used to address similar problems. When applied to the CrunchBase dataset, the fuzzy fingerprint based approach outperformed the other techniques.info:eu-repo/semantics/submittedVersio

    A qualitative description of soil parameters variation due to a prescribed fire in Portuguese northwestern forests using Fuzzy Boolean Nets — The case study of Cabreira mountain

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    In this paper we study the modifications that occurred in some forest soil properties after a prescribed fire. The research focused on the alterations of soil pH, soil moisture and soil organic matter content during a two-year span, from 2008 to 2009. The study site is located in Anjos, Vieira do Minho municipality, a forest site that has suffered from recurrent wildfires for several decades. Furze (Ulex, sp.), broom (Cytisus, sp.), gorse (Chamaespartum tridentatum) and a very few disperse adult pine (Pinus sylvestris) are the predominant vegetation type in the study area. The average height of this shrub vegetation is around 1.5 m. The prescribed fire was conducted by the National Forestry Authority (AFN) in November 2008. Fuzzy Boolean Nets (FBN) were used to evaluate the alteration in soil parameters when compared with adjacent spots where: i) no fire occurrence was registered since 1998; ii) fire occurrence was registered in 2008; and iii) vegetation pruning by mechanical cut was done in Spring six months prior to the prescribed fire event. Results suggest that in the particular case of the studied site, Anjos, the observed soil properties alterations cannot be related with the prescribed fire

    Solar Irradiance (Global, Direct and Diffuse) Quality Control Methodologies. Review: Application to Time Series Measured At LES/LNEG, Lisboa, Portugal

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    ABSTRACT: Solar irradiance spatial and temporal quantification is essential to the development, implementation, and operation of solar systems, being used throughout a solar project lifecycle. It is crucial to have good quality data measured in meteorological and radiometric ground stations in order to enable the calibration and validation of irradiance models and data series. The Solar Energy laboratory at LNEG operates a meteorological station gathering relevant parameters to characterize the solar irradiation profile for the city of Lisbon in Portugal. This work presents and compares the application of different methodologies used for quality control of solar irradiance measurements. Three methods - the CIE (1994) / Muneer and Fairooz (2002), the QCRad and the IEC - were tested against two synthetic data sets: a clear-sky year and a typical meteorological year randomly and uniformly infused with errors. IEC showed to have limitation regarding the extreme value criteria for beam normal irradiance and CIE for the diffuse horizontal irradiance. The QCRad presented the best performance, with total sensitivity above 80% and maximum specificity. This method was applied to the measured data of LES-LNEG between 2014 and 2018. Most of the detected errors were detected during the coherence test stage, having a higher prevalence between 2015 and mid-2016, highlighting the need to modify the diffuse horizontal irradiance measuring system.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Métodos geofísicos de exploração aplicados ao estudo da perigosidade sísmica

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    Nas últimas décadas os métodos geofísicos ganharam papel de relevo na avaliação da perigosidade do risco sísmico e na sua mitigação. A detecção de falhas activas em ambientes intra placa onde as taxas de movimentação são relativamente baixas (<0,3 mm/ano) e as roturas superficiais são obliteradas pela erosão e sedimentação, levaram à utlização daqueles métodos na investigação paleossismológica. A nível da mitigação, em que a avaliação dos efeitos de sítio é essencial, é necessário um conhecimento das propriedades mecânicas das primeiras dezenas de metros da sub-superfície e da estrutura das bacias sedimentares, que são obtidos a partir de sondagens geotécnicas e métodos geofísicos. A utilização dos métodos sísmicos, eléctricos e electromagnéticos na identificação de falhas e na estrutura do subsolo, a delimitação de bacias a partir de métodos potenciais e a caracterização das propriedades mecânicas do subsolo são analisadas no presente trabalho, com exemplos de aplicação em Portugal

    Climate change impacts on water resources and reservoir management: uncertainty and adaptation for a mountain catchment in Northeast Portugal

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    Reservoirs often play an important role in mitigating water supply problems. However, the implications of climate change are not always considered in reservoir planning and management. This study aimed to address this challenge in the Alto Sabor watershed, northeast Portugal. The study analysed whether or not the shortage of water supply can be effectively addressed through the construction of a new reservoir (two-reservoir system) by considering future climate projections. The hydrological model Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) was calibrated and validated against daily-observed discharge and reservoir volume, with a good agreement between model predictions and observations. Outputs from four General Circulation Models (GCM) for two scenarios (RCP 4.5 and 8.5) were statistically downscaled and bias-corrected with ground observations. A general increase in temperature is expected in the future while the change in precipitation is more uncertain as per the differences among climatic models. In general, annual precipitation would slightly decrease while seasonal changes would be more significant, with more precipitation in winter and much less in spring and summer. SWAT simulations suggest that the existence of two-reservoir will better solve the water supply problems under current climate conditions compared to a single-reservoir system. However in the future, the reliability of this solution will decrease, especially due to the variability of projections from the different climatic models. The solution to water supply problems in this region, adopted taking only present-day climate into account, will likely be inefficient for water supply management under future climate conditions.This work was funded by FEDER funds through the Operational Programme for Competitiveness Factors - COMPETE and by National Funds through FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology under the project PTDC/AAG-MAA/4539/2012 / FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-027863 (IND_CHANGE). J.P. Nunes was financially supported by FCT (Portuguese Science Foundation), and the European Social Fund through post-doctoral grant (SFRH/BPD/87571/2012). A.T. Monteiro is supported by FEDER funds through the Operational Programme for Competitiveness Factors - COMPETE and by National Funds through FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology under the UID/BIA/50027/2013 and POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006821. The authors would like to thank the Municipality of Bragança for the datasets on water inflows.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Creating classification models from textual descriptions of companies using crunchbase

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    This paper compares different models for multilabel text classification, using information collected from Crunchbase, a large database that holds information about more than 600000 companies. Each company is labeled with one or more categories, from a subset of 46 possible categories, and the proposed models predict the categories based solely on the company textual description. A number of natural language processing strategies have been tested for feature extraction, including stemming, lemmatization, and part-of-speech tags. This is a highly unbalanced dataset, where the frequency of each category ranges from 0.7% to 28%. Our findings reveal that the description text of each company contain features that allow to predict its area of activity, expressed by its corresponding categories, with about 70% precision, and 42% recall. In a second set of experiments, a multiclass problem that attempts to find the most probable category, we obtained about 67% accuracy using SVM and Fuzzy Fingerprints. The resulting models may constitute an important asset for automatic classification of texts, not only consisting of company descriptions, but also other texts, such as web pages, text blogs, news pages, etc.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Approaches and methods for ecosystem services assessment in the North of Portugal: from supply modeling to land management optimization

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    In the last decades, ecosystems services (ES) in the North of Portugal have been assessed typically for sets of ES addressed individually based on indicators (e.g., LULC) but also through mechanistic and non-mechanistic modeling (e.g., hydrological modeling, InVEST). Economic evaluation has been applied based mostly on the combination of ES supply in biophysical units with market prices or value attributed by other techniques (e.g., avoided cost, unit value transfer). Such studies, and the approaches and methods involved, have been helpful in demonstrating the magnitude and dynamics of the supply of a series of ES in the region, both in biophysical and monetary units, and to inform regional planning and management of natural resources, such as forests. These studies have been changing the perception of stakeholders regarding forest systems and their management. Despite the importance of ES research conducted so far, there is an ongoing effort to further develop ES assessment in the region, conceptually and methodologically, namely by overcoming some of the intrinsic constraints of the approaches and methods used. Improvements intend to better integrate different ecosystem functions and services, to eliminate double counting, and to address the interactions between supply and demand of ES at several scales. The incorporation of capabilities of land-use and management optimization based on the supply and value of ES is also currently a research goal in the region. Recent developments have been based on operational research tools developed for the forest sector in the region of Bragan ça addressing ecosystem services from heuristics, multi-criteria and linear programming perspectives, expecting to solve complex spatially explicit management alternatives problems based on ES. In this presentation we will introduce these tools and their adjustment and applications in the assessment of ES in the region.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A contabilidade pública em Portugal: opinião de especialistas

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    Actualmente, a Contabilidade Pública constitui uma das matérias que vem despertando um grande interesse para académicos e profissionais. Nos últimos anos, a Contabilidade Pública, em Portugal, sofreu profundas alterações, resultantes da Reforma Administrativa e Financeira do Estado e da implementação do Plano Oficial de Contabilidade Pública e dos planos sectoriais públicos, tendo em vista uma maior normalização e harmonização contabilística. Com a reforma da Contabilidade Pública passamos de um sistema de informação, de carácter eminentemente orçamental, direccionado para a prestação de contas e controlo da legalidade, para um sistema de informação orientado para a tomada de decisão. O grau de desenvolvimento atingido no âmbito do processo de normalização contabilística, na Administração Pública, carece ainda de novos desenvolvimentos. É objectivo geral deste estudo a aplicação de um inquérito direccionado a indivíduos relacionados, directa ou indirectamente, com a Contabilidade Pública, por forma a conhecermos o estado actual da Contabilidade Pública em Portugal, segundo a perspectiva destes