7,190 research outputs found

    External dependency, value added generation and structural change: an inter-industry approach

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    The external dependency of many industries and the corresponding low value added generated in production, combined with a relatively weak export potential, create high external deficits and growing debt to GDP ratios in several open economies. In this paper we propose an empirical method to assess the evolution of these vulnerabilities, based on a new treatment of interindustry production multipliers. The (gross)output growth potential given by the column sums of the Leontief inverse matrix (backward linkage indicators) results from three terms: interindustry consumptions, value added and imported inputs. After a convenient arrangement of these terms, the evolution of backward linkage indicators can be used to detect structural changes, particularly quantifying a (net) growth effect (more value-added generation) and an external dependency effect (more imported inputs), and to classify the productive sectors accordingly. An application to the Portuguese Economy is made, using input-output tables for the years 1980, 1995 and 2005. This method can also be useful as a simple, but suggestive, device to compare the evolution of two or more economies, along their development processes in time.

    External dependency, value added generation and structural change: an interindustry approach

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    The external dependency of many industries and the corresponding low value added generated in production create high external deficits and growing debt to GDP ratios in several open economies. In this paper we propose an empirical method to assess the evolution of these vulnerabilities, based on a new treatment of interindustry production multipliers. The (gross) output growth potential given by the column sums of the Leontief inverse matrix (backward linkage indicators) results from three terms: interindustry consumptions, value added and imported inputs. After a convenient arrangement of these terms, the evolution of backward linkage indicators can be used to detect structural changes, particularly quantifying a (net) growth effect (more value-added generation) and an external dependency effect (more imported inputs), and to classify the productive sectors accordingly. An application to the Portuguese Economy is made, using input-output tables for the years 1980, 1995 and 2005. This method can also be useful as a simple, but suggestive, device to compare the evolution of two or more economies, along their development processes in time.input-output linkages; external dependency; structural change; Portugal

    National industry cluster templates and the structure of industry output dynamics: a stochastic geometry approach

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    Cluster analysis has been widely used in an Input-Output framework, with the main objective of uncover the structure of production, in order to better identify which sectors are strongly connected with each other and choose the key sectors of a national or regional economy. There are many empirical studies determining potential clusters from interindustry flows directly, or from their corresponding technical (demand) or market (supply) coefficients, most of them applying multivariate statistical techniques. In this paper, after identifying clusters this way, and since it may be expected that strongly (interindustry) connected sectors share a similar growth and development path, the structure of sectoral dynamics is uncovered, by means of a stochastic geometry technique based on the correlations of industry outputs in a given period of time. An application is made, using Portuguese input-output data, and the results do not clearly support this expectation.Clusters, Input-output analysis, Industry output dynamics

    Realization of tangent perturbations in discrete and continuous time conservative systems

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    We prove that any perturbation of the symplectic part of the derivative of a Poisson diffeomorphism can be realized as the derivative of a C1C^1-close Poisson diffeomorphism. We also show that a similar property holds for the Poincar\'e map of a Hamiltonian on a Poisson manifold. These results are the conservative counterparts of the Franks lemma, a perturbation tool used in several contexts most notably in the theory of smooth dynamical systems.Comment: 18 pag

    Finite-time blowup for a complex Ginzburg-Landau equation with linear driving

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    In this paper, we consider the complex Ginzburg--Landau equation ut=eiθ[Δu+∣u∣αu]+γuu_t = e^{i\theta} [\Delta u + |u|^\alpha u] + \gamma u on RN{\mathbb R}^N , where α>0\alpha >0, γ∈R\gamma \in \R and −π/2<θ<π/2-\pi /2<\theta <\pi /2. By convexity arguments we prove that, under certain conditions on α,θ,γ\alpha ,\theta ,\gamma , a class of solutions with negative initial energy blows up in finite time
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