19 research outputs found

    Case Report: A true median facial cleft (crano-facial dysraphia, atessier type O) in Bingham University Teaching Hospital, Jos

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    A female Newborn given birth to by a 25 years old P3+o 3alive via spontaneous vaginal delivery after 38 weeks of supervised normal pregnancy in Bingham University Teaching Hospital (BHUTH) Jos with a true Median Facial Cleft (Cranio-facial dysraphia, a Tessier type O). She was in stable state with occipitofrontal dimension of 38cm, posterior sutural dimension of 6x10cm and epicanthic distance of 15mm. She had an upper lip midline defect, absent columella and anterior nasal Septum.Cranio-facial dysraphia is rare with incidence of 1.4-4.9 per 100,000 live births. A True Median Cleft of the face, occurs due to genetic and environmental causes because of delay in the closure of the anterior neuropore. Two of the paternal cousins of the patient had cleft lip which supports a genetic predisposition. Patient had a multidisciplinary care by the obstetrician, Neonatologist, anesthesiologist and the plastic surgery team who scheduled a soft tissue repair of the upper lip defect, columella and anterior nasal septal defect. However, the patient died of febrile illness before surgeryKeywords: True Median Facial Cleft, Crano-Facial Dysraphia, ATessier Type

    Evaluation of the relationship between participation in agricultural insurance scheme and income of poultry farmers in Osogbo ADP zone, Osun State

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    Poultry production is affected by disease outbreak, weather-related perils, market risk, financial risk, and technological failure of the production.This study examined relationship between the farm income and participation in agricultural insurance on poultry layers farmers in Osogbo Agricultural Development Projects (ADP) of Osun State, Nigeria. Primary data were collected from 120 poultry layers farmers with the aid of structured questionnaire using multi-stage sampling procedures. Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data. Majority (80.0%) of the poultry farmers were below the age of 50 years and more than half (64.2%) of them were male. Majority (83.3%) of the poultry farmers had poultry farming experience of more than five years with mean years of farming experience of 12 years. The crucial constraint that limits the poultry farmers in participating in agricultural insurance scheme in the study area is lack of adequate information on the benefits of agricultural insurance scheme. Mean farm income of those poultry farmers that insured their farm was higher than those that did not participate which imply that agricultural insurance scheme has a positive relationship on the farm income on farmers who participated in the insurance scheme. Adequate dissemination of knowledge on the benefits of agricultural insurance by extension agents is crucial to increase the level of participation of poultry farmers

    Behavioural Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic among Nigerians: A Nationwide Survey

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    Background: COVID-19 being a new disease has been fraught with poor public social responses. This survey described the behavioural responses to  COVID-19 from individuals in a multi-ethnic and multi-cultural society like Nigeria. Methods: The study used a web-based descriptive cross-sectional design to recruit Nigerian adults, 18 years and above from all the geopolitical  zones in the country, by snowball sampling technique. A 6-page Google form survey tool was used to administer the questionnaire via emails,  WhatsApp groups and other social media platforms. Data analysis was done using descriptive statistics with percentage frequency distribution. Results: A total of 1841 respondents (45.8% females) were finally analyzed. The age range was 18-84years with mean of 31±11years. Overall, 1079  (58.6%) expressed at least one element of fear of disclosing their COVID-19 status. There were 1047 (56.7%) respondents who expressed worry  about being discriminated against if they get COVD-19 and 1087 (59.1%) agreed that family members of COVID-19 patients may be rejected by the  community. Majority 1749 (95%) stated willingness to present to the healthcare facility, though 932 (50.6%) stated they will not be attended to if  suspected to have COVID-19. Of the respondents, 794 (43.1%) indicated that COVID-19 was caused by the Chinese and 1202 (65.3%) indicated that  healthcare workers should be kept in a hotel separate from the rest of the community. Majority 1679 (91.2%) however, disagreed that COVID- 19 was  a death sentence. Conclusion: The study revealed that there were elements of fear of disclosure, with discrimination and stigmatization being the major causes of  concern

    Assessment of fishing gear and crafts utilized by fishermen in Eleyele Lake, Ibadan, Oyo State

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    The study was conducted to assess the evolution of fishing gears and crafts utilized by fishermen in Eleyele lake reservoir in lbadan Nigeria. Data were collected from thirty fishermen using a structured questionnaire. The data obtained were analyzed using counts and chi-square. Majority (56.7%) of the respondents were married, more of respondents were male (56.7%). Fish and fishing gear construction activities in the study area is dominated by youth. More of the respondents were Christians and few were Muslims (36.7%). There was significant relationship between the type of fishing gear use (modern and traditionl) and the time spent to catch fish as well as the quantity of fish caught. The result also revealed that traditional fishing gears such as bamboo trap, hook and line and cast net were been used by the fisher folks but were later changed to modern fishing gear. However, the effectiveness and efficiency of the modern fishing gear is being hampered by aquatic weed covering the surface of the water

    Haematological changes in the blood of Clarias gariepinus fed Chrysophyllum albidum seedmeal replacing maize

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    This study was conducted to investigate growth response of C. gariepinus fed diets containing C. albidum seed-meal replacing Five isonitrogenous diets containing maize which was replaced by C. albidum at a rate of 0,25, 50, 75 and 100% were made. Without C. albidum seed-meal served as the control, experimental diets were assigned randomly to the tanks and each group was fed 5% body weight in equal proportion per day. The fish fed diet 1 had the highest PCV while the fish fed diet 3 had the PCV. There was significant difference (p0.05) in the PCV of the fish fed diet 2, diet 3, diet 4, diet 5. A similar trend as observed for PCV was also Hb, RBC, MCV, MCH and MCHC. There was no significant difference (p>0.05) in the WBC of the blood of the fish fed various treatments so also were neutrophyls and lymphocytes

    Moringa oleifera ameliorates nephropathic changes in alloxaninduced diabetic adult wistar rats

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    Background: Diabetic nephropathy has been identified as a leading cause of chronic kidney disease which is a risk factor for kidney failure. Moringa oleifera (MO) is popularly known to possess various nutritional and health benefits. This study investigated the effects of crude aqueous extract of Moringa oleifera on the kidney of alloxan-induced diabetes in adult wistar rats.Methodology: Fifty six (56) adult wistar rats (150 – 200g) were randomly divided into 7 groups (n=8) with group A as control group, while animals in groups B, C, D, E and F were induced with multiple dosage of alloxan monohydrate (100mg/kgbw) intraperitoneally. Group B served as the diabetic group and animals in groups C, D and E were administered 100, 300 and 500 mg/kgbw of MO respectively. Further, animals in group F which received Diabinese (15mg/kgbw) served as the pharmacological control group. Group G animals were given 100mg/kgbw of aqueous extract of MO before induction of diabetes. The parameters assessed in this study include animals’ weight, blood glucose levels, serum creatinine levels, and kidney histology.Results: The results showed that serum creatinine levels were increased as a result of diabetic nephropathy but reduced with MO administration. Histologically, kidney sections from the diabetic group presented with glomerular sclerosis, wide capsular spaces, thickening of Bowman’s capsule, tubular necrosis, focal areas of massive inflammatory cells infiltration and acellular material. MO treated groups showed glomeruli and tubules in various stages of tissue repair varied on a dose dependent basis, higher concentrations being more effective. Sections from animals pretreated with MO showed that Moringa oleifera appeared to have slowed the action of Alloxan on the kidney.Conclusion: This study, therefore, concluded that treatment with Moringa oleifera ameliorated the acute effects of alloxan-induced diabetic complications on renal microarchitecture and probably contributed to the restoration of morphology and hence the functions of the kidney in adult Wistar rats.Keywords: Kidney, Alloxan, diabetes, nephropathy, Moringa oleifera, microarchitectur

    Utilization of Chromolaena odorata leaf meal as a supplement in broiler chickens’ diet

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    The utilization of Chromolaena odorata leaf meal (COLM) supplementation was studied in 120 broiler chickens for 42 days. The birds were randomly assigned to four dietary treatment groups in three replicates in a completely randomized design. The diets were supplemented with COLM at 0%, 2%, 4% and 6% levels. The results showed that COLM contained 19.61% crude protein, 2.90% crude fat, 10.78% crude fibre, 10.89% ash and 10.89% carbohydrate. The results of the phytochemical analysis showed that COLM contained 3.15mg/g oxalate, 2.09% phytate, 0.60% saponin, 6.30% flavonoid, 0.60mgGAE/g total phenol, 0.002% tannin and 1.66% alkaloid. The supplementation of COLM significantly affected (p<0.05) average weight gain, final body weight and feed conversion ratio (FCR) but no significant difference (p>0.05) was observed in average feed intake. All the haematological parameters were similar (p>0.05) across the treatment groups except platelets where birds fed higher levels of supplements of COLM had significantly higher (p<0.05) values than the control (0% COLM) and 2% COLM supplementation group. The results of serum chemistry showed significant difference (p<0.05) in creatinine and glucose. It can be concluded from this study that the inclusion of COLM as feed supplements was non-toxic and did not suppress the growth of broilers

    Factors associated with prelacteal feeding practices in a rural northern Nigerian setting

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    Introduction: Prelacteal feeding practice contravenes the recommendation of World Health Organisation that breastfeeding be initiated within an hour of childbirth. Consequently, the health, social, emotional and economic benefits of optimal breastfeeding are limited. Therefore, to break this vicious cycle of prelacteal feeding and suboptimal breastfeeding, factors associated with the practice must be identified.Objective: To assess prelacteal feeding practices and its associated factors in a rural community with the view to generate data for community-level interventions that will promote optimal breastfeeding.Methods: Data was collected during a community-based surveillance for maternal, newborn and child health project in Tsibiri, a rural community in north-western Nigeria. The survey questionnaire was uploaded into mobile devices running on an android operating system. Trained female interviewers collected the data over a period of one week in 2011.Results: A total of 270 out of 309 interviewed women had experienced childbirth and were included in the analysis. Majority (85.2%) of respondents utilised prelacteal feeds for their newborns. Plain water was the most common prelacteal feed (44.7%). Prelacteal feeding was associated with births assisted by unskilled birth attendants (AOR 5.322, 95%CI 1.634-17.333); while operative delivery reduced the likelihood of the practice (AOR 0.168, 95%CI 0.060-0.470). No statistically significant association was found between use of prelacteal feed and women’s age, education or access to income.Conclusion: The predominance of prelacteal feeding practices underscores the need for innovative strategies that create awareness among mothers and health care providers, with emphasis on health facility deliveries, advantages of breastfeeding and risks of prelacteal feeding.Keywords: Breastfeeding, Newborns, Prelacteal feeds, Rural community, Wome

    A PROMETHEE based evaluation of software defect predictors

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    A software defect is an error, flaw, mistake, or fault in a computer program or system that produces incorrect or unexpected results and the process of locating defective modules in software is software defect prediction. Defect prediction in software improves quality and testing efficiency by constructing predictive stand-alone classifier models or by the use of ensembles methods to identify fault-prone modules. Selection of the appropriate set of single classifier models or ensemble methods for the software defect prediction over the years has shown inconsistent results. In previous analysis, inconsistencies exist and the performance of learning algorithms varies using different performance measures. Therefore, there is need for more research in this field to evaluate the performance of single classifiers and ensemble algorithms in software defect prediction. This study assesses the quality of the ensemble methods alongside single classifier models in the software defect prediction using Preference Ranking Organization Method for Enrichment Evaluation (PROMETHEE), a multi criteria decision making (MCDM) approach. Using PROMETHEE, the performance of some popular ensemble methods based on 11 performance metrics over 10 public-domain software defect datasets from the NASA Metric Data Program (MDP) repository was evaluated. Noise is removed from the dataset by performing attribute selection. The classifiers and ensemble methods are applied on each dataset; Adaboostgave the best results. Boosted PART comes first followed by NaĂŻve Bayes and then Bagged PART as the best models for mining of datasets.Keywords: Ensemble; Classification; Software Defect Prediction; PROMETHEE; MCD

    Factors Associated with Alcohol Consumption among Adolescents in Selected Secondary Schools in a Local Government Area of Oyo State, Southwest, Nigeria

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    Alcohol use during adolescence and young adulthood remain a prominent public health problem. This study identifies factors associated with alcohol consumption among adolescents in selected secondary schools in Ibadan North Local Government Area, Southwest, Nigeria. A cross-sectional descriptive study was used. One hundred and seventy-six (176) respondents were consecutively selected using the random technique. Data were analyzed using chi-square and hypotheses tested at a 5% level of significance. Findings revealed that the majority of the respondents had poor knowledge of alcohol consumption, while (36.4%) of the respondents had consumed alcoholic beverages. Over half (54.5%) engaged in drinking alcohol as a result of peer influence. The majority (70%) of them had good knowledge of factors influencing alcohol consumption and factors influencing consumption among the respondents. Thus, the rate of alcohol consumption among adolescents was low (36.4%) as a larger percentage (64.6%) of them did not consume alcohol owing to their knowledge of the effect and the presence of some protective factors within the environment. In conclusion, alcohol consumption among adolescents was low, knowledge of its consumption was high, and it was associated with its actual consumption. Alcohol use is also associated with peer influence and environmental variables, while age and gender did not have any relationship with alcohol consumption. Therefore, educational intervention to improve knowledge of the consequences of alcohol consumption among adolescents and public policies with preventive educational campaigns was recommended