2 research outputs found

    Table_1_Multigene phylogeny, phylogenetic network, and morphological characterizations reveal four new arthropod-associated Simplicillium species and their evolutional relationship.docx

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    Simplicillium species are widely distributed and commonly found on various substrates. A minority of species are associated with arthropods. A spider-associated species Simplicillium araneae, and three insect-associated species, Simplicillium coleopterorum, Simplicillium guizhouense, and Simplicillium larvatum, are proposed as novel species based on a multi-locus phylogenetic analysis and morphological characteristics. These Simplicillium species completely fit the nutritional model of Hypocreales fungi and could be used as a model to study their evolutionary relationship. A phylogenetic network analysis based on ITS sequences suggests that a host jump was common among Simplicillium species, and S. araneae may have originally come from an insect host and then jumped to a spider host. However, the evolutionary relationship of S. coleopterorum, S. guizhouense, and S. larvatum was not clear in the phylogenetic network and more sequencing information should be added to the network. In addition, strain CBS 101267 was identified as Simplicillium subtropicum.</p

    The role of potassium transporters in programmed cell death of yeasts

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    The role of potassium transporters in programmed cell death of yeasts Abstract The programmed cell death was originally connected only to ontogenesis of metazoan. It was later shown that it plays an important role in physiological processes too. An insufficiency or an increased rate of the programmed cell death lead to many pathologies. The term apoptosis was taken as synonym for the term programmed cell death but it designates one of its types. Other types of the programmed cell death are not explored so far as apoptosis. The original classification was based on morphological features, however, there is an approach to distinguish them based on biochemical features. The programmed cell death was found in plants too, where its roles are similar to roles in metazoan and, surprisingly, it occurs in unicellular organisms. The prokaryotic mechanism is different but many common features with metazoan apoptosis exist in unicellular eukaryotes. Nevertheless, certain differences led to use of the term "apoptosis-like programmed cell death". One of the most studied unicellular eukaryotes is a yeast species Saccharomyces cerevisiae. There was found a range of metazoan homologues proteins and thus it can be used as a model organism to deepen our knowledge on metazoan apoptosis and to understand the occurrence of such a..