25 research outputs found

    Presenting the Multi-View Traffic Intersection Dataset (MTID):A Detailed Traffic-Surveillance Dataset

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    Evaluating State-of-the-art Object Detector on Challenging Traffic Light Data

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    Ongoing Work on Traffic Lights:Detection and Evaluation

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    Vision for Looking at Traffic Lights:Issues, Survey, and Perspectives

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    Improving a real-time object detector with compact temporal information

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    Neural networks designed for real-time object detectionhave recently improved significantly, but in practice, look-ing at only a single RGB image at the time may not be ideal.For example, when detecting objects in videos, a foregrounddetection algorithm can be used to obtain compact temporaldata, which can be fed into a neural network alongside RGBimages. We propose an approach for doing this, based onan existing object detector, that re-uses pretrained weightsfor the processing of RGB images. The neural network wastested on the VIRAT dataset with annotations for object de-tection, a problem this approach is well suited for. The ac-curacy was found to improve significantly (up to 66%), witha roughly 40% increase in computational time