279 research outputs found


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    Development of body mass and sexual size dimorphism in Danish red foxes (Vulpes vulpes)

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    <span class="fontstyle0">In this study, we examine the development of body mass and sexual size dimorphism (SSD) in 178 juvenile wild Danish red </span><span class="fontstyle0">foxes </span><span class="fontstyle0">from 99 litters </span><span class="fontstyle0">using </span><span class="fontstyle0">piecewise analyses of regression lines for age </span><span class="fontstyle2">versus</span><span class="fontstyle0"> weight</span><span class="fontstyle0">. When fox cubs are younger than 100 days, only slight (SSD=1.7%) and no significant difference</span><span class="fontstyle0"> (t-test: t=1.2, p=0.24) </span><span class="fontstyle0">was found in the mean weight of </span><span class="fontstyle0">males (2.03± kg) and females (1.93± kg), and</span><span class="fontstyle0"> no significant difference was found in the slope of regression lines </span><span class="fontstyle0">for </span><span class="fontstyle0">males and females </span><span class="fontstyle0">(F=0.97E-5, p = 0.99). In the growth period between 100 days of age and mating around 275 days of age, the regression line in males steepens more than that of females (difference in slopes, F=5.9, p&lt;0.02) and the difference in mean weight of the sexes become highly significant (SSD=7.4%, difference in mean t=4.6, p=2.2E-5). After mating the growth curve levels off i.e. the slope of the regression lines for age </span><span class="fontstyle2">versus</span><span class="fontstyle0"> weight is not significantly different from zero. Yearly variation was revealed in the growth rate of juvenile foxes (difference in slope for males; F=3.9, p&lt;0.01 and females; F=8.6, p&lt;0.001). Conclusion: SSD in red foxes mainly develop </span><span class="fontstyle0">as a result of a faster grow rate in males </span><span class="fontstyle0">between indepency and maturity. Ontogony of red foxes may genetically be disposed to prevent males outcompeting females in the early stages of life (&lt;100 days), when cubs are still fed by adults and the increase in SSD before mating, may be an adaption to selective forces benefitting larger males. </span><span class="fontstyle0">The growth rate of juvenile foxes of both sexes is influenced by environmental variation in different years.</span> <br /

    Development of body mass and sexual size dimorphism in Danish red foxes (Vulpes vulpes)

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    <span class="fontstyle0">In this study, we examine the development of body mass and sexual size dimorphism (SSD) in 178 juvenile wild Danish red </span><span class="fontstyle0">foxes </span><span class="fontstyle0">from 99 litters </span><span class="fontstyle0">using </span><span class="fontstyle0">piecewise analyses of regression lines for age </span><span class="fontstyle2">versus</span><span class="fontstyle0"> weight</span><span class="fontstyle0">. When fox cubs are younger than 100 days, only slight (SSD=1.7%) and no significant difference</span><span class="fontstyle0"> (t-test: t=1.2, p=0.24) </span><span class="fontstyle0">was found in the mean weight of </span><span class="fontstyle0">males (2.03± kg) and females (1.93± kg), and</span><span class="fontstyle0"> no significant difference was found in the slope of regression lines </span><span class="fontstyle0">for </span><span class="fontstyle0">males and females </span><span class="fontstyle0">(F=0.97E-5, p = 0.99). In the growth period between 100 days of age and mating around 275 days of age, the regression line in males steepens more than that of females (difference in slopes, F=5.9, p&lt;0.02) and the difference in mean weight of the sexes become highly significant (SSD=7.4%, difference in mean t=4.6, p=2.2E-5). After mating the growth curve levels off i.e. the slope of the regression lines for age </span><span class="fontstyle2">versus</span><span class="fontstyle0"> weight is not significantly different from zero. Yearly variation was revealed in the growth rate of juvenile foxes (difference in slope for males; F=3.9, p&lt;0.01 and females; F=8.6, p&lt;0.001). Conclusion: SSD in red foxes mainly develop </span><span class="fontstyle0">as a result of a faster grow rate in males </span><span class="fontstyle0">between indepency and maturity. Ontogony of red foxes may genetically be disposed to prevent males outcompeting females in the early stages of life (&lt;100 days), when cubs are still fed by adults and the increase in SSD before mating, may be an adaption to selective forces benefitting larger males. </span><span class="fontstyle0">The growth rate of juvenile foxes of both sexes is influenced by environmental variation in different years.</span> <br /

    454 pyrosequencing based transcriptome analysis of Zygaena filipendulae with focus on genes involved in biosynthesis of cyanogenic glucosides

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>An essential driving component in the co-evolution of plants and insects is the ability to produce and handle bioactive compounds. Plants produce bioactive natural products for defense, but some insects detoxify and/or sequester the compounds, opening up for new niches with fewer competitors. To study the molecular mechanism behind the co-adaption in plant-insect interactions, we have investigated the interactions between <it>Lotus corniculatus </it>and <it>Zygaena filipendulae</it>. They both contain cyanogenic glucosides which liberate toxic hydrogen cyanide upon breakdown. Moths belonging to the <it>Zygaena </it>family are the only insects known, able to carry out both <it>de novo </it>biosynthesis and sequestration of the same cyanogenic glucosides as those from their feed plants. The biosynthetic pathway for cyanogenic glucoside biosynthesis in <it>Z. filipendulae </it>proceeds using the same intermediates as in the well known pathway from plants, but none of the enzymes responsible have been identified. A genomics strategy founded on 454 pyrosequencing of the <it>Z. filipendulae </it>transcriptome was undertaken to identify some of these enzymes in <it>Z. filipendulae</it>.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Comparisons of the <it>Z. filipendulae </it>transcriptome with the sequenced genomes of <it>Bombyx mori</it>, <it>Drosophila melanogaster</it>, <it>Tribolium castaneum</it>, <it>Apis mellifera </it>and <it>Anopheles gambiae </it>indicate a high coverage of the <it>Z. filipendulae </it>transcriptome. 11% of the <it>Z. filipendulae </it>transcriptome sequences were assigned to Gene Ontology categories. Candidate genes for enzymes functioning in the biosynthesis of cyanogenic glucosides (cytochrome P450 and family 1 glycosyltransferases) were identified based on sequence length, number of copies and presence/absence of close homologs in <it>D. melanogaster</it>, <it>B. mori </it>and the cyanogenic butterfly <it>Heliconius</it>. Examination of biased codon usage, GC content and selection on gene candidates support the notion of cyanogenesis as an "old" trait within Ditrysia, as well as its origins being convergent between plants and insects.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Pyrosequencing is an attractive approach to gain access to genes in the biosynthesis of bio-active natural products from insects and other organisms, for which the genome sequence is not known. Based on analysis of the <it>Z. filipendulae </it>transcriptome, promising gene candidates for biosynthesis of cyanogenic glucosides was identified, and the suitability of <it>Z. filipendulae </it>as a model system for cyanogenesis in insects is evident.</p

    Changing micronutrient intake through (voluntary) behaviour change. The case of folate.

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    The objective of this study was to relate behaviour change mechanisms to nutritionally relevant behaviour and demonstrate how the different mechanisms can affect attempts to change these behaviours. Folate was used as an example to illuminate the possibilities and challenges in inducing behaviour change. The behaviours affecting folate intake were recognised and categorised. Behaviour change mechanisms from "rational model of man", behavioural economics, health psychology and social psychology were identified and aligned against folate-related behaviours. The folate example demonstrated the complexity of mechanisms influencing possible behavioural changes, even though this only targets the intake of a single micronutrient. When considering possible options to promote folate intake, the feasibility of producing the desired outcome should be related to the mechanisms of required changes in behaviour and the possible alternatives that require no or only minor changes in behaviour. Dissecting the theories provides new approaches to food-related behaviour that will aid the development of batteries of policy options when targeting nutritional problems

    Fusion of ferredoxin and cytochrome P450 enables direct light-driven biosynthesis

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    [Image: see text] Cytochrome P450s (P450s) are key enzymes in the synthesis of bioactive natural products in plants. Efforts to harness these enzymes for in vitro and whole-cell production of natural products have been hampered by difficulties in expressing them heterologously in their active form, and their requirement for NADPH as a source of reducing power. We recently demonstrated targeting and insertion of plant P450s into the photosynthetic membrane and photosynthesis-driven, NADPH-independent P450 catalytic activity mediated by the electron carrier protein ferredoxin. Here, we report the fusion of ferredoxin with P450 CYP79A1 from the model plant Sorghum bicolor, which catalyzes the initial step in the pathway leading to biosynthesis of the cyanogenic glucoside dhurrin. Fusion with ferredoxin allows CYP79A1 to obtain electrons for catalysis by interacting directly with photosystem I. Furthermore, electrons captured by the fused ferredoxin moiety are directed more effectively toward P450 catalytic activity, making the fusion better able to compete with endogenous electron sinks coupled to metabolic pathways. The P450-ferredoxin fusion enzyme obtains reducing power solely from its fused ferredoxin and outperforms unfused CYP79A1 in vivo. This demonstrates greatly enhanced electron transfer from photosystem I to CYP79A1 as a consequence of the fusion. The fusion strategy reported here therefore forms the basis for enhanced partitioning of photosynthetic reducing power toward P450-dependent biosynthesis of important natural products