14 research outputs found

    Higher Spin Dark Matter

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    Little is known about dark matter beyond the fact that it does not interact with the standard model or itself, or else does so incredibly weakly. A natural candidate, given the history of no-go theorems against their interactions, are higher spin fields. Here we develop the scenario of higher spin (spin s>2s>2) dark matter. We show that the gravitational production of superheavy bosonic higher spin fields during inflation can provide all the dark matter we observe today. We consider the observable signatures, and find a potential characteristic signature of bosonic higher spin dark matter in directional direct detection; we find that there are distinct spin-dependent contributions to the double differential recoil rate, which complement the oscillatory imprint of higher spin fields in the cosmic microwave background. We consider the extension to higher spin fermions and supersymmetric higher spins.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure

    Cosmological Implications of Kalb-Ramond-Like-Particles

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    The Kalb-Ramond field is an antisymmetric, rank-two tensor field which most notably appears in the context of string theory, but has largely been unexplored in the context of cosmology. In this work, motivated by the Kalb-Ramond field in string theory, and antisymmetric tensor fields that emerge in effective field theories ranging from particle physics to condensed matter, we study the primordial production of interacting massive Kalb-Ramond-like-particles (KRLPs). KRLPs contain features of both dark photon and axion models, which can be appreciated via their duality properties. While the massless non-interacting KRLP is dual to a pseudoscalar, and the massive non-interacting KRLP is dual to a pseudovector, the interacting massive KRLP can be distinguished from its scalar and vector counterparts. We study early-universe production of KRLPs via the freeze-in mechanism, considering a `dark photon-like' interaction, an `axion-like' interaction, and a `Higgs portal' interaction, as well as production via cosmological gravitational particle production. We find that as a dark matter candidate, KRLPs can be produced by all of the above mechanisms and account for the relic density of dark matter today for a wide range of masses. Finally, we comment on the potential to obtain both warm and cold dark matter subcomponents, and speculate on observational and experimental prospects.Comment: 40 pages, 3 figure

    Thick disks in the Hubble Space Telescope Frontier Fields

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    Thick disk evolution is studied using edge-on galaxies in two Hubble Space Telescope Frontier Field Parallels. The galaxies were separated into 72 clumpy types and 35 spiral types with bulges. Perpendicular light profiles in F435W, F606W and F814W (B, V and I) passbands were measured at 1 pixel intervals along the major axes and fitted to sech^2 functions convolved with the instrument line spread function (LSF). The LSF was determined from the average point spread function (PSF) of ~20 stars in each passband and field, convolved with a line of uniform brightness to simulate disk blurring. A spread function for a clumpy disk was also used for comparison. The resulting scale heights were found to be proportional to galactic mass, with the average height for a 10^9.5-10^10.5 Msun galaxy at z=1.5-2.5 equal to 0.63+-0.24 kpc. This value is probably the result of a blend between thin and thick disk components that cannot be resolved. Evidence for such two-component structure is present in an inverse correlation between height and midplane surface brightness. Models suggest that the thick disk is observed best between the clumps, and there the average scale height is 1.06+-0.43 kpc for the same mass and redshift. A 0.63+-0.68 mag V-I color differential with height is also evidence for a mixture of thin and thick components.Comment: 11 pages, 19 figures, accepted by Ap

    Towards A Direct Detection of the Spin of Dark Matter

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    We investigate the contribution of higher spin particles in the signal of direct detection experiments searching for dark matter. We consider a bosonic or fermionic higher spin dark matter (HSDM) candidate which interacts with the Standard Model via a dark U(1) mediator. For a particular subclass of interactions, spin-polarized targets may be used for spin determination: The angular dependence of scatterings can distinguish integer (spin-ss) vs. half-integer (spin-s+1/2s + 1/2), while the recoil energy dependence of the signal determines ss. We consider also the signal of a supersymmetric higher spin dark sector, which suggests a characteristic signal (''SUSY Rilles'') for directional direct detection.Comment: Matches published version in PL

    The June 2016 Optical and Gamma-Ray Outburst and Optical Micro-Variability of the Blazar 3C454.3

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    The quasar 3C454.3 underwent a uniquely-structured multi-frequency outburst in June 2016. The blazar was observed in the optical RR band by several ground-based telescopes in photometric and polarimetric modes, at γ\gamma-ray frequencies by the \emph{Fermi}\ Large Area Telescope, and at 43 GHz with the Very Long Baseline Array. The maximum flux density was observed on 2016 June 24 at both optical and γ\gamma-ray frequencies, reaching Soptmax=18.91±0.08S^\mathrm{max}_\mathrm{opt}=18.91\pm0.08 mJy and Sγmax=22.20±0.18×106S_\gamma^\mathrm{max} =22.20\pm0.18\times10^{-6} ph cm2^{-2} s1^{-1}, respectively. The June 2016 outburst possessed a precipitous decay at both γ\gamma-ray and optical frequencies, with the source decreasing in flux density by a factor of 4 over a 24-hour period in RR band. Intraday variability was observed throughout the outburst, with flux density changes between 1 and 5 mJy over the course of a night. The precipitous decay featured statistically significant quasi-periodic micro-variability oscillations with an amplitude of 2\sim 2-3%3\% about the mean trend and a characteristic period of 36 minutes. The optical degree of polarization jumped from 3%\sim3\% to nearly 20\% during the outburst, while the position angle varied by \sim120\degr. A knot was ejected from the 43 GHz core on 2016 Feb 25, moving at an apparent speed vapp=20.3c±0.8cv_\mathrm{app}=20.3c\pm0.8c. From the observed minimum timescale of variability τoptmin2\tau_\mathrm{opt}^\mathrm{min}\approx2 hr and derived Doppler factor δ=22.6\delta=22.6, we find a size of the emission region r2.6×1015r\lesssim2.6\times10^{15} cm. If the quasi-periodic micro-variability oscillations are caused by periodic variations of the Doppler factor of emission from a turbulent vortex, we derive a rotational speed of the vortex 0.2c\sim0.2c.Comment: 19 pages, 13 figures, 3 tables, accepted to the Astrophysical Journal 2019 March

    Black Hole Superradiance in Dynamical Chern-Simons Gravity

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    Black hole superradiance provides a window into the dynamics of light scalar fields and their interactions close to a rotating black hole. Due to the rotation of the black hole, the amplitude of the scalar field becomes magnified, leading to a "black hole bomb" effect. Recent work has demonstrated that rotating black holes in dynamical Chern-Simons gravity possess unique structures, the "Chern-Simons caps," which may influence the behavior of matter near the black hole. Motivated by the presence of these caps, we study superradiance in dynamical Chern-Simons gravity in the context of a slowly rotating black hole. We find that additional modes are excited and contribute to the superradiance beyond what is expected for a Kerr black hole. Studying the superradiant spectrum of perturbations, we find that the Chern-Simons contributions give rise to small corrections to the angular dependence of the resulting scalar cloud. Finally, we comment on potential observable consequences and future avenues for investigation.Comment: Error in Eq. 51-53 and 69-71 corrected, updated discussio

    Gamma-ray Transient Network Science Analysis Group Report

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    International audienceThe Interplanetary Network (IPN) is a detection, localization and alert system that utilizes the arrival time of transient signals in gamma-ray detectors on spacecraft separated by planetary baselines to geometrically locate the origin of these transients. Due to the changing astrophysical landscape and the new emphasis on time domain and multi-messenger astrophysics (TDAMM) from the Pathways to Discovery in Astronomy and Astrophysics for the 2020s, this Gamma-ray Transient Network Science Analysis Group was tasked to understand the role of the IPN and high-energy monitors in this new era. The charge includes describing the science made possible with these facilities, tracing the corresponding requirements and capabilities, and highlighting where improved operations of existing instruments and the IPN would enhance TDAMM science. While this study considers the full multiwavelength and multimessenger context, the findings are specific to space-based high-energy monitors. These facilities are important both for full characterization of these transients as well as facilitating follow-up observations through discovery and localization. The full document reports a brief history of this field, followed by our detailed analyses and findings in some 68 pages, providing a holistic overview of the role of the IPN and high-energy monitors in the coming decades