448 research outputs found

    Place cells, grid cells, attractors, and remapping

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    Place and grid cells are thought to use a mixture of external sensory information and internal attractor dynamics to organize their activity. Attractor dynamics may explain both why neurons react coherently following sufficiently large changes to the environment (discrete attractors) and how firing patterns move smoothly from one representation to the next as an animal moves through space (continuous attractors). However, some features of place cell behavior, such as the sometimes independent responsiveness of place cells to environmental change (called "remapping"), seem hard to reconcile with attractor dynamics. This paper suggests that the explanation may be found in an anatomical separation of the two attractor systems coupled with a dynamic contextual modulation of the connection matrix between the two systems, with new learning being back-propagated into the matrix. Such a scheme could explain how place cells sometimes behave coherently and sometimes independently

    How environmental movement constraints shape the neural code for space

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    Study of the neural code for space in rodents has many insights to offer for how mammals, including humans, construct a mental representation of space. This code is centered on the hippocampal place cells, which are active in particular places in the environment. Place cells are informed by numerous other spatial cell types including grid cells, which provide a signal for distance and direction and are thought to help anchor the place cell signal. These neurons combine self-motion and environmental information to create and update their map-like representation. Study of their activity patterns in complex environments of varying structure has revealed that this "cognitive map" of space is not a fixed and rigid entity that permeates space, but rather is variably affected by the movement constraints of the environment. These findings are pointing toward a more flexible spatial code in which the map is adapted to the movement possibilities of the space. An as-yet-unanswered question is whether these different forms of representation have functional consequences, as suggested by an enactivist view of spatial cognition

    Hidden Depths in the Hippocampal Circuitry

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    Optimal cue combination and landmark-stability learning in the head direction system.

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    Maintaining a sense of direction requires combining information from static environmental landmarks with dynamic information about self-motion. This is accomplished by the head direction system, whose neurons - head direction cells - encode specific head directions. When the brain integrates information in sensory domains, this process is almost always 'optimal' - that is, inputs are weighted according to their reliability. Evidence suggests cue combination by head direction cells may also be optimal. The simplicity of the head direction signal, together with the detailed knowledge we have about the anatomy and physiology of the underlying circuit, therefore makes this system a tractable model with which to discover how optimal cue combination occurs at a neural level. In the head direction system, cue interactions are thought to occur on an attractor network of interacting head direction neurons, but attractor dynamics predict a winner-take-all decision between cues, rather than optimal combination. However, optimal cue combination in an attractor could be achieved via plasticity in the feedforward connections from external sensory cues (i.e. the landmarks) onto the ring attractor. Short-term plasticity would allow rapid re-weighting that adjusts the final state of the network in accordance with cue reliability (reflected in the connection strengths), while longer term plasticity would allow long-term learning about this reliability. Although these principles were derived to model the head direction system, they could potentially serve to explain optimal cue combination in other sensory systems more generally

    Supporting data and code for 2016 Jacob et al Nat Neurosci paper

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    The Hippocampus: From Memory, to Map, to Memory Map

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    The hippocampus is one of the brain’s great mysteries. Historically, theories of its function included emotion, response inhibition, general memory, and spatial perception/learning, with memory vs. space emerging as a particular focus of more recent debates. A 1978 paper by Olton and colleagues (Brain Res. 1978 Jan 13;139(2):295-308) captured this dichotomy by exploiting their newly developed radial maze task to reveal a profound deficit in the ability of hippocampally lesioned rats to execute a spatial memory task. This finding supported the emerging spatial map theory of hippocampal function, and helped pave the way for the subsequent uncovering of an entire brain system linking space and memory

    Place Field Repetition and Purely Local Remapping in a Multicompartment Environment

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    Hippocampal place cells support spatial memory using sensory information from the environment and self-motion information to localize their firing fields. Currently, there is disagreement about whether CA1 place cells can use pure self-motion information to disambiguate different compartments in environments containing multiple visually identical compartments. Some studies report that place cells can disambiguate different compartments, while others report that they do not. Furthermore, while numerous studies have examined remapping, there has been little examination of remapping in different subregions of a single environment. Is remapping purely local or do place fields in neighboring, unaffected, regions detect the change? We recorded place cells as rats foraged across a 4-compartment environment and report 3 new findings. First, we find that, unlike studies in which rats foraged in 2 compartments, place fields showed a high degree of spatial repetition with a slight degree of rate-based discrimination. Second, this repetition does not diminish with extended experience. Third, remapping was found to be purely local for both geometric change and contextual change. Our results reveal the limited capacity of the path integrator to drive pattern separation in hippocampal representations, and suggest that doorways may play a privileged role in segmenting the neural representation of space

    Social Spaces: Place Cells Represent the Locations of Others

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    How does the brain represent the location of others? Recordings in rats and bats show that, along with representing self-location in an environment, some hippocampal neurons are modulated by the position of another individual

    Landmark-based updating of the head direction system by retrosplenial cortex: A computational model

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    Maintaining a sense of direction is fundamental to navigation, and is achieved in the brain by a network of head direction (HD) cells, which update their signal using stable environmental landmarks. How landmarks are detected and their stability determined is still unknown. Recently we reported a new class of cells (Jacob et al., 2017), the bidirectional cells, in a brain region called retrosplenial cortex (RSC) which relays environmental sensory information to the HD system. A subset of these cells, between-compartment (BC) cells, are directionally tuned (like ordinary HD cells) but follow environmental cues in preference to the global HD signal, resulting in opposing (i.e., bidirectional) tuning curves in opposed environments. Another subset, within-compartment (WC) cells, unexpectedly expressed bidirectional tuning curves in each one of the opposed compartments. Both BC and WC cells lost directional tuning in an open field, unlike HD cells. Two questions arise from this discovery: (i) how do these cells acquire their unusual response properties, and (ii) what are they for? We propose that bidirectional cells reflect a two-way interaction between local direction, as indicated by the visual environment, and global direction as signaled by the HD system. We suggest that BC cells receive strong inputs from visual cues, while WC cells additionally receive modifiable inputs from HD cells which, due to Hebbian coactivation of visual inputs plus two opposing sets of HD inputs, acquire the ability to fire in both directions. A neural network model instantiating this hypothesis is presented, which indeed forms both BC and WC bidirectional cells with properties similar to those seen experimentally. We then demonstrate how tuning specificity degrades when WC/BC cells are exposed to multiple directionalities, replicating the observed loss of WC and BC directional tuning in the open field. We suggest that the function of these neurons is to assess the stability of environmental landmarks, thereby determining their utility as reference points by which to set the HD sense of direction. This role could extend to the ability of the HD system to prefer distal over proximal landmarks, and to correct for parallax errors