4,702 research outputs found

    Ecological intuition versus economic "reason"

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    This article discusses the discount rate to be used in projects that aimed at improving the environment. The model has two different goods, one is the usual consumption good whose production may increase exponentially, the other is an environmental good whose quality remains limited. The stylized world we describe is fully determined by four parameters, reflecting basic preferences "ecological" and intergenerational concerns and feasibility constraints. We define an ecological discount rate and examine its connections with the usual interest rate and the optimized growth rate. We discuss, in this simple world, a variety of forms of the precautionary principle.discount rate ; ecological discount rate ; environmental goods ; relative prices ; irreversible damage ; precautionnary principle

    Les apprentissages informels au sein des associations dans une société de connaissances en mutation

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    Atelier 22 : Travail social et bénévolatDerrière une vision classique du savoir dans l'accumulation de connaissances de type académique, se joue une mutation importante dans nos sociétés éducatives. Dans nos recherches, nous nous sommes intéressés à l'observation de parcours où les expériences de la vie quotidienne peuvent être porteuses de connaissances. Pour identifier ces processus d'apprentissage informel, nous avons " interrogé " des bénévoles au sein des associations sur leur parcours identitaire. Les récits recueillis et retranscrits ont fait l'objet d'une analyse de contenu à l'aide du logiciel d'analyse statistique Alceste. Ces observations mettent en évidence la richesse des apprentissages souvent informels dans les tiers lieux de la vie quotidienne, et des modes de transmission originaux au sein de réseaux sociaux électifs

    Linear diffusion with singular absorption potential and/or unbounded convective flow: the weighted space approach

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    In this paper we prove the existence and uniqueness of very weak solutions to linear diffusion equations involving a singular absorption potential and/or an unbounded convective flow on a bounded open set of RN\mathbb R^N. In most of the paper we consider homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions but we prove that when the potential function grows faster than the distance to the boundary to the power -2 then no boundary condition is required to get the uniqueness of very weak solutions. This result is new in the literature and must be distinguished from other previous results in which such uniqueness of solutions without any boundary condition was proved for degenerate diffusion operators (which is not our case). Our approach, based on the treatment on some distance to the boundary weighted spaces, uses a suitable regularity of the solution of the associated dual problem which is here established. We also consider the delicate question of the differentiability of the very weak solution and prove that some suitable additional hypothesis on the data is required since otherwise the gradient of the solution may not be integrable on the domain

    Paper Session II-A - Operational Evolution in the Ariane Launch Process

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    Space transportation is entering into a strong development and evolution phase. Commercial business is moving in this area. The access to space is enlarging it’s capacities to cope with new missions. A lot of new launch systems are foreseen by the turning of the century. Defense, Science and commercial appliances are presenting new requirements, new performances with a common basis : how to render more flexible and less costly the access to space

    Hyperspectral Imaging for Peach Ripening Assessment

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    The present research is focused on the application of artificial vision to peach ripening assessment, avoiding multiplicative and additive effect. Original images were acquired with a hyperspectral camera. Vision allows a spatially detailed determination of the ripening stage of the fruit. Optical indexes are proposed, based on the combination of wavelengths close to the chlorophyll absorption peak at 680 nm. Ind1 corresponds approximately to the depth of the absorption peak, and Ind2 corresponds to the relative absorption peak. An artificial image of each index was obtained by computing the corresponding reflectance images. Score images have been also computed from Principal Components and Partial Least Squares Analysis. In any case the best performances correspond to such images that correct multiplicative and additive effects. Ind2 is the preferred index; it showed the highest discriminating power between ripening stages and no influence of convexity. Ind2 also allowed the differentiation of ripening regions within the fruits, and it showed the evolution of those regions during ripening. This fact has been also observed in some of the score image

    Lithium-6 : Evolution from Big Bang to Present

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    The primordial abundances of Deuterium, he4, and li7 are crucial to determination of the baryon density of the Universe in the framework of standard Big Bang nucleosynthesis (BBN). li6 which is only produced in tiny quantities and it is generally not considered to be a cosmological probe. However, recent major observational advances have produced an estimate of the li6/li7 ratio in a few very old stars in the galactic halo which impacts the question whether or not the lithium isotopes are depleted in the outer layers of halo stars, through proton induced reactions at the base of (or below) the convective zone. li6 is a pure product of spallation through the major production reactions, fast oxygen and alphas interacting on interstellar H, He (especially in the early Galaxy). The rapid nuclei are both synthesized and accelerated by SN II. In this context, the \li6 evolution should go in step with that of beryllium and boron, recently observed by the Keck and HST telescopes. Li6 adds a new constraint on the early spallation in the Galaxy. In particular, if confirmed, the Li6/Be9 ratio observed in two halo stars (HD 84937, BD +263578) gives strong boundary conditions on the composition and the spectrum of the rapid particles involved. We show that Li6 is essentially intact in halo stars, and a fortiori \li7. We can define a range of the Li6 abundance in the very early Galaxy consistent with Big Bang nucleosynthesis (5.6 10(-14) to 3. 10(-13) . Following the evolution at increasing metallicity, we explain the abundance in the solar system within a factor of about 2.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figure

    Prediction of destructive properties using descriptive analysis of nd measurements

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    Three groups of measurements related to peach maturity were acquired through destructive (D) mechanical tests (Magness Taylor Firmness, MTF), mechanical non destructive (ND) tests, and ND optical spectroscopy (Optical indexes). The relationship between these groups of variables was studied in order to estimate D mechanical measurements (MTF, with higher instrumental and sampling variability, time consuming, generally used as a reference for the assessment of peach handling), from ND measurements (quick, applicable on line, dealing better with the high variability found in fruit products). Multivariate exploratory analysis was used to extract the structure of the data. The information about the data structure of ND measurements, the relationship of MTF with the space defined by ND variables, and the expert knowledge regarding to the dataset was then used for modelling MTF (R 2 =0.72 and standard error on validation 5.73 N