181 research outputs found

    Detection of a spiral lens galaxy and optical variability in the gravitational lens system B1600+434

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    The gravitationally lensed quasar B1600+434 (z=1.61, mV=21.6) has been observed at the 2.56m Nordic Optical Telescope (NOT). In this Letter we report the discovery of an edge-on late-type galaxy located between the two lensed components (separation 1\farcs4), close to the fainter image. The galaxy photometry indicates that its redshift is approximately 0.4. We detect a large colour difference between the two images due to significant obscuration of the faint image. The estimated amount of absorption as a function of colour indicates that the extinction may be due to dust in the lensing galaxy. We also present evidence of flux variability in B1600+434 with a detected change of 0.25mag in one year. The theoretically expected time delay is of the order of one month and so the system may be an interesting object for determining the Hubble constant.Comment: 4 pages, 3 postscript figures, accepted for publication in A&A Letter

    Discovery of a high-redshift Einstein ring

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    We report the discovery of a partial Einstein ring of radius 1.48arcsec produced by a massive (and seemingly isolated) elliptical galaxy. The spectroscopic follow-up at the VLT reveals a 2L* galaxy at z=0.986, which is lensing a post-starburst galaxy at z=3.773. This unique configuration yields a very precise measure of the mass of the lens within the Einstein radius, (8.3e11 +- 0.4)/h70 Msolar. The fundamental plane relation indicates an evolution rate of d [log (M/L)B] / dz = -0.57+-0.04, similar to other massive ellipticals at this redshift. The source galaxy shows strong interstellar absorption lines indicative of large gas-phase metallicities, with fading stellar populations after a burst. Higher resolution spectra and imaging will allow the detailed study of an unbiased representative of the galaxy population when the universe was just 12% of its current age.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, accepted in A&A Le

    Sub-milliarcsec-scale structure of the gravitational lens B1600+434

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    In the gravitational lens system B1600+434 the brighter image, A, is known to show rapid variability which is not detected in the weaker image, B (Koopmans & de Bruyn 2000). Since correlated variability is one of the fundamental properties of gravitational lensing, it has been proposed that image A is microlensed by stars in the halo of the lensing galaxy (Koopmans & de Bruyn 2000). We present VLBA observations of B1600+434 at 15 GHz with a resolution of 0.5 milliarcsec to determine the source structure at high spatial resolution. The surface brightness of the images are significantly different, with image A being more compact. This is in apparent contradiction with the required property of gravitational lensing that surface brightness be preserved. Our results suggest that both the lensed images may show two-sided elongation at this resolution, a morphology which does not necessarily favour superluminal motion. Instead these data may suggest that image B is scatter-broadened at the lens so that its size is larger than that of A, and hence scintillates less than image A.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, accepted in AA Letter

    Spectroscopic confirmation of a cluster of galaxies at z=1 in the field of the gravitational lens MG2016+112

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    We present new optical data on the cluster AX J2019+1127 identified by the X-ray satellite ASCA at z\sim 1 (Hattori et al. 1997). The data suggest the presence of a high-redshift cluster of galaxies responsible for the large separation triple quasar MG2016+112. Our deep photometry reveals an excess of z\sim 1 galaxy candidates, as already suspected by Benitez et al. (1999). Our spectroscopic survey of 44 objects in the field shows an excess of 6 red galaxies securely identified at z \sim 1, with a mean redshift of z =1.005 +/- 0.002. We estimate a velocity dispersion of \sigma = 771 (+430/-160) km s(-1) based on these 6 galaxies and a V-band mass-to-light ratio of 215 (+308/-77) h_50 M/L_sol. Our observations thus confirm the existence of a massive structure acting as the lens, which explains the unusual configuration of the triple quasar. Hence, there is no more need to invoke the existence of a ``dark cluster'' to understand this lens system.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, uses aa.cls, accepted to Astronomy and Astrophysics with minor change

    Gamma-ray burst host galaxies and the link to star-formation

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    We briefly review the current status of the study of long-duration gamma-ray burst (GRB) host galaxies. GRB host galaxies are mainly interesting to study for two reasons: 1) they may help us understand where and when massive stars were formed throughout cosmic history, and 2) the properties of host galaxies and the localisation within the hosts where GRBs are formed may give essential clues to the precise nature of the progenitors. The main current problem is to understand to what degree GRBs are biased tracers of star formation. If GRBs are only formed by low-metallicity stars, then their host galaxies will not give a representative view of where stars are formed in the Universe (at least not a low redshifts). On the other hand, if there is no dependency on metallicity then the nature of the host galaxies leads to the perhaps surprising conclusion that most stars are formed in dwarf galaxies. In order to resolve this issue and to fully exploit the potential of GRBs as probes of star-forming galaxies throughout the observable universe it is mandatory that a complete sample of bursts with redshifts and host galaxy detections is built.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures. To appear in the proceedings of the Eleventh Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity, eds. H. Kleinert, R. T. Jantzen & R. Ruffini, World Scientific, Singapore, 200

    Breaking the Disk/Halo Degeneracy with Gravitational Lensing

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    The degeneracy between the disk and the dark matter contribution to galaxy rotation curves remains an important uncertainty in our understanding of disk galaxies. Here we discuss a new method for breaking this degeneracy using gravitational lensing by spiral galaxies, and apply this method to the spiral lens B1600+434 as an example. The combined image and lens photometry constraints allow models for B1600+434 with either a nearly singular dark matter halo, or a halo with a sizable core. A maximum disk model is ruled out with high confidence. Further information, such as the circular velocity of this galaxy, will help break the degeneracies. Future studies of spiral galaxy lenses will be able to determine the relative contribution of disk, bulge, and halo to the mass in the inner parts of galaxies.Comment: Replaced with minor revisions, a typo fixed, and reference added; 21 pages, 8 figures, ApJ accepte

    Mass and dust in the disk of a spiral lens galaxy

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    Gravitational lensing is a potentially important probe of spiral galaxy structure, but only a few cases of lensing by spiral galaxies are known. We present Hubble Space Telescope and Magellan observations of the two-image quasar PMN J2004-1349, revealing that the lens galaxy is a spiral galaxy. One of the quasar images passes through a spiral arm of the galaxy and suffers 3 magnitudes of V-band extinction. Using simple lens models, we show that the mass quadrupole is well-aligned with the observed galaxy disk. A more detailed model with components representing the bulge and disk gives a bulge-to-disk mass ratio of 0.16 +/- 0.05. The addition of a spherical dark halo, tailored to produce an overall flat rotation curve, does not change this conclusion.Comment: ApJ, in press [9pp, 7 figs
