6 research outputs found

    Lietuvos viešojo valdymo reformų retorika.

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    This paper makes an attempt to show the New Public Management in the light of rhetorical managerial activities. From this perspective, the New Public Management is neither a scientific school nor a normative theory. It is a system of “myths“ based on two main narratives: the struggle between the good (public sector reformers) and the evil (bureaucrats) and the theft of fire by Prometheus (modernisation of public sector). New Public Management myths are communicated by employing rhetorical tools, such as comparisons, metaphors, synecdoches, hyperboles. Furthermore, the paper argues that the rhetoric of public management reforms aims to form understanding and opinion of the masses about what are “the real problems of our society“, and what are the best ways to solve these problems. In other words, it is propaganda – rational, purposeful and institutionalised persuasion to manipulate, mobilise and govern citizens. By employing new rhetoric, propaganda creates predispositions, which are pre-reflexive tendencies to believe about certain social-economic phenomena. Based on the Knowledge Economy Forum case, the paper shows how knowledge economy predispositions are created and employed as a “platform“ for other projects, such as the “Sunrise Valley“ technology park and Vilnius-Kaunas „bipolar metropolis“.Straipsnyje nagrinėjama Lietuvoje beveik visiškai netyrinėta tema – viešojo valdymo reformų diskurso retorika. Akcentuojama, kad XX a. devintajame dešimtmetyje į ekonomikos, vadybos ir administravimo teoriją bei praktiką ėmė skverbtis postmodernizmo idėjos apie žinių kūrimą ir taikymą, remiantis ne objektyvios tiesos paieška, bet alternatyvių realybių kūrimu ir jų interpretacija. Tiek racionalusis, tiek riboto racionalumo modeliai buvo įvardyti kaip vadybos anachronizmas, o vietoje jų siūlomas naujas požiūris – realybės interpretacija, t. y. naujų, alternatyvių paradigmų, tarp jų naujosios viešosios vadybos (NVV), kūrimas. Pastaraisiais metais NVV dažnai kritikuojama dėl menko moksliškumo ir konceptualumo stokos, tačiau beveik niekas neatkreipė dėmesio, kad postmodernios vadybos požiūriu NVV, kaip tam tikro reformų tipo propagandinės retorikos atvejis, buvo gana sėkmingas. Šio straipsnio tikslas – atskleisti, kaip viešojo valdymo diskurse naudojamos retorikos priemonės, siekiant įtikinti visuomenę apie viešojo valdymo reformų būtinumą ir planuojamų veiksmų pagrįstumą

    The morphonological structure of suffixes

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    The objective of the thesis is to synchronically analyze the morphological structure of noun suffixes: analyze phonemes distribution and demonstrate their joining possibilities and limits in noun suffixes. The structure of morphemes is the least analyzed part of morphology. Linguists have mostly analyzed morphologic alteration of phonemes (vowel alteration, metathesis, consonant alteration). More comprehensive analyses of the phonetic structure of the root of the word of modern Lithuanian have not been performed till today. Affixes have not been analyzed at all. This is the first attempt aiming to show the structural peculiarities of Lithuanian noun suffixes. The thesis sets the following tasks: a) To identify and define the noun suffixes phonemic component parts and their relations. b) To identify structural models and productivity of noun suffixes. c) To calculate statistic characteristics of phonemes used in noun suffixes. The noun suffix nr. 571 has been selected to serve as an empiric material from “Lithuanian Grammar” volume 1 (LKG, 1965, p.251-423) by Vincas Urbutis chapters on composition of the noun. The thesis follows the defined limits of suffixes in V. Urbutis grammar. International words have been completely disregarded. While analyzing the structure of noun suffix, the analyzed suffixes are divided into 3 groups for convenience and clarity: monosyllabic, polysyllabic and non-syllabic suffixes. Each group is analyzed separately. The following components are the composing parts of the suffix formal structure: center (V), represented by vowels or diphthongs, initial (C1) – consonants before the center, finale (Cf) – consonants after the center, and median (Cm) – consonants dividing the centers of adjacent polysyllabic suffixes. Having inventoried the sum of these structural components and having analyzed their combinability possibilities and limits, the maximum number of allowable elements has become clear in each position, and initial, finale and median consonants combinations have been composed. Based on syntagmatic subclasses of consonants combinations (S – fricative, T – explosive, R – vocal) the following components are identified: STR, TR, ST, TT, RS and etc. Formal structure of the suffix is reflected by structural models, e.g.: CVC, VCCC, VCVC, CVCVC and etc. Theoretically derived amount of structural models, attained considering common factors determining phonic structure of the suffix is compared to empirically defined number of models; based on model’s occurrence each of their productivity is determined. While describing monosyllabic, polysyllabic and non-syllabic suffixes phonemes frequency is presented. The performed analysis of the Lithuanian noun suffix structure allows coming to the following conclusions: The majority of noun suffixes are monosyllabic (78.81%). Disyllabic suffixes belong to polysyllabic suffixes (5.25%). There aren’t any longer noun suffixes in the Lithuanian Language. Besides syllabic suffixes there are groups of non-syllabic suffixes making 15.94%. The scope of the suffix initial or medial can be from one to two consonants; the final can have up to three consonants; however, the total number of consonants in the suffix does not exceed 4 phonemes. There are no suffixes having more than one maximum group of consonants. When a consonantal part is bigger in the suffix, the number of other consonantal parts members is smaller. The initial of the noun suffix is facultative. Sometimes there may be no initial, however, the finale is essential. Therefore, all substantive suffixes are closed, and based on the initial, they are divided into 2 groups – uncovered (without the initial and starting with the center), covered (starting with a consonantal part). In polysyllabic suffixes, besides the finale, there must be the medial. The majority of Lithuanian noun suffixes are composed by uncovered suffixes. They make 91% of all monosyllabic suffixes and 97% of all polysyllabic suffixes. Suffixes starting with a consonant are rare in our language. The number of consonants and their distribution around the centre of the suffix determines the variety and quantity of structural models of the suffix. The complexity of the structural model is inversely proportional to its productivity. The most productive monosyllabic suffixes model is VC, polysyllabic – VCVC (respectively 69% of all monosyllabic and 70% of all polysyllabic suffixes), non-syllabic – C (63% of all consonantal suffixes). Statistical calculations more thoroughly describe the analyzed suffixes. Consonantal phonemes are more common than vowel phonemes in monosyllabic and in polysyllabic suffixes. The following phonemes are most commonly used in suffixes: /i/, /n’/, /l’/, /I’/, /k’/, /t/, /n/, /k/, /u/. The phonemes /c/, /p/, /p’/ are not used in suffixes at all, as well as consonants of foreign origin.Švietimo akademijaVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Public service staff management: the case of Ukmergė Municipality

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    The article deals with the issues of public service staff management in Lithuanian municipalities. Based on the OECD SIGMA report and other documents, it is analyzed how Lithuania′s civil service corresponds to the so-called “principles for the European Administrative Space.” Secondly, the case of Ukmergė municipality personnel management is presented. It is argued that the most problematic staff management issues are motivation, planning of staff demand and evaluation of official duties. Staff training and qualification improvement are the best organized staff management elements in municipality. The paper argues that in spite of very positive Lithuania′s civil service evaluation, in Lithuanian municipalities staff management is a fragmented “ad-hoc” process, it lacks managerial skills and is reactive rather than proactive.Šiame straipsnyje nagrinėjamos Lietuvos savivaldybių administracijų personalo valdymo problemos. Publikacijoje atskleidžiama Lietuvos valstybės tarnybos situacija Europos Sąjungos viešojo administravimo kontekste. Remiantis Ekonominio bendradarbiavimo ir plėtros organizacijos SIGMA projekto ataskaita nagrinėjama, kaip valstybės tarnyba atitinka Europos viešojo administravimo principus. Vadovaujantis atvejo analizės tyrimo metodologija tiriamas Ukmergės rajono savivaldybės personalo valdymo atvejis, nustatomos pagrindinės savivaldybės personalo valdymo problemos ir aiškinamos jų priežastys. Šiuo straipsniu bandoma paaiškinti, kaip yra vertinami atskiri personalo valdymo sistemos veiksniai ir kodėl konkrečiai taip vertinami,o ne siekiama nustatyti priežastinių veiksnių, kurie lemia gerą ar blogą personalo valdymą savivaldybėje. Pažymėtina, kad Ukmergės rajono savivaldybėje sėkmingai įgyvendinami personalo mokymai ir kvalifikacijos kėlimo sistemos, tuo tarpu darbuotojų motyvavimo ir personalo planavimo sistemos – silpniausiai išvystyta grandis

    Public service staff management : the case of Ukmergė municipality

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    Straipsnyje nagrinėjamos Lietuvos savivaldybių administracijų personalo valdymo problemos. Publikacijoje atskleidžiama Lietuvos valstybės tarnybos situacija Europos Sąjungos viešojo administravimo kontekste. Remiantis Ekonominio bendradarbiavimo ir plėtros organizacijos SIGMA projekto ataskaita nagrinėjama, kaip valstybės tarnyba atitinka Europos viešojo administravimo principus. Vadovaujantis atvejo analizės tyrimo metodologija tiriamas Ukmergės rajono savivaldybės personalo valdymo atvejis, nustatomos pagrindinės savivaldybės personalo valdymo problemos ir aiškinamos jų priežastys. Šiuo straipsniu bandoma paaiškinti, kaip yra vertinami atskiri personalo valdymo sistemos veiksniai ir kodėl konkrečiai taip vertinami, o ne siekiama nustatyti priežastinių veiksnių, kurie lemia gerą ar blogą personalo valdymą savivaldybėje. Pažymėtina, kad Ukmergės rajono savivaldybėje sėkmingai įgyvendinami personalo mokymai ir kvalifikacijos kėlimo sistemos, tuo tarpu darbuotojų motyvavimo ir personalo planavimo sistemos — silpniausiai išvystyta grandis.The article deals with the issues of public service staff management in Lithuanian municipalities. Based on the OECD SIGMA report and other documents, it is analyzed how Lithuania's civil service corresponds to the so-called "principles for the European Administrative Space". Secondly, the case of Ukmergė municipality personnel management is presented. It is argued that the most problematic staff management issues are motivation, planning of staff demand and evaluation of official duties. Staff training and qualification improvement are the best organized staff management elements in municipality. The paper argues that in spite of very positive Lithuania's civil service evaluation, in Lithuanian municipalities staff management is a fragmented "ad-hoc" process, it lacks managerial skills and is reactive rather than proactive