129 research outputs found

    Estimating Percent Residue Cover Using the Line-Transect Method

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    Leaving crop residue on the soil surface is one of the easiest and most cost-effective methods of reducing soil erosion. Research in Nebraska and other midwestern states has shown that leaving as little as 20 percent of the soil surface covered with crop residue can reduce soil erosion by one-half of what it would be from residue-free conditions. Greater amounts of residue cover will further reduce erosion. Many Conservation Plans specify crop residue management or residue left on the soil surface as the primary erosion control method. Generally, the amount of cover required after planting ranges from 30 percent to as much as 85 percent. Thus, it is important to accurately determine percent residue cover to verify effective erosion control and compliance with a Conservation Plan. Residue cover cannot be estimated merely by looking across a field. Such estimates, often attempted from the road or edge of the field, grossly overestimate the actual amount of cover. Accurate estimates of residue cover can only be obtained from measurements taken within the field, while looking straight down at the soil and residue. Crop residue management, or leaving residue on the soil surface, is the most cost-effective method of reducing soil erosion available to Nebraska farmers. Accurate measurements of percent residue cover are needed to determine if enough cover is present to adequately reduce erosion and to comply with a Conservation Plan. The line-transect method is one of the easiest and most accurate methods of determining percent residue cover

    Analisis Strategi Inovasi Atribut Produk Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Konsumen Pada Skuter Matik Merek Honda Vario Di Kota Semarang

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    Atribut produk menjadi pertimbangan konsumen untuk melakukan pembelian atas produk dan mempunyai pengaruh terhadap keputusan pembelian konsumen. Atribut-atribut yang menyertai suatu produk dapat menjadikan suatu ciri yang dapat membedakan produk sejenis antara Perusahaan satu dengan Perusahaan lain. Inovasi pada atribut produk skuter matik Honda Vario dilakukan dalam tiga unsur penting yaitu kualitas produk (product quality), fitur produk (product features) dan desain produk ( product design).Tujuan diadakannya penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh variabel bebas yaitu inovasi atribut produk yang terdiri dari kualitas produk (X1), fitur produk (X2) dan desain produk (X3) terhadap variabel terikat berupa keputusan pembelian konsumen (Y) pada skuter matik merek Honda Vario di Kota Semarang. Populasi dalam penelitian adalah konsumen yang memiliki skuter matik merek Honda Vario di Kota Semarang. Data diperoleh dari 100 responden yang dijadikan sampel, alat analisa yang digunakan regresi berganda, koefisien determinasi (R2), pengujian hipotesis dengan T-test dan pengujian hipotesis secara simultan dengan F-test. Berdasarkan analisa regeresi berganda diketahui bahwa variabel-variabel bebas mempunyai pengaruh positif yang searah dengan variabel terikat. Selanjutnya hasil analisis data diperoleh nilai R2 sebesar 81,0%, artinya 81,0% variasi variabel terikat dipengaruhi oleh variabel bebas. Sedangkan sisanya (19%) dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain diluar model. Hasil uji hipotesis baik parsial maupun simultan menunjukkan hasil analisis bahwa semuanya mendukung hipotesis yang diajukan yaitu variabel-variabel bebas berupa strategi inovasi atribut produk yang terdiri dari kualitas produk (X1), fitur produk (X2) dan desain produk (X3) berpengaruh signifikan baik secara parsial maupun simultan terhadap variabel terikat berupa keputusan pembelian konsumen (Y) pada skuter matik merek Honda Vario di Kota Semarang. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa desain produk (X3) merupakan strategi inovasi atribut produk yang paling berpengaruh terhadap keputusan pembelian konsumen (Y) pada skuter matik merek Honda Vario di Kota Semaran

    Estimating Percent Residue Cover Using the Line-Transect Method

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    Leaving crop residue on the soil surface is one of the easiest and most cost-effective methods of reducing soil erosion. Research in Nebraska and other midwestern states has shown that leaving as little as 20 percent of the soil surface covered with crop residue can reduce soil erosion by one-half of what it would be from residue-free conditions. Greater amounts of residue cover will further reduce erosion. Many Conservation Plans specify crop residue management or residue left on the soil surface as the primary erosion control method. Generally, the amount of cover required after planting ranges from 30 percent to as much as 85 percent. Thus, it is important to accurately determine percent residue cover to verify effective erosion control and compliance with a Conservation Plan. Residue cover cannot be estimated merely by looking across a field. Such estimates, often attempted from the road or edge of the field, grossly overestimate the actual amount of cover. Accurate estimates of residue cover can only be obtained from measurements taken within the field, while looking straight down at the soil and residue. Crop residue management, or leaving residue on the soil surface, is the most cost-effective method of reducing soil erosion available to Nebraska farmers. Accurate measurements of percent residue cover are needed to determine if enough cover is present to adequately reduce erosion and to comply with a Conservation Plan. The line-transect method is one of the easiest and most accurate methods of determining percent residue cover

    Tillage Systems for Row Crop Production

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    Selecting the tillage system best suited to a particular farming situation is an important management decision. Formerly, the traditional system was a moldboard plow operation followed by several secondary tillage operations before planting. This system can be appropriate for poorly drained soils having little or no slope and low erosion potential. However, plowing has several disadvantages . The potential for soil erosion is high on sloping lands, and labor and fuel requirements can be substantially higher than with other tillage and planting systems. Today, conservation tillage systems are used to reduce preplant tillage operations, thus reducing soil erosion and moisture loss while saving labor and fuel. The label conservation tillage represents a broad spectrum of farming methods, and is most often defined by the amount of residue cover remaining on the soil surface. The minimum amount recommended is 20 to 30 percent after planting. Research in Nebraska and other Midwestern states has shown that leaving at least this much residue will reduce erosion by more than 50 percent of that occurring from a cleanly tilled field. To achieve effective erosion control, this minimum residue cover should be maintained during the critical soil erosion period between spring seedbed preparation and crop canopy establishment. Conservation tillage does not necessarily require new equipment. Most conventional farm implements can be used. For corn, grain sorghum, or wheat residue, one or two passes with a field cultivator, disk, or chisel plow will usually leave more than the 20 percent minimum cover. Additional operations reduce the amount of residue, and thus reduce erosion control. Other tillage and planting systems such as ridge-plant (till-plant) and no till leave even more residue, and thus offer greater erosion control. However, no-till planting is the only method that consistently leaves the minimum surface cover in the more fragile and less abundant soybean residue. No single tillage system is best for all situations at all times. Selecting the best tillage system for a particular soil and cropping situation requires matching the operation to the crop sequence, topography, and soil type. Rotating systems to coincide with crop rotations often provides an excellent combination. For example, a no till system could follow soybeans while a chisel or disk system might follow corn. This tillage rotation provides the best erosion control following soybeans, and provides an opportunity for some tillage in the less fragile and more abundant corn residue

    Slot Injection of Herbicides

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    Injection of thiocarbamate herbicides into a slot created by a coulter was evaluated during a 3-year study in southeastern Nebraska. Control of shattercane, the dominant weed, with the slot injector was similar to conventional double disk incorporation. In both tilled and untilled surface conditions, the slot injector placed the herbicide into the soil with minimal disturbance of the soil and residue. Herbicides which are normally broadcast applied were band applied, reducing chemical costs by two-thirds

    Tillage Systems for Row Crop Production

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    Selecting the tillage system best suited to a particular farming situation is an important management decision. Formerly, the traditional system was a moldboard plow operation followed by several secondary tillage operations before planting. This system can be appropriate for poorly drained soils having little or no slope and low erosion potential. However, plowing has several disadvantages . The potential for soil erosion is high on sloping lands, and labor and fuel requirements can be substantially higher than with other tillage and planting systems. Today, conservation tillage systems are used to reduce preplant tillage operations, thus reducing soil erosion and moisture loss while saving labor and fuel. The label conservation tillage represents a broad spectrum of farming methods, and is most often defined by the amount of residue cover remaining on the soil surface. The minimum amount recommended is 20 to 30 percent after planting. Research in Nebraska and other Midwestern states has shown that leaving at least this much residue will reduce erosion by more than 50 percent of that occurring from a cleanly tilled field. To achieve effective erosion control, this minimum residue cover should be maintained during the critical soil erosion period between spring seedbed preparation and crop canopy establishment. Conservation tillage does not necessarily require new equipment. Most conventional farm implements can be used. For corn, grain sorghum, or wheat residue, one or two passes with a field cultivator, disk, or chisel plow will usually leave more than the 20 percent minimum cover. Additional operations reduce the amount of residue, and thus reduce erosion control. Other tillage and planting systems such as ridge-plant (till-plant) and no till leave even more residue, and thus offer greater erosion control. However, no-till planting is the only method that consistently leaves the minimum surface cover in the more fragile and less abundant soybean residue. No single tillage system is best for all situations at all times. Selecting the best tillage system for a particular soil and cropping situation requires matching the operation to the crop sequence, topography, and soil type. Rotating systems to coincide with crop rotations often provides an excellent combination. For example, a no till system could follow soybeans while a chisel or disk system might follow corn. This tillage rotation provides the best erosion control following soybeans, and provides an opportunity for some tillage in the less fragile and more abundant corn residue

    Soil Compaction I Where, how bad, a problem

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    Soil compaction is a more common problem now than it was 15 years ago, regardless of the tillage system used. Producers now use heavier tractors, larger implements, bigger combines, earlier spring tillage, reduced tillage, and no-till planting systems. While all of these have a potential to increase compaction, the major cause of the problem is conducting field operations when the soil is too wet. Most think about tilling wet soils in the spring as being the major problem, but harvesting a too-wet field in the fall can cause just as much compaction. Large combines and auger wagons can have loads exceeding 20 tons per axle. Continuous no-till has also created concerns regarding soil compaction and potential yield decreases. A study in Minnesota that compared no-till and other tillage systems used for 10 years on a clay loam soil showed the greatest soil density for the no-tilled soil. A study in Illinois indicated more compaction with no-till and other reduced tillage systems than with moldboard plow or chisel systems. Generally speaking, no-till is undesirable on a fine textured soil which has poor internal drainage or on a soil that has marginal tilth at the outset. On top of the soils themselves, the residue cover with no-till conserves moisture and slows soil drying, which can further complicate the problems of compaction when no-till is used on poorly drained soils. Soils with good structure, high organic matter, and good internal drainage are less likely to have compaction problems. Also, in low-rainfall areas, such as the Great Plains, compaction is less likely to be a problem than it is in areas of more moisture. The biggest single cause of compaction is the degree of wetness in a field when work is performed in or on that field. Defining compaction Compaction can be defined as the moving of soil particles closer together by external forces exerted by humans, animals, equipment, and/or the impact of water droplets. Packing the soil particles together results in the loss of pore space within the soil. This, in turn, leads to poorer internal drainage and aeration. Under many soil conditions compaction leads to slower water infiltration, which results in greater runoff and soil loss from both rainfall and irrigation. Compaction effects on the crop include reduced plant growth, especially root development, decreased crop yield , and delayed maturity

    G91-1046 Conservation Tillage and Planting Systems

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    Tillage system descriptions and comparisons are included here. Moldboard plowing, followed by such secondary tillage operations as disking and harrowing, was once the most common, or traditional, tillage system before planting. Soil erosion potential from rainfall on sloping lands was great and requirements for labor and fuel were high compared to other tillage and planting systems. One of the most commonly used tillage systems in Nebraska today is two diskings followed by field cultivation. Unfortunately, the potential for soil erosion may be great because the number of tillage operations involved may not leave adequate residue cover for erosion control. Today conservation tillage systems reduce soil erosion and moisture losses while saving labor and fuel. Conservation tillage can represent a broad spectrum of farming methods, provided at least 30 percent of the soil surface remains covered with crop residue following planting. Research in Nebraska and other midwestern states has shown that leaving at least 30 percent residue cover reduces erosion from water by more than 50 percent, as compared to a cleanly tilled field
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