29 research outputs found

    Can migration decisions be affected by income taxation policies?

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    In this empirical paper we examine whether or not migration decisions can be affected by individual measures of regional policy. To shed light on the question, we study formation of expected earnings and effect of expected earnings on interregional migration decisions in Finland. We consider how this effect varies among individuals, especially among employees in medical and health care sector and in teaching sector. We generated expected earnings in migration and staying alternatives from an endogenous switching regression. These expected earnings were used as additional explanatory variables in a random parameter logit migration model. In the migration model individual can choose between three alternatives: (s)he can either (i) stay in current region, (ii) migrate to a peripheral region, or (iii) migrate to a growth-centre region. The random parameter logit model allows us to specify the impact of expected earning as a function of occupational dummies and other variables, including a random factor. Our estimation results on a one-percent random sample from the Finnish longitudinal census file indicate that a decision to move is influenced by expected earnings, but the impact is dependent, for example, on occupational and educational group and on region of origin.

    The Role of Structural Funds in Developing Learning Regions

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    The thematic background of learning regions is based on the concept of learning organisations and on the paradigm of the innovative milieu. The frame of reference of the learning regions can be seen as a synthesis of regional and organisational based definitions, which involve the process of learning. Compared to the theory of learning organisations, the most challenging question is to find the collective mission among a heterogeneous group of actors, which involves individuals, organisations, enterprises etc. The key processes of learning regions can be divided in the three categories. The first element in the concept of learning regions is producing and enhancing human capital in individual, organisational and regional level. The formation of new human capital plays an important role in innovation process and it is also closely linked to learning process, which can be realized through new technological and scientific innovations. The second element is the cooperation of regional actors and the diffusion of human capital and know-how in and between the organisations. This can be seen as an opportunity to gain agglomeration benefits. The third - and perhaps the most important - issue in the framework of learning regions is how human capital and new know-how can be transferred to practise. From regional point of view this means growing GDP, employment, better quality of services and welfare. The basic pillars of the European social fund are based on education, employment and know-how. Presumably, structural fund based acts on regional level have a catalytic influence on the key processes of learning regions. The basic processes which can be affected by ESF are the producing new human capital, subdividing the know-how and transferring it to practice. It is also clear that sustainable regional competitiveness needs social inclusion as a basement. The social inclusion is important part of ESF acts, and in that way the projects funded by ESF are also closely related to the concept of learning regions. In this paper, we explore what is the role of ESF interventions in developing regional competitiveness. The study is based on the concept of learning regions, and it is based on dissection of register based sample of ESF-projects, which covers over 30% of projects of ongoing ESF period 2000-2006 in Finland. Main purpose of this paper is to find out, how projects are integrated to the processes of learning region (enhancing human capital, the diffusion of human capital and transferring it to practise).

    Role of regional policies in promoting networking and innovation activity of firms

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    The success of firms and regions is increasingly defined by their innovation and learning capabilities. It has been emphasized in several studies that a local operational environment may have a positive impact on innovation activity of firms. From policy point of view, the relationship between firms and their local environment is an important research topic. The purpose of this paper is to explore whether there is a demand for regional policy makers in promoting innovative and networking activity of firms, and what are the appropriate strategies in this regard. The concept of innovative milieu provides a theoretical base for this study. The data used is based on personal interviews representing 30 high tech firms located in JyvÀskylÀ Science Park in Finland. The results show that the firms appreciate an individual-level approach by policy makers which enables them to take the real needs of firms into consideration. A developed service structure, that is planned to meet the demand of new and established firms as well as possible, is an essential part of the well functioning operational environment. Supporting contacts with service providers and experts from different fields and organizing collective meetings for firms are important targets for the policy makers. In the innovation process, a commercial view of external part is considered very crucial. The small advances which alternate between the development of the innovation process and networks among firms and their interest groups could form a favourable path towards an operational environment with efficient innovative networks.

    Electronic Commerce And Regional Economies - Concentration Vs. Centralisation

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    Role of regional policies in promoting networking and innovation activity of firms

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    The success of firms and regions is increasingly defined by their innovation and learning capabilities. It has been emphasized in several studies that a local operational environment may have a positive impact on innovation activity of firms. From policy point of view, the relationship between firms and their local environment is an important research topic. The purpose of this paper is to explore whether there is a demand for regional policy makers in promoting innovative and networking activity of firms, and what are the appropriate strategies in this regard. The concept of innovative milieu provides a theoretical base for this study. The data used is based on personal interviews representing 30 high tech firms located in JyvÀskylÀ Science Park in Finland. The results show that the firms appreciate an individual-level approach by policy makers which enables them to take the real needs of firms into consideration. A developed service structure, that is planned to meet the demand of new and established firms as well as possible, is an essential part of the well functioning operational environment. Supporting contacts with service providers and experts from different fields and organizing collective meetings for firms are important targets for the policy makers. In the innovation process, a commercial view of external part is considered very crucial. The small advances which alternate between the development of the innovation process and networks among firms and their interest groups could form a favourable path towards an operational environment with efficient innovative networks

    Effects Of Unemployment On New Firm Formation:Micro-Level Panel Data Evidence From Finland

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    The Role of Structural Funds in Developing Learning Regions

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    The thematic background of learning regions is based on the concept of learning organisations and on the paradigm of the innovative milieu. The frame of reference of the learning regions can be seen as a synthesis of regional and organisational based definitions, which involve the process of learning. Compared to the theory of learning organisations, the most challenging question is to find the collective mission among a heterogeneous group of actors, which involves individuals, organisations, enterprises etc. The key processes of learning regions can be divided in the three categories. The first element in the concept of learning regions is producing and enhancing human capital in individual, organisational and regional level. The formation of new human capital plays an important role in innovation process and it is also closely linked to learning process, which can be realized through new technological and scientific innovations. The second element is the cooperation of regional actors and the diffusion of human capital and know-how in and between the organisations. This can be seen as an opportunity to gain agglomeration benefits. The third - and perhaps the most important - issue in the framework of learning regions is how human capital and new know-how can be transferred to practise. From regional point of view this means growing GDP, employment, better quality of services and welfare. The basic pillars of the European social fund are based on education, employment and know-how. Presumably, structural fund based acts on regional level have a catalytic influence on the key processes of learning regions. The basic processes which can be affected by ESF are the producing new human capital, subdividing the know-how and transferring it to practice. It is also clear that sustainable regional competitiveness needs social inclusion as a basement. The social inclusion is important part of ESF acts, and in that way the projects funded by ESF are also closely related to the concept of learning regions. In this paper, we explore what is the role of ESF interventions in developing regional competitiveness. The study is based on the concept of learning regions, and it is based on dissection of register based sample of ESF-projects, which covers over 30% of projects of ongoing ESF period 2000-2006 in Finland. Main purpose of this paper is to find out, how projects are integrated to the processes of learning region (enhancing human capital, the diffusion of human capital and transferring it to practise)

    ESR-hankkeet alueellisen osaamisen kehittÀmisessÀ : Hanketoiminnan vaikutuksia Satakunnan, PÀijÀt-HÀmeen ja Keski-Suomen maakunnissa

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    Alueellisen osaamisen kehittĂ€minen ja rakennerahastohankkeet (ALUEOSAAJA) selvityksen tavoitteena on arvioida, millaisia vaikutuksia Euroopan sosiaalirahaston hankkeilla on alueellisen taitotiedon kehitysprosesseihin, ja kuinka nĂ€mĂ€ vaikutukset realisoituvat edelleen hyvinvoinniksi ja kilpailukyvyksi paikallistalouksissa. Selvityksen teoreettisena lĂ€htökohtana toimii oppivan alueen viitekehys, ja sen tavoitteena on tuottaa kĂ€ytĂ€nnönlĂ€heistĂ€ tietoa strategisen suunnittelun tueksi ja toimeenpanon tehostamiseksi sekĂ€ osaltaan kehittÀÀ arvioinnissa kĂ€ytettĂ€viĂ€ menetelmiĂ€. ALUEOSAAJA-selvityksen ensimmĂ€inen, vuonna 2003 julkaistu vĂ€liraportti ”ESR-hankkeet oppivan alueen toimintamallissa” (ISBN 952-442-181-X) keskittyi kansallisen tason hankkeistuksen analysointiin. EnsimmĂ€isen vĂ€liraportin keskeinen tulema oli tarkasteltujen hankkeiden vahva kehittĂ€misorientoituneisuus. Hankkeiden tavoitteet niveltyivĂ€t laajalti toimintaympĂ€ristön, kohdeorganisaatioiden ja toteuttajaorganisaatioiden kehittĂ€mistoimenpiteisiin. TĂ€mĂ€ tavoitteenasettelusta heijastuva kehittĂ€mispainotteisuus toimi lĂ€htökohtana kĂ€sillĂ€ olevan raportin kysymyksenasettelulle. Miten kehittĂ€mistoiminta ja vĂ€litön vaikuttaminen yhdistyvĂ€t hankkeissa, mikĂ€ tekijĂ€t vaikuttavat hankkeiden aluevaikuttavuuden taustalla ja mitkĂ€ lĂ€htökohdat tukevat kestĂ€vien vaikutusten syntymistĂ€ hankkeissa, ovat kysymyksiĂ€, joihin selvityksen pilottimaakuntiin kohdentuva vaihe pyrkii osaltaan vastaamaan. KĂ€sillĂ€ olevassa selvityksen toisessa, pilottimaakuntiin (Satakunta, PĂ€ijĂ€t-HĂ€me ja Keski-Suomi) kohdentuvassa tarkastelussa, syvennetÀÀn kansallisen tason tarkasteluja hanketoiminnan tehostamisen kannalta keskeisten teemojen, aluevaikuttavuuden ja jatkuvuuden osalta. Selvityksen painopiste siirtyy pilottimaakuntatarkastelujen myötĂ€ hankkeistuksesta toteutettujen toimenpiteiden, vaikutettavien prosessien sekĂ€ hankkeiden tuottamien tuotosten, tulosten ja vaikutusten arviointiin. Edelleen, selvityksen toisessa vĂ€liraportissa siirrytÀÀn aineiston kuvailevasta tarkastelusta kehittyneiden arviointimenetelmien hyödyntĂ€miseen tarkasteltavien ilmiöiden todentamiseksi. Toteutettu tarkastelu perustuu maakuntien ESR-hankkeille suunnattuun kyselyyn, maakuntien yhteistyöryhmille suunnattuun kyselyyn sekĂ€ maakunnista tehtyihin tilastotarkasteluihin. Arvioinnin keskeiset tulokset voidaan kiinnittÀÀ kolmen pÀÀteeman alle. EnsimmĂ€iseksi, tarkastelluissa hankkeissa vĂ€litön vaikuttaminen ja kehittĂ€mistoiminta integroituivat tuottaen selkeÀÀ lisĂ€arvoa hanketoiminnalle. Toiseksi, tarkasteltujen hankkeiden aluevaikuttavuutta lisÀÀviksi tekijöiksi saatiin ekonometrisen analyysin tuloksena tutkimus- ja kehittĂ€mistoiminnan edistĂ€minen, oppimisverkostojen hyödyntĂ€minen sekĂ€ keskus- ja reuna-alueiden vĂ€lisen yhteistyön painottuminen. Kolmanneksi, hankkeiden kykyĂ€ tuottaa kestĂ€viĂ€ vaikutuksia selittivĂ€t toteutettujen analyysien perusteella hankkeiden painottuminen toimintaympĂ€ristön ja toteuttajaorganisaation kehittĂ€miseen sekĂ€ oppimisverkostojen hyödyntĂ€minen hanketyössĂ€. TĂ€ssĂ€ raportissa saatuja tuloksia tullaan syventĂ€mÀÀn edelleen ALUEOSAAJA-hankkeen seuraavassa vaiheessa, hankevetĂ€jien haastatteluihin perustuvassa analyysissĂ€